Size 12 to 14
Materials Required:
9 ozs. Buttercup or color desired
1 pr. each knitting needles No. 2 and No. 3
Plastic crochet hook No. 2
1 yd. Lastex
3 Buttons
Gauge: 8 sts = 1 inch.
BACK: On No. 3 needles cast on 120 sts and work in stockinette st (K 1 row, P 1 row). Work even for ½ inch ending with a P row.
Next Row—Decrease 1 st on each side, then decrease 1 st on each side every 6th row until 108 sts remain ending with a P row.
Next Row—Increase 1 st on each side, then increase 1 st on each side every 8th row 13 times more (136 sts). Work even until back measures 13 inches from the beginning.
Next 2 Rows—Bind off 5 sts at the beginning of each row.
Next 4 Rows—Bind off 2 sts at the beginning of each row, then decrease 1 st at the beginning of each row until 104 sts remain. Work even until armhole measures 4½ inches from 1st decreasing point ending with a P row.
Next Row: Shape Neck Line—K across 42 sts and place on a holder for right side, K next 20 sts and place on another holder for back of neck, K across remaining 42 sts. P 1 row.
Next Row—Bind off 2 sts at neck edge, then bind off 2 sts at neck edge every other row 3 times more, then decrease 1 st at neck edge every other row until 27 sts remain. Work even until armhole measures 7½ inches from 1st decreasing point ending with a K row.
Next 6 Rows—Bind off 9 sts at the beginning of every other row at armhole edge. Slip 42 sts from holder, attach yarn and work other side to correspond reversing the shaping.
1st Row—Skip the first st, K into back of second st on left hand needle and leave st on needle, slip the first st, then slip skipped st off needle, K 8, place next st on double pointed needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from double pointed needle.
2nd and all even Rows—P across.
3rd Row—K 1, skip next st, K into back of next st and leave on needle, slip the skipped st, then slip skipped st off needle, K 6, place next st on d.p. needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from d.p. needle, K 1.
5th Row—K 2, skip next st, K into back of next st and leave on needle, slip the skipped st, then slip skipped st off needle, K 4, place next st on d.p. needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from d.p. needle, K 2.
7th Row—K 3, skip next st, K into back of next st and leave on needle, slip the skipped st, then slip skipped st off needle, K 2, place next st on d.p. needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from d.p. needle, K 3.
9th Row—K 4, skip next st, K into back of next st and leave on needle, slip the skipped st, then slip skipped st off needle, place next st on d.p. needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from d.p. needle, K 4.
11th Row—K 5, place next st on d.p. needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from d.p. needle, K 5 (slip sts have been crossed on this row).
13th Row—K 4, place next st on d.p. needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from d.p. needle, skip next st, K into back of next st and leave on needle, slip the skipped st, then slip skipped st off needle, K 4.
15th Row—K 3, place next st on d.p. needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from d.p. needle, K 2, skip next st, K into back of next st and leave st on needle, slip the skipped st, then slip skipped st off needle, K 3.
17th Row—K 2, place next st on d.p. needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from d.p. needle, K 4, skip next st, K into back of next st and leave on needle, slip the skipped st, then slip skipped st off needle, K 2.
19th Row—K 1, place next st on d.p. needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from d.p. needle, K 6, skip next st, K into back of next st and leave st on needle, slip the skipped st, then slip skipped st off needle, K 1.
21st Row—Place first st on d.p. needle and place in back of work, slip next st, then K st from d.p. needle, K 8, skip next st, K into back of next st and leave on needle, slip the skipped st, then slip skipped st off needle.
22nd Row—Same as 2nd row.
These 22 rows are repeated for pattern.
FRONT: On No. 3 needles, cast on 120 sts, P 10, * work in pattern over next 12 sts, P 10, repeat from * across row 4 times more.
Next Row—K 10, * P 12, K 10, repeat from * 4 times more. Continue in the above manner having only 5 pattern panels up entire front. Work same as back to underarm. Shape armhole same as back armhole. Work even until armhole measures 4½ inches from 1st decreasing point. Shape neck line same as on back. When armhole measures 7½ inches from 1st decreasing point, bind off shoulders same as back shoulders.
SLEEVES: On No. 3 needles, cast on 76 sts and work in pattern same as on front, having only 3 pattern panels on each sleeve. Work even increasing 1 st on each side every row until there are 100 sts on needle and sleeve measures 3 inches from beginning.
Next 2 Rows—Bind off 5 sts at the beginning of each row.
Next 2 Rows—Bind off 2 sts at the beginning of each row, then decrease 1 st at the beginning of each row until 40 sts remain.
Next 6 Rows—Bind off 2 sts at beginning of each row, bind off remaining 28 sts.
FINISHING: Sew seams. Sew sleeves in position. Draw Lastex through waist line.
NECK BAND: With right side of work toward you and No. 2 needles, slip and K 10 sts from holder at left half of back, pick up and K 20 sts across back neck edge, pick up and K 30 sts across left side of neck edge, sl and K 20 sts from holder, pick up and K 30 sts across right side of neck edge, pick up and K 20 sts across back neck edge, slip and K 10 remaining sts from holder (140 sts on needle). Work in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 3 inches, bind off. Work a row of s c across back opening working 3-4 ch loops evenly spaced on right side for buttons. Sew buttons in position. Work a row of s c around lower edge of blouse and sleeves.