Size: 2 years
Materials for Set
6 ozs. CYNTHIA Bay-Bee Yarn or CYNTHIA Shetland Floss Sky Blue No. 353.
One pair bone needles No. 3 (3 MM).
One double pointed needle No. 3 (3 MM).
Gauge: 7 sts = 1 inch
Back: Cast on 72 sts. Work ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 14 rows. Start pattern. 1st row: K 12, P 4, K 8, P 4, K 16, P 4, K 8, P 4, K 12. 2nd row: P 12, K 4, P 8, K 4, P 16, K 4, P 8, K 4, P 12. 3rd row: Repeat 1st row. 4th row: Repeat 2nd row. 5th row: K 12, P 4, slip next 4 sts on double pointed needle and hold in back of work, K next 4, then K the 4 sts from double pointed needle, P 4, K 16, P 4, slip next 4 sts on double pointed needle and hold in back of work, K next 4, then K the 4 sts from double pointed needle, P 4, K 12 (cable stitch row). 6th row: Repeat 2nd row. Work even in pattern, but work cable stitch every 8th row thereafter for rest of back. When work measures 8 inches from top of ribbing, bind off 4 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st each side every other row 4 times (56 sts). Work even in pattern until armhole measures 4 inches from bound off sts at underarm, then bind off straight across.
Front: Cast on 82 sts. Work ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 14 rows. Start pattern. 1st row: K 17, P 4, K 8, P 4, K 16, P 4, K8, P 4, K 17. 2nd row: P 17, K 4, P 8, K 4, P 16, K 4, P 8, K 4, P 17. Work same as back to underarm, working cable stitch on the 5th row and every 8th row thereafter. At underarm, bind off 7 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st each side every other row 6 times (56 sts). Next K row: K 4, P 4, K 8, P 4, bind off 16 sts, P 4, K 8, P 4, K 4.
Decrease 1 st on neck edge every other row 6 times (14 sts), then work even until armhole measures 4 inches from underarm. Bind off. Work other shoulder to correspond. Sew front and back together on shoulders.
Sleeves: Pick up 48 sts around armhole. 1st row: K 16, P 4, K 8, P 4, K 16. 2nd row: P 16, K 4, P 8, K 4, P 16. Continue in pattern, working cable stitch every 8th row. When sleeve measures 2 inches, decrease 1 st each side and repeat every inch thereafter until there are 36 sts. Work even in pattern until sleeve measures 8 inches, then work ribbing of K 1, P 1, for 14 rows. Bind off.
Collar: Cast on 80 sts. Work ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 20 rows. Bind off. Sew underarm seams. Sew collar to neck edge, easing in neck edge to fit.
Beginning at waist band, cast on 152 sts. Work ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 1¼ inches. 1st row: Knit. 2nd row: Purl. 3rd row: K 66 sts, turn. 4th row: Purl back. 5th row: K 56 sts, turn. 6th row: Purl back. 7th row: K 46 sts, turn. 8th row: Purl back. 9th row: K 36 sts, turn. 10th row: Purl back. 11th row: K 26 sts, turn. 12th row: Purl back. 13th row: K across entire row. 14th row: P 66 sts, turn. 15th row: K back. 16th row: P 56 sts, turn. 17th row: K back, 18th row: P 46 sts, turn. 19th row: K back. 20th row: P 36 sts, turn. 21st row: K back. 22nd row: P 26 sts, turn. 23rd row: K back. Continue stockinette st on all sts until work measures 4 inches at center from ribbing. Increase 1 st both ends of needle on the next and every 6th row until there are 166 sts. Next P row: P 83 sts and leave on spare needle. Continue working on remaining 83 sts, decreasing 1 st both ends of needle every K row 5 times, then work ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 14 rows. Bind off loosely. Work other leg to correspond. Sew up back and leg seams. Run ¼ inch elastic through waistband.