This free pattern originally published in the Botany College Hand Knits, Volume II, in 1958.
Size 8 ½ to 10 ½.
Color A - 3 skeins Color B - 2 skeins Color C - 2 skeins
Color D - 3 cards
Yarn Bobbins.
GAUGE: 9 sts = 1 inch 13 rows or rounds = 1 inch
Note: Chart and instructions call for cross lines to be knitted in. Cross lines may be embroidered in duplicate st after sock is completed, in which case diamonds are worked in solid color and cross lines are embroidered after sock is completed.
CUFF - With A, cast on 86 sts. Using 2 needles only, work back and forth in k 1, p 1 ribbing for 1 ½ ins. increasing 1 st at end of last row; 87 sts.
Wind 4 bobbins of A, 2 bobbins of B, 2 bobbins of C, 6 bobbins of D. Use separate bobbins for each change of color. Do not carry colors across on wrong side of work except across single st of cross lines. To prevent a hole when changing colors, always bring color to be used under last color used.
LEG - Argyle Pattern - Row 1 - right side - K 1 D, 13 A, 1 B, 13 A, 2 D, 13 A, 1 C, 13 A, 2 D, 13 A, 1 B, 13 A, 1 D.
Row 2 - P 1 A, 1 D, 11 A, 3 B, 11 A, 1 D, 2 A, 1 D, 11 A, 3 C, 11 A, 1 D, 2 A, 1 D, 11 A, 3 B, 11 A, 1 D, 1 A.
Continue pat. shifting colors every row and repeating 58 rows of chart until 5 ½ ins. (70 rows) above ribbing;
First dec. row - K 1, slip, k and pass, work pat. to within 3 sts of end, k 2 tog., k 1.
Repeat decs. every 6th row 10 times more; 65 sts. Work even following chart until about 11 ½ ins. (145) rows above ribbing. With A, p 17 sts, slip on extra needle for heel, work next 31 sts in pat. for instep, slip remaining 17 sts on another needle for other half of heel. Continue pat. on 31 instep sts until there are 2 complete diamonds on in-step (58 rows). Break off bobbins; sew in ends. Leave sts on needle.
Slip 34 heel sts to 1 needle with side edges at center of needle. With A, k 1 row decreasing 4 sts evenly spaced across; 30 heel sts.
Join "Heel 'n Toe" Yarn. Work heel with both strands.
HEEL Row 1 - wrong side - Slip first st as to p, p to end.
Row 2 - Holding both strands at back of work, * slip 1 as to p, k 1; repeat from * to end.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until there are 30 rows.
Turn heel as follows: Wrong side - Slip 1, p 16, p 2 tog., p 1, turn. Slip 1, k 5, slip, k and pass, k 1, turn. Slip 1, P 6, p 2 tog., p 1, turn. Slip 1, k 7, slip, k and pass, k 1, turn. Slip 1, p 8, p 2 tog., p 1, turn. Continue to work toward sides of heel, having 1 more st before dec. on each row until 18 sts remain. Fasten off.
GUSSETS AND FOOT - With free needle and A, from right side, pick up and k 15 sts on side edge of heel, k 9 sts of heel to same needle; with another needle, k remaining 9 heel sts, pick up and k 15 sts on other side of heel to same needle; 48 sts, Turn, p back across 2 needles. Turn; k 1, slip, k and pass, k to end of first needle; k to within 3 sts of end of 2nd needle, k 2 tog., k 1. Repeat last 2 rows 8 times more; 30 sts. Place all sts on 1 needle for sole. P 1 row, k 1 row until 58 rows from where sts were picked up on sides of heel.
Place 15 sole sts on each of 2 needles and 31 instep sts on 1 needle. Join; k 1 round decreasing 1 st at center of instep. Discontinue pattern. K around on these 60 sts until foot measures 1 ¾ ins. less than desired length from tip of heel, allowing the 1 ¾ ins. for toe. Join "Heel 'n Toe" Yarn.
TOE - Beg. at center of sale, k to within 3 sts of end of first needle, k 2 tog., k 1; on 2nd needle, k 1, slip, k and pass, k to within 3 sts of end of needle, k 2 tog., k 1; on 3rd needle, k 1, slip, k and pass, k to end. K 1 round. Repeat last 2 rounds until 16 sts remain. K 4 sts of first needle and slip to 3rd needle. Weave sale and instep sts tog.
FINISHING - Sew back seam matching pats. Sew seams at each side of foot. Steam.

Other great knit patterns from Botany College Hand Knits.