American Thread Company "Dawn" Shetland Floss.
Sweater. 4 Balls Blue.
Skirt. 3 Balls Blue.
Pants. 3 Balls Blue.
1 Ball Navy Blue will be sufficient for all three Garments.
1 Pr. Bone Knitting Needles #3 for Pants and Sweater.
1 Circular Needle #3 for Skirt.
1 Steel Crochet Hook #1.
4 Small Buttons for Sweater.
14 sts = 2 inches; 18 rows = 2 inches
BACK. With Blue cast on 82 sts and in ribbing (K 2, P 2) work 6 rows in Blue, 2 rows Navy Blue, 6 rows Blue, and 2 rows in Navy. Then work 7 inches in stockinette st (K one row, P one row).
Next 2 Rows bind off 3 sts at the beginning of each row.
Next 8 Rows decrease 1 st at the beginning of each row and work even for 1½ inches.
Next Row. Work 14 sts in stockinette st, K 2, P 2 for 40 sts and work remaining sts in stockinette st. Repeat the last row twice.
Next 2 Rows. 14 sts Blue, 40 sts Navy, 14 sts Blue.
Next 2 Rows. Work 14 sts in Blue, 2 sts in Navy, 36 sts Blue, 2 sts in Navy and 14 sts Blue. Carry the Navy stripe each side of neck to shoulder.
Next Row. Work 20 sts, bind off 28 sts for neck and work on remaining sts for 4 rows then work all sts in ribbing for ¾ inch. Work other side to correspond.
FRONT. Work same as back to the ribbing at shoulder.
Work 2 rows of ribbing.
Next Row. Work 4 sts, bind off 2 sts for buttonhole, work 8 sts, bind off 2 sts for buttonhole, work 4 sts. In the next row cast on 2 sts over the bound off sts and finish ribbing same as back.
SLEEVES. With Blue, cast on 48 sts and work 18 rows in ribbing, 8 rows Blue, 2 rows Navy Blue, 6 rows Blue, 2 rows Navy Blue. Continue in stockinette st increasing 1 st each side every 6th row 9 times. Work even until sleeve measures 8 inches above ribbing. Bind off 4 sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. Next 8 rows decrease one st each side, bind off.
Sew up underarm, lap the ribbing at shoulders and sew in sleeves.
On a circular needle cast on 210 sts, * K 12, P 2, repeat from * all around and work even for 3 inches.
Next Row. Decrease one st in each knitted section and work even for 3 inches.
Next Row. Decrease one st in each knitted section and work 2 inches even or length desired. Around lower edge of skirt work 5 rows of s c, 1 row Navy Blue, 2 rows Blue, 1 row Navy and 1 row Blue. Finish top of skirt with 5 rows of s c in Blue.
STRAPS. Cast on 10 sts and K 1, P 1. Repeat row for length desired.
Cast on 34 sts for half of front and work 10 rows in ribbing (K 2, P 2). Change to stockinette st and work 8 rows, break yarn and place sts on a stitch holder. Cast on 40 sts for half of back and work 10 rows in ribbing, change to stockinette st, K 10 sts, turn, purl back to end of row (center seam of back) K 20, turn, P back to end of row. K 30, turn, P back to end of row. K 1 row, P 1 row. Increase one st at the beginning of next row (back seam) work 3 rows even. Increase at the beginning of next row. Slip the 34 sts from stitch holder to the free needle and K them on to the same needle increasing in 2nd st from end (front seam). Continue to increase at both ends in every 6th row until there are 10 increases at back edge and 9 at the front edge. Work even for 5 rows. Bind off 3 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows then decrease one st each side of the next 4 knitted rows and work 1 row even. Finish lower edge in ribbing (K 2, P 2) working 2 rows Navy Blue, 4 Blue, 2 Navy, 4 Blue. Bind off and work other half to correspond, beginning first row after the ribbing with Purl row to reverse pattern. Sew seams and work 3 rows of single crochet at top of pants.
STRAPS. Cast on 10 sts, K 1, P 1. Repeat for 16 inches or length desired.

Knitted Bathing Suit
Boy's Bath Robe & Slippers
Girl's Bath Robe & Slippers
Knitted Baby Set
Brother & Sister Suit
Boy's Knitted Sweater
Girl's Knitted Sweater
Child's Legging Suit
Baby Bunting
Infant's Knitted Set
Child's Dress, Bolero & Hat
Child's Crocheted Dress
5-Piece Baby Set
Child's Coat, Hat & Bag
Infant's Crocheted Set
Crocheted Penguin
Toy Elephant
Toy Ball
Crocheted Dog
Doll's Coat & Hat
Crocheted Afghan
Crocheted Carriage Cover