Size 34-36
Materials: Clark's O.N.T. Knitting and Crochet Cotton, 4 balls color 126 Spanish Red and 4 balls color 84 Beige. J. & P. Coats Crochet Cord requires 12 balls of each color. 1 pair steel knitting needles No. 1. 1 pair of celluloid knitting needles No. 3.
Gauge: 6 sts make 1 inch. 15 rows make 2 inches. Use 1 strand of each color together throughout.
Other suggested color combinations are:
25 Crystal Blue and 88 Peach
26 Nile Green and Ecru
9 Yellow and White
102 Coffee Brown and 9 Yellow
82 Autumn Glow and 61 Dk. Ecru
Back. With celluloid needles, cast on 104 sts for lower edge of back. Change to steel needles and work in ribbing of k 2, p 2 for 13 rows (about 1½ inches). K 1 row. Change to celluloid needles and work in stockinette st until piece measures 17 inches from beginning. Bind off 10 sts at beginning of next 2 rows, decrease 1 st at beginning of each of next 6 rows (78 sts on needle). Work even until piece measures 6½ inches from armhole. Bind off 6 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows, then 10 sts at beginning of each of next 4 rows, and slip remaining 26 sts to stitch holder to be held for back of neck band.
Front Left Side. Cast on 58 sts, as for back, and work ribbing to correspond. K 1 row plain. With celluloid needles, beginning with the p row, knit the first 6 sts for front band. Continue working the piece in stockinette st, with the band in garter st, until piece measures 17 inches. Bind off 10 sts for underarm, then decrease 1 st for 3 times (from armhole). Work until there are 68 ridges in front band. Knit 1 row, bind off 6 sts on next row at neck edge. Bind off 3 sts for 3 times at neck edge, then decrease 1 st every other row for 4 times at neck edge. Bind off 6 sts from armhole, then 10 sts twice. Right Side. As before, cast on 58 sts, and work ribbing for 5 rows. 6th row: Make a buttonhole as follows: P 2, bind off 3 sts, work in ribbing across. On the next row cast on 3 sts where 3 sts were bound off. Work 6 more rows in ribbing, then work piece to correspond with left side, with the front band in garter st, taking care to begin band on same side as buttonhole. Make a second buttonhole after the 6th ridge of band is completed. Work 6 more buttonholes, with 9 ridges between. Work 1 ridge after the last buttonhole, and make the neck edge decreases and finish to correspond. Sew shoulder and side seams.
Neck Band. With right side of work toward you, pick up and work 28 sts with steel needles, knit the 26 sts of the back, pick up, and work 28 sts on left front. Knit 1 row, then work in ribbing for 8 rows, and bind off with celluloid needles as before.
Sleeves. As previously done, cast on 48 sts and knit in ribbing for 38 rows. K 1 row, change to celluloid needles, and work in stockinette st, increasing 1 st at both ends every 4th row for 5 times. Then make increases at both ends every 6th row for 5 times, and then every 16 rows for 3 times. Work 3 rows even, and make another increase at both ends. Work 3 more rows, and bind off 6 sts at beginning of next 2 rows, then decrease 1 st at both ends on each of next 5 rows. Then decrease 1 st at beginning and end of each knitted row until there are 24 sts left. Then decrease 1 st at both ends of next 5 rows, and bind off remaining 14 sts. Sew seams and place the 8 buttons to correspond with buttonholes.
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