Size 34
Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Sports Yarn, 20 balls of main color and 1 ball each of 2 contrasting colors for stripes (1 ounce balls). Milward's Casein knitting pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size). Milward's steel crochet hook No. 6. 7 buttons and a leather belt.
Gauge: 8 sts make 1 inch; 10 rows make 1 inch.
The blouse and skirt are made individually, then sewed together at waistline. The entire garment is worked in stockinette st and later the stripes are worked in chain sts.
Back. Starting at waistline, cast on 88 sts and work in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row), increasing 1 st at both ends of every 7th row, 10 times (108 sts). Work straight until work measures 7 inches from the beginning.
To Shape Armholes: Bind off 6 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Then decrease 1 st at both ends of every other row, 4 times (88 sts remain). Work straight until work measures 2 inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Bind off.
Right Front. Starting at waistline, cast on 50 sts and work as for back, working the 3 sts at center front edge in garter st, and making the same increases and armhole shaping at underarm side.
Left Front. Starting at waistline, cast on 63 sts and work to correspond with right front, reversing underarm and armhole shapings.
Yoke: (For back and front of blouse). Starting at armhole edge of left side, cast on 60 sts and work in stockinette st for 4 inches, ending with a p row. Next row: K across next 30 sts, turn. Work in stockinette st over these 30 sts for 5 more inches (for back of neck). Break off, and place sts on stitch holder. Attach yarn to 1st st of next 30 sts and k across. Work over these 30 sts, decreasing 1 st at end of every p row until 17 sts remain. K across for 6 rows. Bind off. This completes left front of yoke. For right front, cast on 17 sts and k across for 6 rows. Then work in stockinette st, increasing 1 st at beginning of every k row until there are 30 sts on needle, ending with a k row. Next row: P across, then p across the 30 sts on stitch holder (thus joining neck). Continue in stockinette for 4 inches. Bind off.
Center Front Band. Starting at bottom of band, cast on 10 sts. 1st row: K across. 2nd row: K 3, p 4, k 3. Repeat these 2 rows alternately, making a buttonhole after 1½ inches, and every 2½ inches thereafter. (To make a buttonhole, bind off center 4 sts on 1 row, and on the next row, cast on 4 sts to replace those bound off). When 5 buttonholes are made, work 4 more rows. Bind off.
Collar. Cast on 116 sts and work in stockinette st for 1 inch, keeping the 3 sts at both ends in garter st. Then increase 1 st in the 4th st at each end on every row, until there are 126 sts on needle. Now decrease the 4th st at each end on every row, until 116 sts remain. K across for 6 rows. Bind off.
Sleeves. Starting at wrist, cast on 50 sts and k across for 6 rows. Hereafter work in stockinette st, increasing 1 st at both ends of 1 row every 1½ inches, until there are 70 sts on needle. Then work straight until work measures 17 inches. To shape top of sleeve, bind off 6 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Decrease 1 st at both ends of each of next 2 rows. Then decrease 1 st at both ends of every 3rd row until 35 sts remain. Then bind off 2 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Bind off.
Cuffs. Cast on 10 sts and work as for center front band until cuff is long enough to go around lower edge of sleeve. Then make a buttonhole as in center front band, and work in garter st decreasing 1 st at both ends of every row, until all sts are worked off. After all pieces have been blocked, sew up underarm seams. Sew yoke to blouse. Place center front band along center front edge of right front, so that the 3 garter sts of band overlap the first 3 stockinette sts of right front. Sew along garter st edge on wrong side of work. Sew up sleeve seams and sew sleeves in. Place cuff in position over sleeve and sew along lower edge. Sew collar to neck edge, having front edges of both fronts extend 1 inch beyond collar. Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes.
Back. Starting at bottom, cast on 160 sts and k across for 6 rows. Then work in stockinette st, decreasing 1 st at both ends of 1 row every 1½ inches until 150 sts remain. Then decrease 1 st at both ends of 1 row every inch until 112 sts remain. Work straight until skirt measures 32 inches or desired length. Bind off.
Front. Work as for back. After pieces have been blocked, sew up side seams, and sew blouse to skirt.
Stripes. Along bottom of skirt, place a pin mark every 2 inches (thus indicating the number of stripes). Then, make the same number of divisions along waistline. Run a basting thread from one mark at waistline to corresponding mark at bottom of skirt. Then, with a crochet hook, and one of the contrasting colors, make a row of chain stitches (making 1 ch st in each stockinette st), starting at bottom and working toward waistline. Continue in this manner alternating the 2 contrasting colors. For blouse, work stripes in the same manner up to yoke.
For yoke, work stripes in the same manner, but horizontally, making a stripe across seam. Stripes of collar and sleeves are worked as for blouse.

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