Size 3
Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Shetland Floss (1 oz. balls).
Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size) for all articles, unless otherwise specified.
For Girl's Cap, buy 1 ball and 3 yds. ribbon 1 inch wide.
For Girl's Coat, buy 5 balls and a small button.
For Girl's Mittens, buy 1 ball, 1 yd. of ribbon and Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size).
For Girl's Leggings, buy 4 balls, and 6 inches of elastic.
For Boy's Cap, buy 1 ball.
For Boy's Coat, buy 4 balls and 6 buttons.
For Boy's Mittens, buy 1 ball, 1 yd. ribbon and Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size).
For Boy's Leggings, buy 4 balls and 6 inches of elastic.
Gauge: For All Articles Except Mittens: 13 sts make 2 inches; 14 rows (7 ridges) make 1 inch.
Mittens: 15 sts make 2 inches; 10 rows make 1 inch.
Starting at front edge, cast on 86 sts and work in garter st (k each row) for 1¾ inches. On next row, k 2, * p 1, k 1. Repeat from * across. Repeat last row for another inch. On next row k across, increasing 8 sts at equal distances apart (94 sts). Hereafter work in garter st straight for 2½ inches. * On next row, dec. 8 sts at equal distances apart. Work 3 rows straight. Repeat from * until 14 sts remain. Break off and run the end of yarn through the remaining sts, pull tightly and fasten securely (this is tip of crown). Sew both ends together, from tip of crown to end of decreases. Turn front edge of cap back as in illustration. Make a rosette at both ends of ribbon and sew one on each side of turn-back at lower edge of cap. Cut remainder of ribbon in half for ties.
Back. Starting at bottom, cast on 86 sts and work in garter st (k each row) for 6½ inches. Next row: * K 1, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across, ending row with k 2. Following row: K 2, * p 1, k 1. Repeat from * across. Repeat the last row 2 more times. Next row: K 2, * O, k 2 tog., p 1, k 1. Repeat from * across. Then work 2 rows of ribbing as before. On next row, k across, increasing 6 sts at equal distances apart (64 sts). Hereafter, work in garter st for 1 inch, increasing 1 st at both ends of the 4th row (66 sts). To shape Back for sleeves to fit into later, dec. 1 st at end of each row until 14 sts remain. Bind off.
Right Front. Starting at bottom, cast on 50 sts and work as for Back for 6½ inches. Then, on next row dec. 12 sts at equal distances apart (38 sts). Then continue as for Back to end of ribbing (waist line). On next row, inc. 6 sts at equal distances apart (44 sts). Work in garter st for 1 inch, increasing 1 st at both ends of 4th row (46 sts). Then, keeping front edge straight, dec. 1 st at opposite edge every other row until 25 sts remain. On next row, make a buttonhole 2 sts in from front edge (to make a buttonhole, k 2 tog., O) and continue across, making the usual dec. at opposite edge. Work 1 row straight. Starting at front edge, bind off 14 sts, k across, decreasing the last st. Next row: K 1, k 2 tog., k 2, k 2 tog., k 2. Following row: K 1, (k 2 tog.) twice, k 2. Next row: K 1, k 3 tog., k 1. Following row: K 2 tog., k 1. Bind off.
Left Front. Work exactly as for Right Front, omitting buttonhole and reversing shapings.
Sleeves. Starting at bottom, cast on 30 sts and work in garter st for 1½ inches. Then work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 1½ inches. On next row, k across, increasing 8 sts at equal distances apart (38 sts). Hereafter, continue in garter st, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 10th row until there are 48 sts on needle. Work straight for 1 inch. To shape top of sleeve, * dec. 1 st at end of each row 8 times. Work 2 rows straight. Repeat from * until 8 sts remain. Next row: K 2, (k 2 tog.) twice, k 2. Work 1 row straight. On the following row, k 1, (k 2 tog.) twice, k 1. Bind off.
