Medium Size
Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Shetland Floss, 3 balls (1 oz. balls), and 1 ball of a contrasting color for embroidery.
A set of 5 double-pointed steel needles No. 11.
Gauge: 9 sts make 1 inch; 12 rnds make 1 inch.
Left Hand. Starting at wrist, cast on 76 sts on 3 needles, so that there are 25 sts on 1st needle, 26 sts on 2nd needle and 25 sts on 3rd needle. Join, being careful not to twist sts. Work in stockinette st (k each rnd) for 1 inch. * Then, on next rnd and every 3rd rnd thereafter, dec. 1 st at both sides until 56 sts remain. Work straight until piece measures 5½ inches. Then work as follows: 1st rnd: K across first needle, on 2nd needle k 3, inc. in next st, k to end of rnd (57 sts). 2nd rnd: K around. 3rd rnd: K across 1st needle, on 2nd needle k 3, inc. in next st. k 1, inc. in next st. k to end of rnd. 4th rnd: K around. Hereafter, work 3rd and 4th rnds alternately, but having 2 additional sts between the increases in each increase rnd (thus increasing for thumb), until there are 33 sts on 2nd needle. Next rnd: K across 1st needle, k 3 on 2nd needle, then transfer next 19 sts onto a safety pin (to be worked later for thumb), cast on 4 sts and complete rnd. Hereafter, work in pattern, decreasing 1 st on 2nd needle every other rnd 3 times (15 sts on 2nd needle). Continue to work in rnds of stockinette st, decreasing 1 st at both sides of hand on next rnd (53 sts in rnd). Work around these 53 sts until glove, when tried on, reaches to the base of your fingers. Put glove on, and mark fingers by putting safety pin on palm and back of hand between each finger, having 15 sts for Forefinger, 15 sts for Middle Finger, 12 sts for Ring Finger and 11 sts for Little Finger. Place all sts (except sts for Forefinger) on stitch holder.
Forefinger: Place these 15 sts on 3 needles. Attach yarn to sts on palm side and k around, casting on 3 sts where pin is (between Forefinger and Middle Finger, for stretch between fingers). Work in rnds straight until glove, when tried on, reaches ½ inch from fingertip. Then * k 3, k 2 tog. Repeat from * around. Work 1 rnd straight. Now ** k 1, k 2 tog. Repeat from ** until 6 sts remain. Break off, leaving yarn about 4 inches long. Then thread needle and, with this end of yarn, slip remaining 6 sts onto yarn and fasten securely on wrong side.
Middle Finger: Attach yarn to sts of Middle Finger (on palm side), k across, then pick up 3 sts of Forefinger, k sts across back of hand, cast on 3 sts. Continue as for Forefinger.
Ring Finger: Work as for Middle Finger.
Little Finger: Work as for Forefinger.
Thumb: Transfer the 19 sts of thumb onto 2 needles, pick up 4 sts (with 3rd needle) around opening of thumb and continue to work as for fingers, decreasing on underside of thumb, if necessary.
Right Hand. Work to correspond with Left Hand.
Embroidery. With needle and yarn, make pin tucks all around edges of gloves, omitting wrist edge. Then, make pin tucks on back of hand, starting between fingers and working towards wrist edge (3 tucks in all). With contrasting color, along each tuck work 2 running stitches and a cross stitch alternately (see illustration).
Cocktail Jacket Pattern
Purse Pattern
Basket Weave Scarf Pattern
Cross Patch Gloves Pattern
Tally Ho Vest Pattern
Blazer Sweater Pattern
Toboggan Fan Set Pattern
Knitted Bed Jacket Pattern
Shoulderette Pattern
Knitted Socks #2277 Pattern
Knitted Socks #2276 Pattern
Knitted House Coat Pattern
Ribbed Calot Pattern
Highlander Hat Pattern
Bow Knot Scarf Pattern
Crocheted Belt #2274 Pattern
Crocheted Belt #2275 Pattern
Crocheted Handbag Pattern
Skyscraper Hat Pattern
Frost Bite Hat Pattern
Wool High Hat Pattern