Size 34
Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Knitting Worsted, 18 skeins (1¾ ounce skeins). Milward's Casein knitting pins, 1 pair No. 6 (4¼ mm. size). Milward's circular knitting pin No. 6 (4¼ mm. size). Milward's steel crochet hook No. 2. 11 buttons, a silk scarf and 30 inch length of narrow elastic.
Gauge: 5 sts make 1 inch; 7 rows make 1 inch.
Back. Starting at bottom, on straight needles cast on 88 sts. 1st and 2nd rows: * K 2, p 2, repeat from * across. 3rd and 4th rows: * P 2, k 2, repeat from * across. These 4 rows constitute the double moss st. Repeat these 4 rows, decreasing 1 st at both ends of next row and every 3rd row thereafter for 5 times (76 sts remain). Work 2 rows without decreasing. Then work in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row), decreasing 1 st at both ends of every 3rd row for 3 times (70 sts remain). Then continue in stockinette st straight until work measures 7 inches in all. Now increase 1 st at both ends of next row and every inch thereafter for 5 times (82 sts on needle). Then work straight until work measures 13 inches in all.
To Shape Armholes: Bind off 5 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Bind off 1 st at both ends of every row for 4 times (64 sts remain). Then change to double moss st and work without decreasing until yoke measures 5 inches deep. Next row: Continue in double moss st across first 20 sts, bind off next 24 sts (for back of neck), continue in pattern across remaining 20 sts. Work in double moss st over these 20 sts until work measures 6 inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Then to shape shoulders, bind off 6 sts at armhole edge, twice. Bind off remaining sts. Attach yarn at neck edge on other side, and work other shoulder to correspond.
Left Front. Starting at bottom, on straight needles cast on 48 sts and work as for back, keeping the front edge straight and on opposite side (underarm edge), making the same decreases as for back, until work measures 13 inches in all (45 sts on needle). Then shape armhole as for back but on underarm side only (36 sts remain). Then change to double moss st and work in pattern straight until yoke measures 4¼ inches deep. Next row: Starting at neck edge, bind off first 16 sts (to shape front neck), continue in pattern across remaining 20 sts. Work in pattern straight over these 20 sts until work measures 6 inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Then shape shoulder as for back.
Right Front. Starting at bottom, cast on 48 sts and work as for left front, reversing the underarm and armhole shapings, and keeping the first 12 sts at front edge in double moss st all the way up to neck shaping, but in the meantime, after work measures 1¼ inches from bottom, make a buttonhole 3 sts in from front edge. (To make a buttonhole, bind off 3 sts on one row, and on next row cast on 3 sts to replace those bound off). Then make a buttonhole every 1¾ inches thereafter, until 9 buttonholes are made. Now work straight until front edge measures same as left front edge. Then shape for neck as for left front and complete in same way.
Right Sleeve. Starting at wrist, with straight needles cast on 40 sts and work in double moss st for 22 rows, making a buttonhole (as on right front), at beginning of the 5th row. 23rd row: P first 14 sts, work in double moss st across next 12 sts, p remaining 14 sts. Hereafter, work in stockinette st (keeping 12 center sts in double moss st), increasing 1 st at both ends of 1 row every inch until there are 64 sts on needle. Work in pattern straight until sleeve measures 16½ inches. Next row: Work in double moss st across entire row. Hereafter work in double moss st until sleeve measures 17 inches. To shape top of sleeve, decrease 1 st at both ends of each row until 54 sts remain. Then decrease 1 st at end of each row until 20 sts remain. Now decrease 1 st at both ends of each row until 12 sts remain. Bind off.
Left Sleeve. Work as for right sleeve, except work the 23rd row as follows: K first 14 sts, work in double moss st across next 12 sts, k remaining 14 sts. Complete sleeve as for right sleeve.
After pieces have been blocked, sew up side and shoulder seams. Sew up sleeve seams and sew sleeves in. Attach yarn to neck edge of right front and work 4 rows of s c along entire neck edge, decreasing I s c at each corner on every row. Ch 1 to turn at end of each row. Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes.
Starting at bottom, cast on 260 sts on circular needle. Mark the end of rnd with a colored thread. Being careful sts on needle are not twisted, work around in double moss st for 5 inches. Next rnd: K 16 sts, work in double moss st across next 14 sts, k across remaining 230 sts. Hereafter work in stockinette st (k around), but keeping the same 14 sts in double moss st, until work measures 10 inches in all. Next rnd: Decrease 10 sts at regular intervals, but keeping the 14 sts in moss st as before (do not decrease in this moss st section). Work in pattern straight for 2 inches. Hereafter work only in stockinette st around entire skirt, decreasing 10 sts at regular intervals on next rnd and every 2 inches thereafter for 4 times (200 sts remain on needle). * Work straight for 2 inches. On next rnd, decrease 12 sts. Repeat from * twice more (164 sts remain). ** Work straight for 1 inch. On next rnd, decrease 9 sts. Repeat from ** once more. Hereafter work straight until skirt measures 32 inches, or desired length.
After skirt has been blocked, attach yarn to waistline and make a beading as follows: With crochet hook, work a row of s c around top of skirt, then ch 5, * skip 2 s c, d c in next s c, ch 2, repeat from * around. Join with sl st. Break off. Run elastic through beading.
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