Size 3-6 months
Jacket: 3 skeins Baby Yarn 3 ply (1 oz. skein)
Hat: 1 skein Baby Yarn 3 ply (1 oz. skein)
Bootees: 1 skein Baby Yarn 3 ply (1 oz. skein)
1 pair knitting needles No. 3
1 crochet hook No. 2 or C
2 stitch holders
Ribbon for trimming
Carriage Cover: 6 skeins Knitting Worsted (2 oz. skein)
1 pair knitting needles 14 inch. long No. 8
I crochet hook No. 8 or H
GAUGE: 7 sts. = 1 inch on No. 3 needles
4 sts. = 1 inch on No. 8 needles
1st row: K1, * y.o., K1, y.o., K2 tog., K1, K2 tog. Repeat from * across row, end K1.
2nd and all even numbered rows: P across row.
3rd row: K1, * y.o., K3, y.o., K3 tog. Repeat from * across row, end K1.
5th row: K1, * K2 tog., K1, K2 tog., y.o., K1, y.o. Repeat from * across row, end K1.
7th row: K1, * K3 tog., y.o., K3, y.o. Repeat from * across row, end K1.
8th row: P across row.
Repeat these 8 rows for pattern.
Starting at bottom cast on with No. 3 needles 152 sts. (back and both fronts) and work in garter st. for 8 rows. Change to pattern and keep the first and last 6 sts. on needle in garter st. for border all the way up and work the rem. 140 sts. in pattern. Work even until the entire piece measures 5½ inch. ending with 8th row. Divide the sts. as follows: Work across 34 sts. (first front), bind off next 10 sts. for armhole, work across 64 sts. for back, bind off next 10 sts. for armhole. Work across rem. 34 sts. for 2nd front. Slip all sts. to an extra needle.
Cast on 42 sts. with No. 3 needles and work in garter st. for 8 rows, incr. 14 sts. at even intervals across last row. Change to pattern and work even until the entire sleeve measures 6 inch. Bind off at the beg. of next 2 rows 5 sts., slip rem. 46 sts. to a holder. Work 2nd sleeve the same way.
Attach yarn to right front and work as follows: K across 1st front, put a marker on needle, K across 1st sleeve, put a marker on needle, K across back, put a marker on needle, K across 2nd sleeve, put a marker on needle, K across 2nd front. (224 sts. all tog.) Work in garter st. and K2 sts. tog. before and after each marker every other row (8 sts. are decr. in every other row) until there are 80 sts. left on needle. Next row: * K2, y.o., K2 tog., repeat from * across row. Work 3 more rows in garter st. Bind off.
Sew up sleeve seams and sew sleeves into armhole. Block to size. Pull ribbon through beading row.
Cast on 80 sts. with No. 3 needles and work in pattern for 1½ inch. for cuff. Reverse pattern (working right side on wrong side of cuff) and work even until piece measures 3½ inch. above cuff. Change to garter st. and decr, as follows: * K8 sts., K2 tog., repeat from * across row, K1 row back. * K7 st., K2 tog., repeat from * across row, K 1 row back. * K6 sts., K2 tog., repeat from * across row, K 1 row back. * K5 sts., K2 tog., repeat from * across row, K 1 row back. * K4 sts., K2 tog., repeat from * across row, K 1 row back. * K3 sts., K2 tog., repeat from * across row, K 1 row back. * K2 sts., K2 tog., repeat from * across row, K 1 row back. * K1 st., K2 tog., repeat from * across row, K 1 row back. K2 tog. across row. Pull sts. tog. and fasten off tightly on wrong side and sew up 3 inch. down center of cap. Crochet 2 rows s.c. around opening and front of hat. Block to size. Sew ribbon to sides as shown in picture.
Cast on 44 sts. with No. 3 needles and work in pattern for 1¼ inch. for cuff. Reverse pattern (working right side on wrong side of cuff) and work even until piece measures 1½ inch. above cuff. Work in garter st. from now on. Next row: * K2, y.o., K2 tog. Repeat from * across row. K 1 row. Right side facing you, K30 sts., turn, work back and forth on center 16 for 28 rows. Break yarn. Right side facing you, join yarn at beg. of row and K14 sts., pick up along one side of gusset 14 sts., K across next 16 sts., pick up along other side of gusset 14 sts., K14 sts. (72 sts. in all). Work 12 rows garter st. Now start to decr. for sole as follows: 1st row: K1, K2 tog., K31, (K2 tog. twice), K31, K2 tog., K1. 2nd row: K. 3rd row: K1, K2 tog., K29, (K2 tog. twice), K29, K2 tog., K1. 4th row: K. 5th row: K1, K2 tog., K27, (K2 tog. twice), K27, K2 tog., K1. 6th row: K. Bind off. Fold bootee in half and sew up sole and back seam. Crochet 1 row s.c. around top of bootee. Block to size and pull ribbon through beading row.
With No. 8 needles cast on 104 sts. and work in pattern for 31 inch. Bind off.
With No. 8 crochet hook work 2 rows s.c. around the entire cover, working 3 s.c. in each corner st. Next row: * 1 s.c. in next st., ch. 3, 1 s.c. in first st. of the ch. 3 (a picot made), skip 1, repeat from * around the entire cover. Fasten off. Block to size.
Lacy Baby Set and Carriage Cover Pattern
Slipover and Hat Pattern
Cablestitch Cardigan Pattern
Raglan Cardigan Pattern
Carriage Cover Pattern
Baby Set Pattern
Coat Pattern
Beret Pattern
Cardigan with Hat Pattern
Baby Jacket Pattern
Baby Hat Pattern
Blazer Pattern
Ski Jacket Pattern
Cardigan Pattern
Raglan Slipover Pattern
Cablestitch Slipover Pattern
Children's Gloves Pattern
Tennis Sweater Pattern
Mittens Pattern
Cardigan Pattern
Bulky Parka Pattern
Block Jacket Pattern
Tweed Jacket Pattern
Dressy Sweater Pattern
Snow Suit Pattern
Carriage Cover Pattern