Size 38
1 Pr. M. M. No. 2½ Needles—14 inch
1 Pr. M. M. No. 3½ Needles—14 inch
Scale:—6½ sts. to 1 inch
Red No. 989, 2 Balls
Grey Black No. 998, 10 Balls
Black No. 572, 2 Balls
BACK—With Grey Black Olympic Yarn and No. 2½ needles cast on 112 sts., K. 1 st., P. 1 st., (ribbing) for 3 inches, change to No. 3½ needles and work in pattern as follows:
Row 1—* With Black K. 1, Grey Black K. 3, Black K. 2, Grey Black K. 2, repeat from * across row.
Row 2—* With Grey Black P. 2, Black P. 4, Grey Black P. 2, repeat from * across row.
Row 3—* With Grey Black K. 1, Black K. 4, Grey Black K. 3, repeat from * across row.
Row 4—* With Grey Black P. 4, Black P. 4, repeat from * across row.
Row 5—* With Black K. 2, Grey Black K. 3, Black K. 1, Grey Black K. 2, repeat from * across row.
Row 6—* With Grey Black P. 2, Red P. 2, Grey Black P. 3, Red P. 1, repeat from * across row.
Row 7—* With Grey Black K. 4, Red K. 4, repeat from * across row.
Row 8—* With Red P. 3, Grey Black P. 4, Red P. 1, repeat from * across row.
Row 9—* With Red K. 2, Grey Black K. 4, Red K. 2, repeat from * across row.
Row 10—* With Grey Black P. 3, Red P. 1, Grey Black P. 2, Red P. 2, repeat from * across row.
Repeat these 10 pattern rows for entire body of sweater. Work even until back measures 17 inches from start, bind off 5 sts. at beginning of the next 2 rows for underarm, then decrease 1 st. each side every other row 7 times (88 sts. remaining).
Work even until armholes measure 9 inches, then bind off 8 sts. at the beginning of the next 6 rows (24 sts. for each shoulder), bind off remaining sts. for back of neck.
FRONT—Cast on 120 sts., work same as back to underarm, then bind off 5 sts., work across 55 sts., slip these sts. on a stitch holder and on remaining 60 sts. work right front.
Bind off 5 sts. for underarm and decrease for armhole in same manner as back, at the same time decrease 1 st. every other row at neck end 24 times, work even until armhole measures same as back, bind off for slanting shoulder in same manner as back.
Pick up the 55 sts. from stitch holder and work left side of front to correspond.
SLEEVES—With Grey Black and No. 2½ needles cast on 64 sts., K. 1 st., P. 1 st., (ribbing) for 3 inches. On last row increase 1 st. every 8th st. (72 sts.), change to No. 3½ needles and work 2 inches even, then increase 1 st. each side every inch 15 times. Work even until sleeve measures 22 inches or desired length, bind off 5 sts. at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then bind off 2 sts. at the beginning of every row, until 20 sts. remain, bind off.
NECK BAND—With Grey Black and No. 2½ needles, pick up 136 sts. around neck at front, K. 1 st., P. 1 st., (ribbing) for 1¼ inches, working 2 sts. together at center front every row to shape V neck.
Pick up 40 sts. across back of neck and work 1¼ inches in ribbing.
Sew shoulder seams, sew sleeves in place, sew underarm seams.
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Socks Pattern
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