Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Germantown Zephyr, 14 balls (1 oz. balls) of main color, 1 ball of 1 contrasting color referred to as A, and 2 balls of another contrasting color referred to as B. If 30 yd. balls are used, buy three times the amount specified.
CAP 2273-A, Headsize 22
Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Germantown Zephyr, 3 balls (1 oz. balls) of main color, and 1 ball of each of 2 contrasting colors, referred to as A and B. If 30 yd. balls are used, buy three times the amount specified.
Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size).
Milward's steel crochet hook No. 1.
Gauge: 6 sts make 1 inch; 9 rows make 1 inch.
Starting at lower edge, with main color cast on 132 sts and work in ribbing of k 3, p 3, for 1 inch. Break off. Attach color A and work in pattern for ¼ inch. Break off. Change to main color and work for ½ inch. Break off. Attach color B and work in pattern for ½ inch. Break off. Attach main color and work in pattern for 9 inches. Next row: * K 2 tog., k 1, p 2 tog., p 1. Repeat from * across. Following row: * K 2 tog., p 2 tog. Repeat from * across. Bind off. Sew both ends together. With 2 strands of main color make a running st along top edge of crown, pull tightly and tie securely.
Tassel. Cut a cardboard 4½ inches wide and 6 inches long. Cut a piece of yarn 12 inches long, of main color, and place it along the length of cardboard. Then with 1 strand of each color wind yarn around the width of cardboard about 20 times. Break off. Pick up both ends of the 12-inch length of yarn and tie securely. Slip tassel off cardboard, wind main color yarn several times around near top and tie securely. Break off. Trim ends evenly. Pick up 12-inch length strands and ch 5. Sew this end of chain to tip of crown. Sew tassel to brim as in illustration.
SCARF 2273-B
Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Germantown Zephyr, 5 balls (1 oz. balls) of main color and 1 ball of each of 2 contrasting colors, referred to as A and B. If 30 yd. balls are used, buy three times the amount specified.
Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size).
Milward's steel crochet hook No. 1.
Gauge: 6 sts make 1 inch; 9 rows make 1 inch.
Starting at one end, with main color cast on 60 sts and work in ribbing of k 3, p 3, for 7 inches. Break off. * Attach color B and work in pattern for ½ inch. Break off. Attach main color and work for ½ inch. Break off. Attach color A and work for ¼ inch. Break off. Attach main color and work for 1 inch. Repeat from * once more. Hereafter, continue with main color until piece measures 26 inches from color A stripe. Work border to correspond with opposite end. Bind off. Darn in all loose ends. Run 2 strands of main color over and under p ribs at each narrow end. draw tightly and tie securely. Sew drawn ends together, as in illustration.
Tassels. Make 2 tassels as for Cap 2273-A, and attach one to each end of scarf.
Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Germantown Zephyr, 3 balls (1 oz. balls) of main color and 1 ball each of 2 contrasting colors, referred to as A and B. If 30 yd. balls are used, buy three times the amount specified.
A set of 5 double-pointed steel needles No. 10.
Gauge: 7 sts make 1 inch; 9 rnds make 1 inch.
Left Hand. Starting at cuff, with main color cast on 72 sts on 3 needles, so that there are 24 sts on each needle. Join, being careful not to twist sts, and work in ribbing of k 3, p 3, for 1 inch. Break off. Attach color B and work for ½ inch. Break off. Attach main color and work another ½ inch. Break off. Attach color A and work for ¼ inch. Break off. Attach main color and work until piece measures 5 inches in all. Next rnd: * K 1, k 2 tog., p 1, p 2 tog. Repeat from * around (48 sts). Following rnd: * K 1, p 1. Repeat from * around, decreasing 6 sts at equal distances apart (42 sts). Work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for ½ inch. Then work in ribbing of k 3, p 3, for 1 inch. Try this piece on to determine the position of thumb, having a p rib at center base of thumb. Mark with a pin. Hereafter, work is done in rows instead of rnds. Work across to p rib with pin mark, then p 2 tog., turn (thus starting opening for thumb), work back and forth over these sts until opening reaches the inner base of thumb (this may be determined as before.) On next row work to thumb opening; cast on 1 st, and continue to work in rnds of ribbing (instead of rows) until mitten, when tried on, measures 2 inches from tip of middle finger. On next rnd, dec. 1 st in every other p rib. Work 3 rnds straight. On next rnd dec. 1 st in the p ribs, where decreases were not made previously. Work 3 rnds straight. On next rnd dec. 1 st in every other k rib. Work 3 rnds straight. Then dec. 1 st in the k ribs where decreases were not made previously. Work 1 rnd straight. On next rnd k 1, k 2 tog. around. Then k 2 tog. around until 6 sts remain. Break off, leaving yarn about 4 inches long. Thread a needle with this end of yarn and slip remaining 6 sts onto it. Draw together tightly and fasten securely on wrong side.
