Sizes 14, 16, 18
Instructions are for size 14, changes for sizes 16 and 18 are in parentheses.
MATERIALS— Bear Brand Wonderized Zephyr-Laine, 9 (10-11) balls; or
Bear Brand British 3 ply Fingering Yarn, 10 (11-12) balls.
Bucilla Plastic Knitting Needles, 1 pair each Sizes 2 and 3.
MEASUREMENTS OF GARMENT—At bustline buttoned and pleated 36 (38½-40½) ins.
Width of back at underarm pleated 17 (18-19) ins.
Sleeves—width at underarm 12½ (13-13½) ins.
GAUGE: 15 sts = 2 inches
BACK—With size 2 needles, cast on 98 (102-110) sts.
Row 1—wrong side—K 2, * p 2, k 2; repeat from * to end.
Row 2—P 2, * k 2, p 2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat these 2 rows for 4 ins., end with row 1.
Inc. row—K, increasing 1 st in every 3rd st 4 (6-4) times; k until 20 (24-20) sts on right needle, cast on 2 sts, * k 1, inc. 1 st in next st, k 1, inc. 1 st in next st, k 2, cast on 2 sts; repeat from * 10 (10-12) times; inc. 1 st in every 3rd st, 4 (6-4) times, k to end; 152 (160-172) sts.
Pleated Pattern—Row 1—wrong side— With size 3 needles, p 20 (24-20), k 2, * p 8, k 2; repeat from * 10 (10-12) times, p 20 (24-20).
Row 2—K 20 (24-20), p 2, * k 8, p 2; repeat from * 10 (10-12) times, k 20 (24-20).
Repeat these 2 rows until 8½ ins. above ribbing.
Armholes—Continuing pat. bind off 4 sts at beg. of next 2 rows for underarm. Dec. 1 st each side every row 4 times; every 2nd row 6 (8-10) times; 124 (128-136) sts. Work even until 3½ ins., straight up from underarm, end on wrong side.
Yoke—Dec. row—K 5 (7-1), slip, k and pass, k 2 tog., * k 6, slip, k and pass, k 2 tog.; repeat from * 10 (10-12) times, k 5 (7-1); 100 (104-108) sts. Work stockinette st—p 1 row, k 1 row—until armhole measures 7 (7¼-7½) ins.
Shoulders—Bind off 4 (5-6) sts at beg. of next 4 rows; 5 sts at beg. of next 10 rows. Place remaining 34 sts on holder for back of neck.
LEFT FRONT—With size 2 needles, cast on 66 (70-74) sts.
Row 1—wrong side—P 16, k 2, * p 2, k 2; repeat from * to end.
Row 2—P 2, * k 2, p 2; repeat from * to within 16 sts of end, k 16 for front band and facing.
Repeat these 2 rows until same as back to inc. row, end on wrong side.
Inc. row—K, increasing 1 st in every 3rd st 6 (8-7) times, k until 26 (32-29) sts on right needle, cast on 2 sts, * k 1, inc. 1 st in next st, k 1, inc. 1 st in next st, k 2, cast on 2 sts; repeat from * 4 (4-5) times, k 16; 94 (100-107) sts.
Pattern—Row 1—wrong side—With size 3 needles, p 16, k 2, * p 8, k 2; repeat from * 4 (4-5) times, p 26 (32-29).
Row 2—K 26 (32-29), p 2, * k 8, p 2; repeat from * 4 (4-5) times, k 16.
Repeat these 2 rows until same length as back to armholes, end on wrong side.
Armhole—Bind off 10 (12-13) sts at beg. of next row for underarm.
Continuing pat., dec. 1 st at armhole edge every row 4 times; every 2nd row 6 (8-10) times; 74 (76-78) sts.
Work even until same length as back to yoke, end on wrong side.
Yoke—Dec. row—K 5 (7-1), slip, k and pass, k 2 tog., * k 6, slip, k and pass, k 2 tog.; repeat from * 4 (4-5) times, k 15; 62 (64-66) sts.
Work stockinette st until 2 ins. above dec. row, end at front edge.
Next row—P 19 sts, place on holder for front band, p to end. Dec. 1 st at neck edge every row 4 times; every 2nd row 6 times, shaping shoulder as on back when armhole is same length.
Mark position of 6 buttons on left front edge, having first button ¾ in. from lower edge, 2nd button 4 rows below top of ribbing. Mark other 4 buttons evenly spaced with 6th button 2½ ins. below neck edge. 7th button will be on neckband.
RIGHT FRONT—With size 2 needles, cast on 66 (70-74) sts.
Row 1—wrong side—K 2, * p 2, k 2; repeat from * to within 16 sts of end, p 16.
Row 2—K 16, p 2, * k 2, p 2; repeat from * to end.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until opposite first marker on left front, end on wrong side.
Buttonholes—K 2, bind off 3 sts, k until 6 sts from bind-off, bind off next 3 sts, finish row.
On next row, cast on 3 sts over each buttonhole.
Work to correspond to left front to inc. row, end on wrong side, repeating buttonholes opposite 2nd marker.
Inc. row—K 16, cast on 2 sts, * k 1, inc. 1 st in next st, k 1, inc. 1 st in next st, k 2, cast on 2 sts; repeat from * 4 (4-5) times, k, increasing 1 st in every 3rd st 6 (8-7) times, k to end; 94 (100-107) sts.
Pattern—Row 1—wrong side— With size 3 needles, p 26 (32- 29), k 2, * p 8, k 2; repeat from * to within 16 sts of end, p 16.
Continue to correspond to left front, repeating buttonholes opposite markers, shaping at opposite sides. Sew shoulder seams.
SLEEVES—With size 2 needles, cast on 56 sts. Work k 2, p 2 ribbing for 4 ins.
Inc. row—K, increasing 10 (12-14) sts evenly spaced across row. With size 3 needles, work stockinette st increasing 1 st each side every ¾ in. 5 (8-11) times; every 1 in. 9 (7-5) times; 94 (98-102) sts. Work even until 14 ins. above ribbing. Bind off 7 (8-9) sts at beg. of next 2 rows. Dec. 1 st each side every 2nd row 10 times; every 4th row 5 times; every 2nd row 2 (3-4) times. Bind off 2 sts at beg. of next 6 rows; 3 sts at beg. of next 2 rows. Bind off remaining 28 sts.
NECK RIBBING—With size 2 needles, take up and k 19 sts of right side of neck, pick up and k 23 (25-27) sts to shoulder seam, take up and k 34 sts of back, pick up and k 23 (25-27) sts of left edge, take up and k 19 sts; 118 (122-126) sts.
Row 1—P 16, k 2, * p 2, k 2; repeat from * to within 16 sts of end, p 16.
Row 2—K 16, p 2, * k 2, p 2; repeat from * to within 16 sts of end, k 16.
Repeat last 2 rows once; repeat row 1 again. Work buttonholes as before on next 2 rows. Work 4 more rows ribbing. Bind off in ribbing.
FINISHING—Steam. Sew seams. Sew in sleeves with seam at center underarm. Turn back 8 sts at each front edge for facing of band and sew on wrong side.
Weave band and facing edges tog. at top and bottom. Finish buttonholes. Steam seams.
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