Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Knitting Worsted, 2 skeins (1¼ oz. skeins) each of 2 contrasting colors.
Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size).
A pillow 10 inches square.
The pillow-top, 10 inches square, is made of individual blocks, and then sewed together on wrong side.
1st Block. Starting at one end, cast on 24 sts and work in garter st (k each row) until a square is made. Bind off. Make 4 more blocks in same way.
2nd Block. With 2nd color, cast on 24 sts. 1st row: K across. 2nd row: P across. Repeat these 2 rows alternately until a square is made. Bind off. Make 3 more blocks in same way.
Place blocks as in illustration and sew together with over-and-over sts on wrong side of work. This completes one side of Pillow. Make other side in the same way. Place these 2 pieces back to back, and sew together on 3 sides. Then insert pillow and sew remaining edges together.
School Pillow Pattern
Ribbed Hat Pattern
Sweater Blouse Pattern
Rib Stitch Sweater Pattern
Two Piece Dress Pattern
Knitted Wash Cloth Pattern
Sport Scarf Pattern
Knitted Jacket Blouse Pattern
Belt Pattern
Hexagon Mat Pattern
Circle Motif Pattern
Calot Pattern
Skull Cap Pattern
Collar and Belt Set Pattern
Collar and Cuff Set Edging Pattern
Pillow Case Edging Pattern
Sleeveless Pullover Pattern
Envelope Purse Pattern
Crochet Edging Pattern
Crochet Edging Pattern
Circular Collar Pattern
Handkerchief Edging Pattern
Pot Holder Pattern
Tumbler Muff Pattern
Jacke Blouse Pattern