Materials: J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen, 1 ball.
Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 Pair No. 1 (2½ mm. size).
2 buttons.
Center Tab. Starting at lower edge, cast on 23 sts and work as follows: 1st row: K 1, * p 3, O, sl 1, k 2 tog., p.s.s.o., O. Repeat from * across, ending row with p 3, k 1. 2nd row: K 4, * p 3, k 3. Repeat from * across, ending row with k 4. 3rd row: P 4, * k 3, p 3. Repeat from * across, ending row with p 4. 4th row: Repeat 2nd row. These 4 rows constitute the pattern. Repeat these 4 rows until piece measures 4½ inches. Bind off.
Left Tab. Starting at lower edge, cast on 23 sts and work as for center tab until piece measures 4½ inches. Then, with right side of work toward you, bind off 3 sts at beginning of every other row until 11 sts remain. Work in pattern over these 11 sts until piece measures 3½ inches from the sts that were bound off last (thus forming back of neck). Bind off.
Right Tab. Work as for left tab, reversing shapings.
Cord Trim. For a cord about 2½ yds. long, measure off four 7½-yd. lengths of thread, twist tightly, then double the twisted strands and give them a second twist in the opposite direction. Make another cord same as this.
Block tabs to measure 2 x 5 inches, excluding pieces for back of neck, which should be curved to conform to shape of neck. Place center tab between right and left tabs, having lower edge of center tab extend 1½ inches, and having a 1-inch space between tabs. Sew double cord all around neck edge, leaving 1 inch free at spaces between tabs. Sew cord along edges, making 1-inch loops, about 1½ inches apart, along long edges of outer tabs. Tack center tab to loops of adjacent tabs, as in illustration. Make 2 loops at back, for buttonloops. Sew buttons on opposite side.
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Charmer Cardigan Pattern
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