Size 16
MATERIALS Fleisher's Jumbolaine; or Bear Brand or Bucilla Kwiltee; 7 skeins.
1 pair Fleisher's or Bucilla 14-inch Cedarwood Knitting Needles, Size 13.
1 Fleisher's or Bucilla 6-inch White Crochet Hook, Size 9.
IMPORTANT Check your gauge first. These directions apply only when Fleisher's, Bear Brand or Bucilla Yarns are used as recommended.
GAUGE: 13 sts = 4 ins. 9 rows = 2 ins.
Width across back at underarm 17 ¼ ins. Width across back at shoulders 13 ins. Width of each front at underarm 9 ¼ ins. Length from lower edge to back neck edge 21 ¼ ins. Sleeves - Width below underarm 12 ¾ ins.
BACK-Cast on 56 sts for lower edge. Work stockinette st (p 1 row, k 1 row) until 13 ins. above lower edge.
ARMHOLES-Bind off 3 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows for underarm. Decrease 1 st each side every 2nd row 4 times (42 sts). Work even until 5 ¾ ins. above underarm.
SHOULDERS-Bind off 6 sts at beginning of next 2 rows, then 7 sts at beginning of next 2 rows (13 sts for each shoulder). Bind off 16 sts,
POCKET LININGS-Cast on 13 sts. Work stockinette st for 5 ½ ins., ending with a k row. Break yarn and slip sts on holder.
RIGHT FRONT-Cast on 32 sts.
RIBBED PATTERN-First row (wrong side)-P 4, k 1, p 6 (pocket cable), k 1, p 13, k 1, p 6 (front edge cable).
2nd row-K 6, p 1, k 13, p 1, k 6, p 1, k 4.
Repeat first row once.
4th row (cable twist row)- * Slip first 3 sts to crochet hook (slip off with hooked end) and hold at back of work, k next 3 sts, k 3 sts from straight end of hook, p 1 *, k 13, p 1, repeat between *'s once, k 4. Continue ribbed pattern, repeating cable twist row every 8th row twice. Work 3 rows even, ending at front edge.
Next row-K 6, p 1, bind off next 13 sts for pocket opening, work across row. This completes pocket cable.
Next row-P 12, slip 13 sts of lining from holder to left needle and p across them (right side of lining to wrong side of front), k 1, p 6. Continuing to work cable and rib at front edge as before and remaining sts in stockinette st, work even until same length as back to underarm, ending with 6th row above a "twist" row.
ARMHOLE-Bind off 3 sts at beginning of next row for underarm. Decrease 1 st at armhole edge every 2nd row 4 times (25 sts).
NECK SHAPING-Next row-Work cable twist on first 6 sts, p 1, slip, k and pass, k across row. Repeat neck decrease at inner edge of cable every 4th row 4 times more, ending at armhole edge (20 sts). Armhole should now measure same length as back armhole.
SHOULDER-Bind off 6 sts at beginning of next row. Work 1 row even (2nd row above "twist").
Next row-Bind off 7 sts, slip 7 sts on holder. Break yarn; leave a 12-in. end for weaving.
LEFT FRONT-Cast on 32 sts.
First row-P 6 (front edge cable), k 1, p 13, k 1, p 6 (pocket cable), k 1, p 4. Work to correspond to right front, binding off for underarm at beginning of a "twist" row and beginning neck shaping in last armhole decrease row as follows: K 2 tog, work to within 9 sts of front edge, k 2 tog, work across row. Finish to correspond to right front, working 3 rows above last "twist."
RIGHT SLEEVE AND YOKE-Cable Cuff-Cast on 7 sts.
First row (wrong side)-P 6, k 1. 2nd row-P 1, k 6. Repeat first row once.
4th row-P 1, work cable twist on next 6 sts. Continuing in this way, repeat cable twist every 8th row until 10 ½ ins. from beginning, ending with 3rd row above a cable twist. Bind off. Working from right side, pick up and k 35 sts on p rib edge of cuff. Working stockinette st, increase 1 st each side every 2nd row 3 times (41 sts). Work even until 2 ½ ins. above cuff.
Bind off for underarm and shape sleeve same as back armholes (27 sts). Work even until 5 ¾ ins. above underarm, ending with a k row.
Bind off 6 sts at beginning and end of next row. Break yarn.
Work YOKE on remaining 15 sts. First row-P 1, k 6, p 1, k 6, p 1.
2nd row-K 1, p 6, k 1, p 6, k 1. Repeat these 2 rows twice.
7th row-P 1, work cable twist on next 6 sts, p 1, work cable twist on 6 sts, p 1.
Repeat cable twists in this way every 8th row twice. Work 1 row even after 3rd "twist" row.
Next row-Work 7 sts and slip on holder, k 2 tog, k 5, p 1 (7 sts).
Next row-K 1, p 6. Continue in this way until 2 rows above next cable twist (yoke should measure about 7 ½ inches). Slip sts on holder. Break yarn, leaving a 12-in. end for weaving.
LEFT SLEEVE AND YOKE-Work same as right sleeve until 3rd twist row of yoke is completed.
Next row-Work 7 sts and slip on holder, p 2 tog, work across row. Finish yoke to correspond to right yoke and weave 7 sts to corresponding 7 sts on end of right yoke.
FINISHING-Sew sts bound off at each side of top of sleeves to edges of yoke for 6 rows. Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves, with sleeve seam at center underarm. Weave 7 sts of right front cable to 7 sts at right side of yoke. Weave left side to correspond.
Sew front shoulder edges to front edges of yoke, easing in yoke edge at corner. Sew back yoke edge to neck and shoulder edges of back.
Work 1 row s c on lower edge of cardigan, working through both thicknesses of fronts and pocket linings. Sew edges of linings to wrong side of cardigan.
Steam. Use shoulder pads No. 6, see patternbook page.
Other great patterns from New Trends in Hand Knit Sweaters:
Knitting Patterns
Sports Cardigan
Casual Jacket
Classic Pullon
Yoke Blouse
Jumbo Cardigan
Sequin Evening Sweater
Lacy Yoke Blouse
Cable Stitch Jacket
Practical Cardigan
Lumberjack Sweater
Ribbed Pullover
Sports Coat