6 Months
6—⅞ oz. Balls Pink or Baby Colors.
1—100 yd. Ball Pink "STAR" Rayon Crochet, Article 700, "STAR" Six Strand Mercerized Embroidery Cotton, Article 50. 1 Skein each of Pink and Green.
1 yd. ½ inch Ribbon.
1 yd. ¼ inch Ribbon.
1 Pair each of Knitting Needles No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 9.
On No. 1 needles, cast on 56 sts and work in ribbing (K 2, P 2) for 1¼ inches. Change to No. 3 needles and work in seed st as follows: * K 1, P 1, repeat from * to end of row.
Next Row. * P 1, K 1 repeat from * to end of row.
Repeat the last 2 rows until work measures 8½ inches from beginning. (Sleeve and shoulder).
Next Row. Work in seed st the 1st 28 sts, place the remainder of sts on st holder for back.
Next Row. Work even in pattern.
Next Row. Decrease 1 st at end of row (neck edge).
Repeat the last 2 rows until there are 4 sts left being careful to keep pattern straight, bind off.
Attach yarn at neck edge and remove the 28 sts of back from holder and place on needle. Work in pattern for 5½ inches. Place sts on holder.
On No. 3 needles cast on 4 sts for other front section and work 1 row even in pattern.
2nd Row. Increase 1 st at end of row (neck edge).
Repeat these 2 rows until there are 28 sts on needle, leave on needle. Remove the sts for back from holder onto needle and work even in pattern across all sts until work measures 7¼ inches from joining. Change to No. 1 needles and work in ribbing for 1¼ inches, bind off. Sew sleeve seam to about 6½ inches from beginning.
With right side of work toward you pick up 155 sts across lower edge of back and fronts. Work in stockinette st (K 1 row, P 1 row) for 5 inches always working the 1st and last 9 sts in seed st pattern and ending on wrong side of work.
Next Row. Work 1st 18 sts in seed st, K across row to the 18th st from end of row, work remainder of sts in seed st.
Next Row. Work 1st 18 sts in seed st, purl across row to the 18th st from end of row, work remainder of sts in seed st. Repeat the last 2 rows for 1 inch, then work all sts in seed st for 1 inch, bind off. Work a row of s c around neck edge only.
EDGE. With rayon, crochet a row of shells around neck edge (shell: * ch 3, 2 d c in same space, skip 2 s c, s c in next s c), repeat from * all around, break thread. Work a row of shells around each cuff.
On No. 3 needles, cast on 40 sts, work in seed st for 7 rows.
Next Row. K 11, work next 19 sts in seed st, K 10.
Next Row. P 10, work next 19 sts in seed st, P 11. Repeat the last 2 rows twice.
Next Row. K 17, work next 7 sts in seed st, K 16.
Next Row. P 16, work next 7 sts in seed st, P 17. Repeat the last 2 rows twice. Work next 14 rows in stockinette st ending on wrong side of work.
Next Row. K 2, yarn over, K 2 together, repeat from beginning across row (beading). Work 1 row in seed st, break yarn.
Next Row. Work in seed st across the first 14 sts and place these sts on st holder. Work in seed st across the next 12 sts (instep), place remaining sts on st holder. Work back and forth in seed st on the 12 instep sts for 1¾ inches. Pick up 10 sts on side of instep, place the 14 sts from st holder onto free needle and work in seed st across the 14 sts.
Next Row. Work in seed st across the 36 sts, pick up 10 sts on other side of instep. Place the remaining 14 sts from st holder on free needle and work in seed st across the 14 sts. Work the next 14 rows in seed st across entire row. Work the next 4 rows in seed st, decreasing 1 st at the beginning and end of row, bind off. Sew sole and back seam. Work a row of shells around top of booties and block. Attach ribbon for ties as illustrated.
On No. 3 needles, cast on 34 sts, change to No. 1 needles and work in ribbing for 1 inch.
Next Row. Change to No. 2 needles, * K 2, K 2 together, yarn over, repeat from * across row ending with K 2 (beading). Work 7 rows in seed st (entire mitten is worked in seed st).
Next Row. Increase 1 st in each of the 2 center sts (increase for thumb).
Work 1 row even. Repeat the last 2 rows 5 times.
Next Row. Work 1st 17 sts and leave on needle, then work back and forth for 8 rows, on the next 12 sts for thumb.
Next 2 Rows. K 2 together, P 2 together, repeat from beginning across row, break yarn leaving an end long enough to draw through remaining 3 sts and to sew side of thumb. Attach yarn at base of thumb, pick up 2 sts at base, work across the 17 sts that have not been worked. Working across the 36 sts work the next 9 rows even.
Next Row. Work 4 sts in seed st, * P 2 together, K 2 together, repeat from *, then repeat from beginning across row working last 4 sts in seed st. Work 3 rows even.
Next Row. Work 3 sts in seed st, P 2 together, K 2 together, repeat from beginning across row ending with P 2 together. Work 2 rows even.
Next Row. K 2 together, P 2 together, repeat from beginning across row ending with P 1. Work 1 row even, break yarn leaving an end long enough to draw through remaining sts and to sew side of mitten. Work a row of shells around top of mitten and block. Lace ribbon through beading.
On No. 2 needles cast on 81 sts and work in seed st for 6 rows.
Next Row. Start ruffle, work the 1st 6 sts in seed st, * K 2, increase 1 st in next st, repeat from * across row to the 6th st from end of row, work the next 6 sts in seed st. Work the next 5 rows in stockinette st working the 1st and last 6 sts in seed sts.
Next 6 Rows. Working in same manner work the 1st and last 12 sts in seed st. Work the next 5 rows in seed st, bind off.
With wrong side of work toward you pick up 82 sts across the 6th row and work in stockinette st for 4 inches ending on wrong side of work.
Next 2 Rows. Cast on 7 sts at end of each row.
Next Row. * K 14, K 2 together, repeat from * 5 times. Purl 1 row, then continue in same manner, decreasing every other row, having 1 st less between decreasing points, until there are 18 sts on needle, break yarn leaving an end long enough to draw through the 18 sts and to sew back of cap. Attach yarn at neck edge and pick up 74 sts across neck edge. Work the next 5 rows in seed st, bind off. Work a row of shells over 3 sides of ruffle, break thread. Attach ribbon for ties as illustrated.
EMBROIDERY. Embroider each section of set as illustrated. With "STAR" Six Strand Embroidery Cotton work a Pink rambler rose, start with a cross stitch for center and work about 3 rows of outline st around cross stitch. With Green embroider leaves in lazy daisy st.

Boy's Knitted Suit Pattern
Knitted Soakers Pattern
Knitted Sun Suit Pattern
4-Piece Knitted Baby Set Pattern
Knitted Smocked Sweater Pattern
Baby Cable Set Pattern
Knitted Snow Suit Pattern
Drawstring Booties Pattern
Toeless Booties Pattern
Striped Toeless Booties Pattern
Peter Pan Crocheted Cotton Set Pattern
Crocheted Dress Pattern
Crocheted Soakers Pattern
Baby Bib Pattern
Apron Bib Pattern
Crocheted Sun Suit Pattern
Crib Sleeper Pattern
Infant's 4-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern
Five-Piece Crocheted Baby Pattern
Boy's Beret Pattern
Girl's Beret Pattern
Baby Hood Pattern
Infant's Bonnet Pattern
Crocheted Doll Pattern
Bottle Warmer Pattern
Braided Cuddle Doll Pattern