Size 1
Sizes 2 and 3 in parentheses
3 (3-4) balls Baby Yarn (1 oz. ball)
2 (2-2) skeins Orion Acrylic 2 ply (2 oz. skein)
1 pair knitting needles each No. 2 and No. 3
5 (5-6) buttons
4 skeins Knitting Worsted or Orion Sayelle (4 oz. skein)
6 skeins Orion Acrylic 2 ply (2 oz. skein)
1 pair knitting needles No. 8
GAUGE FOR CARDIGAN: 7 sts. = 1 inch
1st row (wrong side): * P3, K1, P2, K1 repeat from * across row end P3.
2nd row (right side): * K3, P1, y.o., K2 tog., P1 repeat from * across row end K3.
3rd row: *P3, K1, P2, K1 repeat from * across row end P3.
4th row: * K3, P1, K2 tog., y.o., P1 repeat from * across row end K3.
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern.
Cast on 76 (80-84) sts. with No. 2 needles and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 2 inch, (all sizes). Incr. 2 (3-3) sts. at even intervals across last row of ribbing. Change to No. 3 needles and stock. st. With 78 (83-87) sts. work even until the entire piece measures 7 (7½-8) inch, or any des. length to underarm. Bind off for armhole at the beg. of the next 2 rows 4 (3-5) sts., at the beg. of the next 2 rows 2 sts. (66 (73-73) sts. left). Start yoke pattern. Work even for 5¼ (5½-5¾) inch, from the first binding off. Bind off for shoulders at the beg. of the next 4 (4-6) rows 10 (11, 8) sts., rem. 26 (29-25) sts. bind off for neck.
NOTE: For boys work buttonholes in left front border.
For girls work buttonholes in right front border.
Cast on 45 (47-49) sts. with No. 2 needles and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 2 inch, (all sizes) keeping the 7 center front sts. in seed st. for buttonhole border throughout the entire front. Incr. 2 (3-3) sts. at even intervals across last row of ribbing. Change to No. 3 needles and stock. st. With 47 (50-52) sts. work even until the entire piece measures like back to underarm. Bind off at armhole edge at the beg. of the next row 5 (3-5) sts. and at the beg. of the next 2 (1-1) rows at same edge 2 sts. (all sizes) (38 (45- 45) sts. left). Start yoke pattern. Work even for 3¼ (3½- 3¾) inch, from the first binding off. Bind off for neck 12 (13-13) sts. at center edge and then 2 sts. at neck edge every other row until 20 (22-24) sts. are left over. Work as high as back and bind off for shoulder at armhole edge 10 (11-8) sts. 2 (2-3) times.
Work the Right Front to correspond, reversing all shapings and work in 5 (6-6) buttonholes evenly spaced apart, placing first buttonhole ½ inch from beg. and last one 4 rows below neckline. (To make a buttonhole: Work 3 sts., bind off 2 sts., work to end of row. On next row cast on 2 sts. over the 2 bound off sts. of previous row.
Cast on 40 (44-46) sts. with No. 2 needles and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 2 inch, (all sizes). Incr. 2 (3-4) sts. at even intervals across last row of ribbing. Change to No. 3 needles and stock. st. Incr. 1 st. at the beg. and end of every 6th row until 56 (60-64) sts. are on needle. Work even until the entire sleeve measures 8 (8½-9) inch. or any des. length to underarm. Bind off at the beg. of the next 2 rows 2 (3-5) sts. Decr. 1 st. at the beg. of each row until cap measures 2¼ (2½-2¾) inch. At the same time start yoke pattern when 52 sts. (all sizes) are on needle. Decr. 1 st. at the beg. and end of every 4th row twice (all sizes). Bind off 2 sts. at the beg. of the next 4 rows. Bind off rem. sts. Work the other sleeve to correspond.
Sew up side, shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves. Neckband: Right side facing you pick up with No. 2 needles 72 (76-80) sts. around the neck and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 7 rows. Bind off loosely K as K and P as P. Sew buttons in place and block to size.
NOTE: Use 2 strands Orion Acrylic.
With No. 8 needles and Knitting Worsted, Orion Sayelle or 2 strands of Orion Acrylic cast on 113 sts. and work in garter st. for 1½ inch. Keep the first and last 6 sts. on needle in garter st. for border and work rem. 101 sts, in pattern until the entire piece measures 31 inch. Work in garter st. on 113 sts. for inch. Bind off. Block to size.
Other great patterns from Baby and Children Fashions in Wool, Hilde 109:
Knitting Patterns
Jacket & Hat PatternsTyrolean Cardigan Pattern
Dress Pattern
Cable Carriage Cover Pattern
Slippers Pattern
Cardigan & Carriage Cover Patterns
Snowsuit Pattern
Coat & Hat Patterns
Elephant Cardigan Pattern
Jumper Pattern
Blouse Pattern
Cardigan I Pattern
Slipover & Hat Patterns
Scandinavian Sweater Pattern
Hooded Jacket Pattern
Cardigan II Pattern
Jacket Pattern
Baby Sweater & Hat Patterns
Veste Pattern
Boat Neck Slipover Pattern