Sizes 14, 16, 18
Instructions are for size 14, changes for sizes 16 and 18 are in parentheses.
MATERIALS—Bear Brand Tricolaine.
Blouse—Color A, 11 (12-13) skeins. Contrasting Color B, 2 skeins.
Skirt—Color A, 14 (15-17) skeins.
Bucilla Circular Steel Knitting Needle, Size 2.
Bucilla Featherlite Aluminum Knitting Needles, 1 pair Size 2.
Bucilla Steel Crochet Hook, Size 4.
MEASUREMENTS OF BLOUSE—At bustline 34 (36-38) ins.
Width of back at underarm 16 (17-18) ins.
Sleeves—width at underarm 12½ (13-13½) ins.
Stockinette St—8 sts = 1 inch; 12 rows = 1 inch
Pattern St for Vestee and Cuffs—9 sts = 1 inch
BACK—With straight needles and A, cast on 116 (124-132) sts. Work stockinette st—p 1 row, k 1 row—, decreasing 1 st each side every 1 in. 7 times; 102 (110-118) sts. Work even until 8½ ins. from beg., end with p row.
Inc. row—Inc. 8 sts evenly spaced across row; 110 (118-126) sts. Continue stockinette st increasing 1 st each side every ¾ in. 9 times; 128 (136-144) sts. Work even until 16 ins. from beg.
Armholes—Bind off 7 (8-9) sts at beg. of next 2 rows for underarm. Dec. 1 st each side every 2nd row 7 (8-9) times; 100 (104-108) sts. Work even until armholes measure 7¼ (7½-7¾) ins., straight up from underarm.
Shoulders—Bind off 8 (9-10) sts at beg. of next 4 rows; 9 sts at beg. of next 4 rows. Bind off remaining 32 sts for back of neck.
FRONT—With A, cast on 132 (140-148) sts. Work same as back to inc. row; 118 (126-134) sts. Inc. row—Inc. 8 sts evenly spaced across row; 126 (134-142) sts. Continue to shape underarm edges as on back, until 12½ ins. from beg., end with p row; 136 (144-152) sts.
Front Shaping for Vestee—K 56 (60-64) sts, place on holder for left half of front; bind off 24 center sts; finish row. Work right half, decreasing 1 st at front edge every row 12 times; every 2nd row 4 times, continuing to shape underarm edge as on back; 44 (48-52) sts. Work even until same length as back to armhole, end at underarm edge.
Armhole—Bind off 11 (12-13) sts at beg. of next row for underarm. Dec. 1 st at armhole edge every 2nd row 7 (8-9) times; 26 (28-30) sts. Work even until armhole is same length as on back.
Shoulder—Bind off 8 (9-10) sts at beg. of next 2 rows worked from armhole edge. Work 1 row even. Bind off remaining 10 sts.
Beg. at center front, work left half to correspond.
SLEEVES—With A, cast on 76 (80-84) sts. Work even in stockinette st for 2 ins. Inc. 1 st each side of next row. Repeat incs. every 1 in. 3 times; every ¾ in. 8 times; 100 (104-108) sts. Work even until 12 ins. from beg. Bind off 9 (10-11) sts at beg. of next 2 rows. Dec. 1 st each side every 2nd row 4 times; every 4th row 11 (12-13) times; every 2nd row 3 times. Bind off 3 sts at beg. of next 6 rows. Bind off remaining 28 sts.
PATTERN—With B, cast on a multiple of 4 plus 3 sts. P 1 row.
Row 1—* K 3 B, 1 A; repeat from *, carrying yarn not in use on wrong side of work, end 3 B. With B, p 1 row, k 1 row.
Row 4—P 1 B, * 1 A, 3 B; repeat from *, end 1 A, 1 B. With B, k 1 row, p 1 row. Repeat last 6 rows for pat.
CUFFS—With B, cast on 95 (99-103) sts for upper edge. P 1 row. Work pat., decreasing 1 st each side every 4th row 5 times with care to keep pat.; 85 (89-93) sts. Work even until 2 ins. from beg. Bind off. Make 2.
VESTEE—With B, cast on 19 sts for left half. P 1 row. Work pat., marking end of k rows for center front edge and increasing 1 st at opposite edge every row 12 times; every 2nd row 4 times, with care to carry out pat. on added sts; 35 sts. Work even until 9 ins. from beg., end at front edge.
Neck Shaping—Bind off 11 sts at beg. of next row. Dec. 1 st at neck edge every row 12 times; 12 sts. Work even until 11¼ (11½-11¾) ins. from beg. Bind off.
Work right half to correspond, marking beg. of k rows for center front edge.
COLLAR—With B, cast on 107 (111-115) sts. P 1 row. Work pat. for 9 rows. Bind off.
FINISHING—Steam. From right side with B, work 1 row sc on cast-on edge and 2 short sides of cuffs and collar, front edges of vestee and over first 4 sts on neck edge, increasing at corners. From right side with A, work 1 row sc around front opening. Sew in vestee lapping right front edge over left, for 4 sts. Sew seams. Sew in sleeves with seam at center underarm. Sew on cuffs with center of cuff at underarm seam. Tack sides of cuffs tog. to within 1 in. of top edge. Sew on standing collar with ends 4 sts from front edge. From right side with A, work sc around lower edge of blouse. With A, cover small buttons with sc. Steam seams. Sew on buttons as illustrated. Use snap fasteners on front edge.
Follow instructions for Straight Skirt Pattern.
Music in the Air Sweater Pattern
Capri Cardigan Pattern
Scotch Mist Cardigan Pattern
Three-in-One Cardigan Pattern
Traveler Cardigan Pattern
Main Liner Cardigan Pattern
On the Dot Sweater Pattern
Honey Bun Sweater Pattern
Starbright Sweater Pattern
Westport Cardigan Pattern
As You Like It Cardigan Pattern
On the Line Cardigan Pattern
Commuter Vest Pattern
Allegro Sweater Pattern
Knit One Coat Pattern
Tri-Color Sweater Pattern
On the Town Jacket Pattern
Wide Ribbed Skirt Pattern
Straight Skirt Pattern
Narrow Ribbed Skirt Pattern
Sunday Morning Dress Pattern
Crochet One Coat Pattern
Filet Crochet Sweater Pattern