These directions are for size 14. Changes for sizes 16 and 18 are in parentheses.
BERNAT Merlaine—8(9-9) skeins
BERNAT Ribbon—1 spool
1 pair straight knitting needles No. 2 (standard)
1 steel crochet hook No. 5
1 slide fastener
1 pair shoulder pads
GAUGE: 7 sts = 1 inch; 10 rows = 1 inch
Row 1: With right side of work facing you, purl.
Rows 2, 4 and 6: Purl.
Rows 3 and 5: Knit.
Row 7: K 6(4-8) sts, * y o, K 2 tog, K 12, repeat from * ending y o, K 2 tog, K 6(4-8) sts.
Rows 8, 10, 12, 13 and 14: Purl.
Rows 9 and 11: Knit.
Repeat these 14 rows for pattern where specified.
BACK: Cast on 96(102-110) sts. Work in stockinette st for 2½(3-3) inches. On the next row inc 1 st each end of needle and repeat this inc every ¾ inch 9 times more. Work even on 116(122-130) sts until piece measures 9¾(10¼-10¼) inches, ending with a P row. Work 14 rows of pattern st. Then work even in stockinette st until piece measures 12(12½-12½) inches. SHAPE ARMHOLES: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 7(8-9) sts. Dec 1 st each end of needle every other row 5 times. Work even on 92(96- 102) sts until armholes measure 2 inches, ending with a P row. Work 14 rows of pattern st. BACK OPENING: Work 46(48-51) sts; join another ball of yarn and work to end of row. Work even on both sides at once until armholes measure 7¼(7½-7¾) inches. SHAPE SHOULDERS: At each arm edge bind off 10(8-11) sts 3(4-3) times. Bind off remaining 16(16-18) sts of each side.
FRONT: Work in same manner as back, omitting back opening, until armholes measure 5(5¼-5½) inches. SHAPE NECK: Work 33(35-36) sts; join another ball of yarn and bind off center 26(26-30) sts; work to end of row. Working on both sides at once, at each neck edge dec 1 st every other row 3 times. Work even on 30(32-33) sts of each side until armholes measure 7¼(7½-7¾) inches. SHAPE SHOULDERS: At each arm edge bind off 10(8-11) sts 3(4-3) times. SLEEVES: Cast on 74(78-86) sts. Work in stockinette st, inc 1 st each end of needle every ½ inch 3(3-4) times. Still inc every ½ inch as before, work first 6 rows of pattern st. Row 7: K 5(7-5) sts, * y o, K 2 tog, K 12, repeat from * ending y o, K 2 tog, K 5(7-5) sts. Now work Rows 8 through 14 of pattern st. On the next row inc 1 st each end of needle and repeat this inc every ½ inch until there are 86(92-100) sts. Work even until piece measures 3¾(4-4¼) inches. SHAPE CAP: At the beg of each of the next 2 rows bind off 7(8-9) sts. Dec 1 st each end of needle every other row until cap measures 2 inches, ending with a P row. Now work pattern st, being sure that y o's come above those of first pattern on sleeve. Continue to dec 1 st each end of needle every other row until cap measures 4¼(4½-4¾) inches. At the beg of each of the next 6 rows bind off 3 sts. Bind off remaining sts.
COLLAR: Cast on 98(100-102) sts. Work in stockinette st for 4 rows. On the next row, K 48(49-50) sts and put these sts on a holder; bind off next 2 sts; work to end of row. Work even on these 48(49-50) sts until piece measures 1½ inches. Bind off. Slip sts from holder onto needles and work to correspond with other side.
FINISHING: Block each piece. Using Ribbon, work lazy daisy st from center of each y o as shown in photograph. Sew underarm, shoulder and sleeve seams. Set in sleeves, matching patterns. Work 2 rows s c around bottom, sleeve, collar and back opening edges. Reblock. Close back opening with slide fastener. Sew in shoulder pads.
Other great patterns from New Handknits, Book No. 22.
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