6 Months Size
2—1 oz. Balls White.
1—1 oz. Ball Blue or Pink.
1 Pair each Bone Knitting Needles No. 2 and No. 6.
Bone Crochet Hook No. 2.
1½ yds. Ribbon.
Back of Yoke. With White on No. 2 needles cast on 66 sts and k 1 row, p 1 row, k 1 row, p 1 row, k 1 row, p 1 row. Pick up Blue and k 4 rows. Repeat these 10 rows for pattern. Work even until there are 4 White and 4 Blue stripes.
Next Row. With White work across 20 sts, bind off next 26 sts for back of neck and continue work on last 20 sts. Work 5 more rows even, then cast on 16 sts at neck edge. Attach Blue and continue in pattern until there are 8 Blue and 9 White stripes from beginning, bind off. Attach White at neck edge and working across the 20 shoulder sts, p 1 row, k 1 row, p 1 row, k 1 row, cast on 16 sts for other half of neck front, p 1 row, attach Blue and work same as opposite front, bind off.
On right side of work with Blue pick up and k 80 sts across the back, then k 3 more rows, break Blue.
Attach White, change to No. 6 needles and start open work pattern, k 1, * yarn over twice, k 1, repeat from * across row.
2nd Row. K 1, * drop the 2 yarn overs from needle without knitting them, k 1, repeat from * across row.
3rd and 4th Rows. K across row. Repeat these 4 rows 8 more times, then k 4 rows, bind off loosely.
Right Front. With Blue and using No. 2 needles on right side of work pick up and k 44 sts across row, k 3 more rows even, break Blue.
Attach White, change to No. 6 needles and work open work pattern same as back, then k 4 rows even, bind off loosely.
Work other front in same manner.
Sleeves. With Blue on No. 2 needles cast on 28 sts and k 4 rows.
Attach White, k 1 row, p 1 row, k 1 row, p 1 row.
With Blue, k 4 rows, fasten yarn and continue sleeve with White. With same needles k 1, * yarn over twice, k 1 and leave on left needle, yarn over twice, k in back of same st and slip off needle, (this is an increase) yarn over twice, k 1, repeat from * across row, do not increase in last st. Change to No. 6 needles and continue open work pattern same as jacket without any more increases until sleeve measures about 7 inches completing a pattern, bind off. Sew underarm seams. Sew sleeve seams and sew sleeves in position.
With White, work a row of s c up right side of yoke, around neck and down opposite side of front yoke, break yarn.
Attach yarn at neck and work a row of double knot sts around neck as follows:
* Draw up ¼ inch loop on hook, yarn over and pull through ch, s c in single loop of st, draw up ¼ inch loop on hook, yarn over and pull through ch, s c in single loop of st (double knot st) skip 1 st, s c in next st, work a double knot st, s c in next s c, repeat from * around neck, break yarn. Work a row of double knot sts around cuffs of sleeves in same manner. Finish with ribbon bows as illustrated.
Knitted Bed Jacket Pattern
Knitted Bed Jacket Pattern
Striped on White Sweater Pattern
Knitted Stocking Cap and Mittens Pattern
Design for Snow Sweater Pattern
After Ski Slippers Pattern
Knitted Mittens Pattern
Knitted Face Cloths Pattern
Tatted Charm Edging Pattern
Dandy Dickey Pattern
Lacy Accent Edging Pattern
Crocheted Hood and Mitts Pattern
Chicken Potholder Pattern
Fish Potholder Pattern
Pinafore Dish Cloth Pattern
Gay Dish Cloth Pattern
Sally Spool Doll Pattern
Mending Compact Pattern
Mesh Linen Band Pattern
Two Tone Shorties Pattern
Embroidered Apron Pattern
Pussy Purse Pattern