Size: 6 mo. to 1 yr.
YARN: 4-ounces of 3-ply Baby Yarn
NEEDLES: 1-pr. #1 single pointed, 1-pr. #3 single pointed
GAUGE: 8 sts to an inch.
SWEATER BACK: Using the #1 needles cast on 78 sts Work in ribbing of p 2, k 2, for 1½-inches. Change to the #3 needles and work in stockinette stitch until the piece measures 6½ inches in all. SLEEVES: Cast on 12 sts at the beginning of the next 8 rows, (48 sts for each sleeve). Keep working stockinette stitch until the piece measures 3½-inches from where you first started to cast on the sts. Knit 6 rows. Bind off loosely.
LEFT FRONT: Using the #1 needles, cast on 70 sts and work in ribbing of p 2, k 2, for 1½-inches. Change to the #3 needles and work as follows: ROW 1: Knit across row. ROW 2: K 3, p 3, k 3, p 3, k 3, purl remainder of row. ROW 3: Knit across row. ROW 4: Repeat row 2. ROW 5: K 58 sts; knit the 3rd st through the front and leave on needle, knit first, then second st, slide all 3 sts off needle, (this is a mock baby cable); k 3, make a mock baby cable on the next 3 sts; knit last 3 sts. ROW 6: Repeat row 2. Repeat these 6 rows for the pattern. AT THE 2nd CABLE START THE SHAPING: On every knit row, knit over to within 17 sts of end, knit 2 tog, work remainder of border. Keep decreasing this way until the piece measures the same as the back up to the underarm. SLEEVES: At the underarm edge, cast on 12 sts 4 times. Still decreasing inside the border sts work the same number of rows as the back part of the sleeve, (69 sts remaining). Knit 6 rows. Bind off.
RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond to the left front. When it comes time to start the border pattern: ROW 1: Knit. ROW 2: Purl 55 sts, k 3, p 3, k 3, p 3, k 3. Finish remainder to correspond. Sew shoulder seams together. SLEEVE CUFFS: Using the #1 needles, with the right side of the work facing you, pick up sts along edge of sleeve. Work in ribbing of p 2, k 2, for 1½ inches. Bind off loosely, knitting the knit sts, purling the purl sts. Work 2 handmade loops on right front for buttonholes. Sew buttons into place.
BONNET: Using the #3 needles cast on 78 sts. Knit every row for 1-inch. Change to the #1 needles and work in ribbing of p 2, k 2, for ¾-inches. Change to the #3 needles and knit across one row, increasing 12 sts along the row, (90 sts). NEXT ROW: Wrong side: * k 3, p 3, k 3, p 3, k 3, repeat from * 6 times. Cable every 5th row as on the sweater. Make 3 cable twists, ending with the 6th row. Mark the center of the bonnet with a colored thread as a marker. Now work in stockinette stitch, increasing 1 stitch at each side of the colored thread every knit row, until the piece measures 5 inches from the beginning, measuring along the straight edge. Bind off all sts. Fold in two and sew seam together. NECK BAND: Using the #1 needles and with the right side of the work facing you, pick up and knit sts along neck edge. Work in ribbing of p 2, k 2, for ¾-inches. Bind off, knitting the knit sts; purling the purl sts. Make a pompom and sew at tip. Trim with ribbon.
Saque & Bonnet Pattern
Baby's Coat Pattern
Block Pattern Cardigan Pattern
Infant's Knitted Set Pattern
Surplice Set Pattern
Feather & Fan Pattern
Snow Suit Pattern
Cardigan & Hat Pattern
Lover's Knot Set Pattern
Shell Stitch Set Pattern
Boy's Helmet Pattern
Girl's Bonnet Pattern
Star Stitch Set Pattern
Ripple Robe Pattern
Infant's Crochet Set Pattern