Thumb. Starting at lower base of thumb, pick up 3 sts (these to be kept in p sts), then pick up 1 st at side of opening, turn. Next row: P 1, k 3, pick up 1 st at opposite side of opening. Following row: K 1, p 3, k 1, skip 1 st at opposite side of opening, pick up next st at same side of opening, turn. Next row: P 2, k 3, p 1, skip 1 st at opposite side of opening, pick up next st at same side of opening. Following row: K 2, p 3, k 2, skip 1 st at side of opening, pick up next st at same side of opening. Hereafter continue in this manner, keeping sts in ribbing of k 3, p 3, skipping 1 st and picking up the next st at each side of opening at end of each row until there are 21 sts on needle. Divide these sts on 2 needles, then with 3rd needle pick up 3 sts across top of opening. Hereafter, work in rnds straight until mitten, when tried on, reaches ½ inch from tip of thumb. Then * k 3, p 2 tog., p 1. Repeat from * around. Work 1 rnd straight. Then * k 1, k 2 tog., p 2. Repeat from * around. Work 1 rnd straight. Now, * k 2 tog., p 2 tog. Repeat from * around. Then k 2 tog. until 6 sts remain. Break off, leaving yarn about 4 inches long, and finish off same as mitten.
SOCKS 2273-D
Size 9
Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Germantown Zephyr, 3 balls (1 oz. balls) of main color and 1 ball of each of two contrasting colors, referred to as A and B. If 30 yd. balls are used, buy three times the amount specified.
A set of 4 double-pointed steel needles No. 10.
Gauge: 7 sts make 1 inch; 9 rnds make 1 inch.
Cuff. Starting at top, with main color cast on 54 sts on 3 needles (18 sts on each needle). Join, being careful not to twist sts. Work in ribbing of k 3, p 3, for 1 inch. Break off. Attach color B and work for ½ inch. Break off. Attach main color and work for another ½ inch. Break off. Attach color A and work for ¼ inch. Break off. Attach main color and continue in ribbing until piece measures 6 inches. Then work in stockinette st (k each rnd), for 2 inches.
Heel. Sl 12 sts of 2nd needle onto 3rd needle (this is heel needle). Then divide equally the remaining sts on other 2 needles. Work back and forth over the heel needles as follows: 1st row: Sl 1 st as if to p, p 1, * k 2, p 2. Repeat from * across, ending with p 2. 2nd row: Sl 1 st as if to k, k 1, * p 2, k 2. Repeat from * across, ending row with k 2. Repeat these last 2 rows alternately until piece measures 2½ inches. Next row: With right side of work toward you, work in pattern across 1st 18 sts, p 2 tog., turn. Following row: K 1, p 2, k 2, p 2, k 2 tog., turn. Next row: P 1, k 2, p 2, k 1, k 2 tog., turn. Hereafter, continue in this manner keeping the center 8 sts in ribbing and decreasing 1 st each row until 8 sts remain on heel needle. Next rnd: K across heel needle, then pick up 12 sts across left side of heel, k across next 2 needles (thus transferring these sts onto one needle), then pick up 12 sts across other side of heel and k 4 of heel needle. Hereafter, work in rnds of stockinette st, on every other rnd decreasing 1 st at end of 1st needle, 1 st at both ends of front needle and 1 st at beginning of 3rd needle, until 50 sts remain. Work straight until piece measures 5 inches. If a larger size of socks is desired, add a few more rnds. (Decreasing for toe adds 2 inches.)
Toe. There should be 13 sts on 1st needle, 25 sts on 2nd needle and 12 sts on 3rd needle. End of rnd is center of sole. * K to within 3 sts from end of 1st needle, k 2 tog., k 1. On 2nd needle k 1, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k to within last 3 sts, then k 2 tog., k 1; on 3rd needle k 1, sl 1, k 1, p.s.s.o., k to end of rnd. Work 1 rnd straight. Repeat from * until 14 sts remain. Transfer the sts onto 2 needles, having 7 sts on each needle and divided so that sole lies flat. Then k 2 sts together (1 from each needle) until all sts are worked off.
Cocktail Jacket Pattern
Purse Pattern
Basket Weave Scarf Pattern
Cross Patch Gloves Pattern
Tally Ho Vest Pattern
Blazer Sweater Pattern
Toboggan Fan Set Pattern
Knitted Bed Jacket Pattern
Shoulderette Pattern
Knitted Socks #2277 Pattern
Knitted Socks #2276 Pattern
Knitted House Coat Pattern
Ribbed Calot Pattern
Highlander Hat Pattern
Bow Knot Scarf Pattern
Crocheted Belt #2274 Pattern
Crocheted Belt #2275 Pattern
Crocheted Handbag Pattern
Skyscraper Hat Pattern
Frost Bite Hat Pattern
Wool High Hat Pattern