Size 38-40
6—2-oz. Skeins Zephyr Wool or 12 Balls Shetland Type Floss.
1 Pair each of Number 1 and Number 3 needles.
If Shetland Type Floss is used, one size larger Needles will be required.
Back. On No. 1 needles cast on 112 sts and work in ribbing of K 2, P 2 for 3 inches. Next row increase to 113 sts. Change to No. 3 needles and start pattern.
1st Row. K 3, on next 7 sts P 1, K 1, repeat from beginning, ending row with K 3.
2nd Row. P 3, next 7 sts P 1, K 1, repeat from beginning, ending row with P 3.
Repeat these 2 rows until back measures 14 inches from the beginning.
Next 2 rows bind off 6 sts at the beginning of each row then decrease 1 st at each end of every other row 8 times keeping pattern straight.
Work even until armhole measures 10 inches from the 1st decreasing point.
Next 6 rows bind off 8 sts at the beginning of each row and bind off remaining sts for back of neck.
Front. Work same as back until armhole measures 1 inch then divide sts for V neck. Work to center of front, tie in another ball of yarn and complete row working both sides at the same time and decreasing at armhole sides same as back.
Next Row. Decrease 1 st at each center edge then decrease 1 st at each center edge every 4th row 17 times, or until there are 24 sts on 1 needle and 25 sts on the other. Work even until armhole measures 10 inches, bind off 8 sts at armhole edges every other row 3 times binding off 9 sts on the 1 needle once.
Back Neck Band. With No. 1 needles pick up 36 sts and K 2, P 2 for 1 inch.
Front Neck Band. Pick up 116 sts and K 2, P 2 always keeping the center 2 sts at point of V as 2 knit sts, decrease 1 st both sides of the center knit sts every row for 1 inch.
Sew shoulder seams then with No. 1 needles pick up 128 sts around armhole and K 2, P 2 for 1 inch. Work other armhole to correspond. Sew underarm seams.
Knitted Glove with Crocheted Cuff
Cable Stitch Cardigan
Man's Sleeveless Sweater
Knitted Scarf
Man's Knitted Glove
Bed Socks
Man's Mittens
Dress Up Collar & Cuffs
Corded Handbag
Pom Pom Handbag
Crocheted Gloves
Ring Necklace, Bracelet & Belt
Shell Necklace & Bracelet
Daisy Necklace & Bracelet
Bed Jacket
Knitting Bag
Initial Knitting Bag
Shopping Bag
Irish Crochet Jabot
Crocheted Penguin
Daisy Chair Set
Chair Set
Porch Luncheon Set
Table Cloth
Ruffle Doily
Crocheted Basket
Pot Holder 2135
Pot Holder 2136
Pot Holder 2137
Child's Purse
Child's Beanie
Twisted Necklace
Zulu Doll