Average Size 2 to 10 yrs. inclusive
1 Pr. Standard No. 2 Needles
SCALE: 9 sts to 1 in.
Jack Frost Fingering Fleece—1 1-oz. Ball Garnet; 1 Ball Natural
Work as given for No. 5701 in striped pattern as follows * 4 rows Natural; 2 rows Garnet; repeat from * ending with 4 rows Natural at heel. Change to Garnet and work entire heel, including the turn. Continuing with Garnet, pick up the sts on side of first half of heel; work across to the 2nd half of heel and complete the 2nd half of heel in Garnet including the turn. Pick up the sts on side of 2nd half of heel in Garnet, then purl across all sts. Change to Natural and continue in striped pattern to toe. Change to Garnet and complete the sock as given for No. 5701.
Argyle-Type Anklets Pattern
Cable-Stitch Anklets Pattern
Children's Socks Pattern
Children's Socks Pattern
Classic Socks Pattern
Dancing-Doll Socks Pattern
English-Rib Anklets Pattern
Girl's Classic Socks Pattern
Girl's Sport Anklets Pattern
Girl's Sport Anklets Pattern
Men's Argyle Socks Pattern
Men's Argyle-Type Socks Pattern
Men's Cable-Stitch Socks Pattern
Men's Classic Socks Pattern
Men's English-Ribbed Socks Pattern
Novelty-Rib Anklets Pattern
Novelty-Stitch Anklets Pattern
Ombre Socks Pattern
Squirrel-Cuff Socks Pattern
Striped Socks Pattern
Swedish-Star Socks Pattern
Twisted-Rib Socks Pattern
Ribbed Anklets Pattern