Size 2-4 years
Size 4-6 years in parentheses
1 skein Knitting Worsted (2 oz. skein)
1 set sock needles each No. 3 and No. 5
GAUGE: 5 sts. = 1 inch
With No. 3 sock needles cast on 28 (32) sts. Join, being careful not to twist sts. Work in ribbing K2, P2 for 2 inch. Change to No. 5 sock needles and plain K, incr. 2 (3) sts. in 1st round. Work even for 1 inch. Next round: K across 4 (5) sts. with a different color yarn (thumb sts.), slip these 4 (5) sts. back to left hand needle and work across them again with mitten yarn. Work even for 8 (10) rounds. Start Fingers over thumb opening.
Forefinger: K4 (5) sts., slip next 22 (25) sts. on a strand of yarn. Cast on 1 st., K rem. 4 (5) sts. Divide these 9 (11) sts. on 3 needles and work even for 1¾ (2) inch. Next round: K2 tog. across round. Break yarn leaving a 7 inch. end, thread a tapestry needle with this yarn and run twice through rem. sts. Pull sts. tog. and fasten off tightly on wrong side.
Take off from thread for Middle Finger: 4 (4) sts. from back of hand, pick up 1 st. from base of forefinger, take off 4 (5) sts. from palm of hand. Divide these 9 (10) sts. on 3 needles and work even for 2 (2¼) inch. Decr. and finish as forefinger.
Take off from thread for Ring Finger: 3 (4) sts. from back of hand, pick up 1 st. from base of Middle Finger, take off 4 (4) sts. from palm of hand. Divide these 8 (9) sts. on 3 needles and work even for 1¾ (2) inch. Decr. and finish as Forefinger.
Take off from thread for Little Finger the rem. 7 (8) sts. and pick up 1 st. from base of Ring Finger. Divide these 8 (9) sts. on 3 needles and work even for 1½ (1¾) inch. Decr. and finish as Forefinger.
Pull out different colored yarn and divide these 8 (10) sts. on 3 needles. Attach yarn, K around and pick up 1 st. in each corner. Join and work even for 1½ (1¾) inch. Finish as Forefinger.
Work to correspond, starting thumb on opposite side. Block to size.
Lacy Baby Set and Carriage Cover Pattern
Slipover and Hat Pattern
Cablestitch Cardigan Pattern
Raglan Cardigan Pattern
Carriage Cover Pattern
Baby Set Pattern
Coat Pattern
Beret Pattern
Cardigan with Hat Pattern
Baby Jacket Pattern
Baby Hat Pattern
Blazer Pattern
Ski Jacket Pattern
Cardigan Pattern
Raglan Slipover Pattern
Cablestitch Slipover Pattern
Children's Gloves Pattern
Tennis Sweater Pattern
Mittens Pattern
Cardigan Pattern
Bulky Parka Pattern
Block Jacket Pattern
Tweed Jacket Pattern
Dressy Sweater Pattern
Snow Suit Pattern
Carriage Cover Pattern