Sizes: 10, 12, 14 and 16
Materials Required:
28 (29, 30, 31) ounces Dk. Violet
10 (11, 12, 13) ounces Lt. Azure or colors of your choice
Knitting Needles: 1 pair No. 8 or any size needle which will result in stitch gauge below.
Steel crochet hook No. 1
⅝ inch bone rings for buttons as required.
Gauge: (Pattern) 13 sts = 2 inches; 9 rows = 1 inch.
Directions are given for size 10. Sizes 12, 14 and 16 are given in parentheses.
Back: With Dk. Violet cast on 116 (122, 128, 134) stitches (sts).
Work in ribbing of Knit (K) 1, Purl (P) 1 for 1 inch increasing 1 st in last row of ribbing.
Next Row. K across row to form hemline, drop Violet, attach Lt. Azure and work in pattern as follows:
1st Row. (Right Side). With Lt. Azure K 2, * with yarn in back slip (sl) 1, always sl as if to P, K 1, repeat from * across row, ending last repeat with K 2.
2nd Row. With Azure P 2, * with yarn in front, sl 1, P 1, repeat from * across row, ending last repeat with P 2, drop Azure.
3rd Row. Pick up Violet K across row.
4th Row. With Violet P across row, drop Violet.
5th Row. Pick up Azure K 1, * with yarn in back sl 1, K 1, repeat from * across row.
6th Row. With Azure P 1, * with yarn in front sl 1, P 1, repeat from * across row, drop Azure.
7th Row. Pick up Violet K across row.
8th Row. With Violet P across row.
Repeat these 8 rows for pattern. Work even in pattern until Back measures 16 (16, 16½, 16½) inches from hemline or length desired to underarm.
Place a marker at each side of row for armholes. Continue to work in pattern on 117 (123, 129, 135) sts until Back measures 8 (8, 8½, 8½) inches from markers.
SHOULDERS: Bind off 13 (14, 15, 16) sts at the beginning of next 4 rows.
Next 2 Rows. Keeping pattern uniform, bind off 14 (15, 15, 16) sts at beginning of each row, then place remaining 37 (37, 39, 39) sts on a stitch holder for back of neck.
POCKET LININGS: (Make 2). With Violet cast on 26 (26, 26, 28) sts.
Work in stockinette st (K 1 row, P 1 row) for 4 inches. Place each section on a stitch holder.
LEFT FRONT: With Violet cast on 66 (70, 72, 76) sts.
1st Row. K 1, P 1 across 60 (64, 66, 70) sts, K the last 6 sts (front facing).
2nd Row. P 6, * K 1, P 1 repeat from * across row. Repeat these 2 rows for 1 inch ending at front edge.
Next Row. K across row to form hemline, drop Violet, attach Azure. Work in pattern as follows:
1st Row. (Right side). With Azure K 2, * yarn in back, sl 1, K 1, repeat from * to within last 6 sts, turn.
2nd Row. With 6 sts on needle, with Azure * P 1, yarn in front, sl 1, repeat from * across row, ending last repeat with P 2, drop Azure.
3rd Row. Pick up Violet, K across row including last 6 sts.
4th Row. With Violet, P across row, drop Violet.
5th Row. With Azure, * K 1, yarn in back, sl 1, repeat from * to within last 6 sts, turn.
6th Row. With 6 sts on needle and Azure, * with yarn in front, sl 1, P 1, repeat from * across row, drop Azure.
7th and 8th Rows. With Violet, repeat 3rd and 4th rows, drop Violet.
Repeat these 8 rows until Front measures 5 inches from hemline, ending at side edge.
Pocket Opening: Work 18 (20, 20, 22) sts, P the next 26 (26, 26, 28) sts. Place these sts on a stitch holder (to be worked later for pocket facing), work across remaining sts.
Work to pocket opening, insert pocket placing sts of left pocket lining from holder to left needle.
