Size 34-36
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. (13 balls) or J. & P. Coats (9 balls) Mercerized Crochet, size 5, White. 1 pair of steel knitting needles 2¾ mm. size. Milward's steel crochet hook No. 6.
Gauge: 2 lace patterns approximately 1½ inches; 9 rows equal 1 inch.
Back: Cast on 108 sts. Make ribbing of k 2, p 2 for 2½ inches. Next row: K across, increasing 1 st in every 7th st (123 sts on needle). (To increase 1 st, knit 1 st but do not slip the st off the left needle, then knit another st through the back of the same st and slip off). Start lace pattern. 1st row: K 2 together, k 5, * thread over, k 2, k 2 together, k 2, repeat from * 17 more times, then thread over, k 4, k 2 together, k last 2 sts together. 2nd row: P 6, * thread over, k the thread over of the previous row, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, repeat from * 17 more times, then thread over, k the thread over of the previous row, p 6. 3rd row: K 5, k 2 together, * thread over, k2, k 2 together, k 2, repeat from * 17 more times then thread over, k 2 together, k 5. Alternate 2nd and 3rd rows until work measures about 8½ inches from top of ribbing.
Then start to shape armhole. Keeping lace pattern even, bind off 5 sts at the beginning of each of the next 2 rows. Decrease 1 st (by knitting 2 together) at the beginning and end of each of next 10 rows, then work evenly until armhole measures 6 inches from 5 sts bound off. Then to shape shoulder bind off 4 sts at armhole side at the beginning of each row for 6 times (24 sts bound off on each side). On last decrease row, bind off all remaining sts.
Front: (Ruffles are crocheted on after front is knitted). Cast on 108 sts and work same as back up to beginning of lace pattern. Then work as follows: 1st row: * k 1, thread over, repeat from * 52 more times, then to start center panel, k 5, thread over, k 2, k 2 together, k 2, thread over, k 5. ** Thread over, k 1, repeat from ** 51 more times, thread over, k last 2 sts together. 2nd row: K across 53 sts, dropping thread overs. P 5, thread over, k the thread over of previous row, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, thread over, k the thread over of previous row, p 5. K across 53 sts, dropping thread overs. 3rd row: K 53, k 4, k 2 together, thread over, k 2, k 2 together, k 2, thread over, k 2 together, k 4, k 53.
4th row: K 53, p 5, thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, thread over, k 1, p 5, k 53. 5th row: Same as 3rd. 6th row: Same as 4th. 7th row: Work side 53 sts with thread overs as in 1st row, but make center panel as in 3rd row. 8th to 43rd rows incl: Repeat 2nd to 7th rows incl: 6 more times. 44th row: Same as 2nd. 45th row: K 53, * thread over, k 2, k 2 together, k 2, repeat from * 2 more times, k 53. 46th row: K 53, thread over, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, * thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, repeat from * once, thread over, k 1, k 53.
47th row: Same as 45th. (In widening the lace pattern make sure that stripes are kept straight). 48th row: K 49, p 2 together, p 2, thread over, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, * thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, repeat from * once, thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 1, k 49. 49th row: (K 1, thread over) 48 times. K 1, k 2 together, k 2, * thread over, k 2, k 2 together, k 2, repeat from * 2 more times, thread over, k 2, k 2 together. (K 1, thread over) 48 times.
50th row: K 48, dropping thread overs, p 3, * thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, repeat from * 2 more times, thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 1, k 48, dropping thread overs. 51st row: K 47, k 1, k 2 together, k 2, * thread over, k 1, k 2, together, k 2, repeat from * 2 more times, thread over, k 2, k 2 together, k 1, k 47. 52nd row: K 47, p 2 together, p 2, * thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, repeat from * 2 more times, thread, over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 1, k 47. 53rd row: K 45, * thread over, k 2, k 2 together, k 2, repeat from * 4 more times, k 45. 54th row: K 45, work lace pattern as in 46th row, k 45. 55th row: (K 1, thread over) 43 times. K 3, * thread over, k 2, k 2 together, k 2, repeat from * 4 more times, thread over, k 2, (k 1, thread over) 43 times.
56th row: K 43, dropping thread overs, p 2, * thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, repeat from * 4 more times, thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, k 43, dropping thread overs. 57th row: K 40, work lace pattern as in 53rd row, k 40. 58th row: K 40, work lace pattern as in 54th row, k 40. 59th row: K 38, work lace pattern as in 55th row, k 38. 60th row: K 38, work lace pattern as in 56th row, k 38. 61st row: (K 1, thread over) 38 times. K 3, * thread over, k 2, k 2 together, k 2, repeat from * across, ending lace pattern with thread over, k 3. (K 1, thread over) 38 times.
62nd row: K 38, dropping thread overs. P 3, * thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, repeat from * across, ending lace pattern with thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together. K 38, dropping thread overs. 63rd row: K 38, work lace pattern as in 61st row, k 38. 64th row: Start lace pattern all the way across. P 1, p 2 together, p 2, * thread over, k 1, p 1, p 2 together, p 2, repeat from * across, keeping lace stripes even. Continue with lace pattern until work measures 8½ inches from top of ribbing, then shape armholes same as for back. Shape shoulder line same as for back, and bind off neckline very loosely.
Ruffles: Holding right side of work toward you, attach thread at beginning of the 7th row of front, and fold along this ridge. With crochet hook, ch 3, d c in each loop of ridge to center panel and fasten off. (Ruffles should be wide enough to cover the 3-ridge stripe). Make similar ruffles along top ridge of each of next 9 stripes and make an s c-ruffle above next row of dropped thread-overs. Make ruffles on the other side, attaching thread near center panel. When pressing front, run the iron lightly over ruffles with a downward motion.
Sleeves: Cast on 52 sts. Make ribbing of k 2, p 2 for ½ inch, then increase 1 st in every st (104 sts on needle). * K 1, thread over, repeat from * around. K next row, dropping thread overs. Work 3 ridges of garter st, then repeat from * until there are 8 rows of dropped thread-overs. Finish cuff with 3-ridge stripe, working last row as follows: Decrease 1 st every 3rd st (72 sts on needle). Then work lace pattern as before.
Work 3 inches of lace pattern, then decrease to shape armhole as follows: Decrease at beginning and end of every other knit row of lace pattern 11 times, being careful to keep pattern even. After 11th decrease, decrease every row at each end until there are 5 solid stripes and 4 open stripes left and bind off. Make other sleeve the same. Press all pieces before joining. Sew shoulder seams, press, sew underarm seams being careful to have ruffles pointing down. Sew in sleeves. Finish neckline with a row of s c.