6 Months to 1 Year
7—⅞ oz. Balls White or Baby Colors.
1 yd. 1-inch Ribbon.
1¾ yds. ¼ inch Ribbon.
5 Small Buttons.
1 Pr. each Bone Knitting Needles Nos. 1 and 3.
BACK. On No. 3 Needles, cast on 84 sts and K 12 rows, then start pattern.
PATTERN. 1st Row. P 6, * K 2, P 4, K 2, P 8 repeat from * across row ending with P 6.
2nd Row. K 6, * P 2, K 4, P 2, K 8 repeat from * across row ending with K 6.
Repeat 1st and 2nd rows twice, then repeat 1st row once.
8th Row. Cable twist row, K 6, * P 2, slip next 2 sts on a double pointed needle and place in front of work, K next 2 sts, then K the 2 sts on double pointed needle, P 2, K 8, repeat from * across row ending with K 6. These 8 rows are repeated for pattern.
Repeat from 1st row until back measures 8 inches.
Next 2 Rows. Bind off 3 sts at the beginning of each row for underarm. Work even until armhole measures 3 inches from decreasing point.
Next Row. Work 1st 26 sts, bind off next 26 sts for back of neck and continue work on remaining 26 sts for 1 inch ending at neck edge.
Next Row. Cast on 18 sts. Work 1st 7 sts at front edge in garter st all the way down front (garter st: K each row), work remaining sts in pattern. Work even until armhole measures 6 inches from decreasing point. Cast on 3 sts at armhole edge and work even until front measures same as back (including the 12 K rows of border), bind off. Work other front to correspond working buttonholes 3 sts from front edge.
BUTTONHOLE. K 3, bind off next 2 sts and complete row. On following row cast on 2 sts over bound off 2 sts.
Work first buttonhole in 3rd row after the 18 cast on sts, then space buttonholes about 1¾ inches apart.
SLEEVES. With right side of work toward you, pick up and K 56 sts around armhole. Purl 1 row.
Next Row. K 16, P 2, K 4, P 2, K 8, P 2, K 4, P 2, K 16. Center 24 sts are worked in pattern for entire sleeve. Work even for 3 inches, decrease 1 st on each side every inch 4 times, continue until sleeve measures 7 inches.
Next Row. On center 16 sts, K 2 together 8 times, then work in garter st for 12 rows. Bind off.
On No. 1 needles, pick up 80 sts around neck and work in ribbing for ⅝ inch. Bind off.
Sew underarm and sleeve seams. Sew buttons in position.
On No. 3 needles, cast on 88 sts and K 12 rows, then work in pattern for 5 inches.
Next 2 Rows. Cast on 4 sts at the end of each row. Work next 4 rows in stockinette st (K 1 row, P 1 row).
Next Row. * K 14, K 2 together, repeat from * 5 times. Purl 1 row.
Decrease in same manner every other row having 1 st less between decreasing points, continue until 30 sts remain. Purl 1 row.
Next Row. K 2 together across row. Purl 1 row. Break yarn leaving an end long enough to draw through remaining sts, fasten securely. Sew back seams.
On No. 1 needles, pick up 64 sts at neck edge of cap and work in ribbing for 6 rows, bind off.
Fold back garter st border on front of cap, finish with ribbon rosettes.
On No. 3 needles, cast on 42 sts and K 12 rows. Work in pattern having 9 sts instead of 8 at beginning and end of row until work measures 3 inches from beginning ending on wrong side of work.
Next Row. Work beading for ribbon, K 2 together, * yarn over, K 2 tog, repeat from * across row P 1 row. K 1 row. P 1 row.
Next Row. K 15, slip these sts on a st holder, K 12 for instep, slip remaining sts on a st holder. Work 2 inches in garter st on the 12 sts ending on wrong side of work and place them on a double pointed needle, break yarn. Attach yarn on right hand side. K 15 sts, pick up 14 sts on side of instep, K 12 sts on the spare needle (instep), pick up 14 sts on other side of instep and K remaining sts (70 sts). K 14 rows, then decrease 1 st each end of needle every row 4 times. Bind off. Sew back and sole seams. Run ribbon through beading.
On No. 3 needles, cast on 44 sts, K 12 rows. P 1 row. K 1 row. P 1 row.
Next Row. Work beading same as bootees. P 1 row. K 1 row.
Next Row. P 8 sts, work pattern over next 8 sts (pattern is worked on these sts for entire mitten). Purl remaining sts. Work even until mitten measures 4 inches from beginning.
* Next Row. K 2 tog across row. P 1 row. Repeat from *, break yarn leaving end long enough to draw through remaining sts, fasten securely. Sew seams. Lace ribbon through beading.
Knitted Cable Carriage Cover
27 x 31
12—1 oz. Skeins White or Baby Colors.
1 Pr. Bone Knitting Needles No. 5.
1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 3 or 4.
Cast on 136 sts. Next row starts pattern.
1st Row. * P 8, K 2, P 4, K 2, repeat from * across row ending with P 8.
2nd Row. * K 8, P 2, K 4, P 2, repeat from * across row ending with K 8.
Repeat 1st and 2nd rows twice, then repeat 1st row once more.
8th Row. Cable twist row. * K 8, P 2, slip next 2 sts on a double pointed needle and place in front of work. K next 2 sts, K 2 sts on double pointed needle, P 2, repeat from * ending row with K 8.
Repeat from 1st row until work measures 29 inches, bind off.
BORDER. Work 1 row of s c around entire cover taking care to keep work flat, working 3 s c in each corner. Work 5 more rows of s c.
Next Row. * 1 s c in next s c, ch 3, s c in same space, skip 2 s c, repeat from * all around, skipping only 1 s c at corners, break yarn.
Boy's Knitted Suit Pattern
Knitted Soakers Pattern
Knitted Sun Suit Pattern
4-Piece Knitted Baby Set Pattern
Knitted Smocked Sweater Pattern
Baby Cable Set Pattern
Knitted Snow Suit Pattern
Drawstring Booties Pattern
Toeless Booties Pattern
Striped Toeless Booties Pattern
Peter Pan Crocheted Cotton Set Pattern
Crocheted Dress Pattern
Crocheted Soakers Pattern
Baby Bib Pattern
Apron Bib Pattern
Crocheted Sun Suit Pattern
Crib Sleeper Pattern
Infant's 4-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern
Five-Piece Crocheted Baby Pattern
Boy's Beret Pattern
Girl's Beret Pattern
Baby Hood Pattern
Infant's Bonnet Pattern
Crocheted Doll Pattern
Bottle Warmer Pattern
Braided Cuddle Doll Pattern