Size 8-10 years
4 balls Sportyarn (2 oz. ball)
1 pair S.P. knitting needles No. 2 (3 mm.) and No. 4 (3½ mm.)
1 set D.P. knitting needles No. 2 (3 mm.)
GAUGE: 7 sts. = 1 inch
1st row: * K17, P2, K8, P2, repeat from * across row, end K17.
2nd row: * P17, K2, P8, K2, repeat from * across row, end P17.
Repeat these 2 rows 5 times more.
13th row: * K17, P2, slip the next 4 sts. to an extra needle and hold in front of work, K the next 4 sts., K the 4 sts. from extra needle, P2, repeat from * across row, end K17.
14th row: Like 2nd row.
15th row: Like 1st row.
16th row: Like 2nd row.
17th row: Like 13th row.
Continue to work this way, cabling the K8 sts. every following 12th and 4th row on the right side alternately.
BACK: Cast on 100 sts. with No 2 needles and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 3 inch. Change to No. 4 needles and pattern and incr. 4 sts. at even intervals across first row. With 104 sts. work even until the entire piece measures 11½ inch. or any desired length to underarm. Bind off for armhole at the beg. of the next 2 rows 6 sts., at the beg. of the next 4 rows 2 sts. (84 sts. left). Work even for 6¾ inch. from the first binding off. Bind off for shoulders at the beg. of the next 4 rows 13 sts., rem. 32 sts. bind off for neck.
FRONT: Work front the same way as back until 1 inch above the first binding off. Divide the sts. in half and put one side on a holder. Work on other side only and decr. for neck 1 st. at center edge every K row until 26 sts. are left over. Work as high as back, and bind off for shoulder at armhole edge 13 sts. twice. Connect the yarn on other side of V neck and finish to correspond.
SLEEVE: Cast on 48 sts. with No. 2 needles and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 3½ inch. Incr. 6 sts. at even intervals across last row. Change to No. 4 needles and pattern as follows: 1st row: K21, P2, K8, P2, K21. Work cable pattern on the K8 sts. as on sweater. Incr. 1 st. at the beg. and at the end of every 6th row until 88 sts. on needle. Work even until entire sleeve measures 14½ inch. or any desired length to underarm. Bind off at the beg. of the next 2 rows 5 sts. Decr. 1 st. at the beg. of each row until 64 sts. on needle. Bind off 2 sts. at the beg. of each row until 32 sts. are left over. Bind off. Work the other sleeve to correspond.
FINISHING: Sew up side, shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves, having the cable come to the center of shoulder. Right side facing you, pick up with No. 2 sock needles 116 sts. around the neck and work in ribbing K2, P2 for 7 rows, decreasing 1 st. before and after the center st. every other row. Bind off loosely K as K and P as P. Steam lightly.
Argyle Sweater Pattern
Two-Piece Suit Pattern
Boy's Sleeveless Sweater Pattern
Boy's Sleeveless Sweater Pattern
Boy's Suit Pattern
Cardigan with Pleated Angora Yoke Pattern
Bolero Pattern
Snow Suit Pattern
Boy's Skating Sweater and Hat Pattern
Slip-On Sweater Pattern
Girl's Jerkin Pattern
Two Tone Cardigan Pattern
Cardigan with Baby Cable Yoke Pattern
Helmet Pattern
Girl's Bonnet Pattern
Twin Sweater Set with Seed Yoke Stitch Pattern
Boy's Cable Stitch Slip-On Sweater Pattern
Sport Coat Pattern
Pleated Skirt Pattern
Girl's Sweater with Drawn Cables Pattern
Skirt with Drawn Cables Pattern
Bolero with Drawn Cables Pattern
Boy's Shaker Sweater Pattern
Boy's Sleeveless Sweater Pattern
Peasant Jacket Pattern
Cardigan Pattern