Work in pattern across pocket and remainder of row. Work even until Front measures same as Back to markers for Armhole, place a marker, ending at side edge.
Next Row. Keeping pattern uniform on Front, and with Violet, working across each row of facing, work to within last 6 sts of facing, tie in another skein of Violet, K 6 (when changing color always pick up new color from underneath color which is dropped thus twisting yarn around each other to avoid a hole), increase 1 st in each of the first 2 sts of facing, work to end of row. Work even in pattern on pattern sts increasing 1 st in each of the 2 sts between pattern sts and facing every 5th row and at the same time increasing 1 st in each of the 1st 2 sts at beginning of facing every 7th row, until there are 40 sts for facing and 60 (64, 66, 70) sts for Front on needle.
Work even until Armhole measures same as Back Armhole. Bind off Shoulder same as Back Shoulder.
Next Row. Bind off 10 sts at beginning of row and place remaining 50 (51, 51, 52) sts on a stitch holder. Mark position for 5 buttons evenly spaced, placing 1st marker about 1¼ inches from hemline, last marker ½ inch below start of Neck Shaping.
Right Front: Work same as Left Front, reversing the placing of pocket and all shaping, working double buttonholes to correspond to markers.
Buttonholes: Work 1 st, bind off next 3 sts, work 3 sts, bind off next 3 sts, work across remainder of row. On next row, cast on 3 sts over the bound off sts. Work double buttonholes to correspond to markers.
Sleeves: With Violet, cast on 54 (54, 56, 56) sts, work in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 1 inch, increasing 1 st in last row of ribbing.
Next Row. K across row to form hemline. Work even in pattern, increasing 1 st each end every 6th row forming new patterns as sts are increased until there are 101 (103, 105, 105) sts on needle. Work even in pattern until Sleeve measures 17½ (17½, 18, 18) inches from hemline or length desired, bind off.
Block each section.
Collar: With Violet cast on 36 (36, 38, 38) sts for back of Collar. Work in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 1 inch. With right side of Left Front toward you, sl the 26 sts before 10 bound off sts of Left Front Lapel on free needle leaving remaining sts on holder to be worked later for undersection of collar. K across ribbed sts, slip corresponding 26 sts of opposite Lapel on free needle also leaving remaining sts of this side on holder and K across these 26 sts.
Next Row. P across row (wrong side). Continue to work in stockinette st across 88 (88, 90, 90) sts for 2 inches. Decrease 1 st each side every 3rd row 6 times, then every other row until there are 60 sts on needle, bind off 6 sts at the beginning of each of the next 6 rows, bind off remaining 24 sts.
Under Collar: With wrong side of garment facing, slip remaining sts from Left Front, back of Neck and Right Front on free needle.
There are 85 (87, 89, 91) sts on needle, attach Violet, working in stockinette st increase 3 (1, 3, 1) sts on 1st row and work same as top Collar.
Pocket Band: With Violet, sl pocket sts from holder and work in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for ¾ inch, bind off.
Turn in on ridge and sew free ends and pocket lining in position.
Buttons: With Dk. Violet, crochet 14 single crochet (sc) in ring, join, leave a 15 inch length, cut yarn. Thread into a blunt needle and draw all sts together to center, fasten securely. Sew in position as illustrated.
Finishing: Sew Seams and Sleeves in position. Turn under at hemline and sew in position. With right sides of Collar together sew around curved edge. Turn Collar to right side, fold on seam and sew facing in position to wrong side. Sew ribbon across shoulders and back of neck. Sew buttons in place.

Coachmans Jacket Pattern
Shaker Sweater Pattern
America America Afghan Pattern
Bloused Back Cardigan Pattern
Large Collar Cardigan Pattern
Bloused Pullover Pattern
Straight Line Cardigan Pattern
Two Tone Pebble Sweater Pattern
Diamond Bolero Pattern
Straight Cardigan Pattern
Laurel Afghan Pattern
Elegante Afghan Pattern
Wig Hats Pattern