Collar. Starting at one point, cast on 2 sts. 1st row: Inc. in 1st st, k 1. 2nd row: K 1, inc. in next st, k 1. 3rd row: K 1, inc. in next st, k remaining sts. 4th row: K to within last 3 sts, inc. in next st, k 2. Repeat last 2 rows alternately until there are 18 sts on needle. Hereafter work in garter st until piece measures 10 inches across long side. Then work to correspond with opposite end, making decreases where increases were made previously until 2 sts remain. Bind off.
Cord. For a cord about 33 inches long, measure off eight 2¾-yd. lengths of yarn, twist tightly, then double the twisted strands and give them a second twist in the opposite direction.
Tassels. Cut a cardboard 3 inches wide and 6 inches long. Cut a piece of yarn 12 inches long and place it across the length of cardboard. Then wind 3 strands of yarn around width of cardboard about 12 times. Break off. Pick up both ends of the 12-inch length of yarn and tie securely. Slip tassel off cardboard and wind a single strand several times around near top, and tie securely. Break off. Trim ends evenly. Place sleeves between Back and Fronts and sew in place. Sew up underarm and sleeve seams. Sew collar to neck edge so that front edges extend ½ inch beyond edges of collar. Run cord through eyelets at waistline and sew a tassel on each end. Sew on button to correspond with buttonhole.
Starting at wrist, cast on 32 sts loosely. 1st row: K 2, * p 1, k 1. Repeat from * across. Repeat the 1st row for 2½ inches. Then, on next row, k 2, O, k 2 tog., * p 1, k 1, O, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across. Hereafter work in garter st (k each row) for 8 rows. Next row: K 15, inc. in each of next 2 sts, k 15. Following row: K across. Next row: K 15, inc. in next st, k 2, inc. in next st, k 15. Following row: K across. Next row: K 15, inc. in next st, k 4, inc. in next st, k 15. Repeat the last 2 rows alternately, but having 2 additional sts between the increases in every other row, until there are 42 sts on needle. Work 1 row straight. On next row, k across 1st 15 sts. Then work over the next 12 sts only for 1 inch. To shape top of thumb, on next row k 2 tog. across. Repeat the last row once more. Break off. Run this end of yarn through the remaining sts, pull tightly and fasten securely. Sew up thumb seam. Pick up needle with the 15 sts which were knitted before the thumb was made, then pick up 2 sts at base of thumb and work across remaining 15 sts. Work straight for 1½ inches. * On next row, dec. 4 sts at equal distances apart. Work 1 row straight. Repeat from * until 12 sts remain, having decreases fall directly over those of previous row. Break off, run the end of yarn through remaining sts, pull tightly and fasten securely.
Sew up seams and lace ribbon through eyelets at wrist. Make another same as this.
Starting at waistline, cast on 156 sts; work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 4 rows. On next row, k 2, * O, k 2 tog., (k 1, p 1) twice. Repeat from * across to within last 4 sts, then O, k 2 tog., k 1, p 1. Now work in ribbing as before for 5 rows. Then work as follows: 1st row: K 84, turn. 2nd row: K 12, turn. 3rd row: K 18, turn. 4th row: K 24, turn. 5th row: K 30, turn. 6th row: K 36, turn. 7th row: K 42, turn. 8th row: K 48, turn. 9th row: K 54, turn. 10th row: K 60, turn. 11th row: K 66, turn. 12th row: K 72, turn. 13th row: K 78, turn. 14th row: K 84, turn. 15th row: K 90, turn. 16th row: K 96, turn. 17th row: K 102, turn. 18th row: K 108, turn. 19th row: K 114, turn. 20th row: K 120, turn. On the next row, k across entire row. Hereafter, work in garter st (k each row) until piece measures 7½ inches, measuring along the short side. On next row, with right side of work toward you, k across 1st 78 sts, turn. Work over these 78 sts only, decreasing 1 st at both ends of next row and every 5th row thereafter until 34 sts remain. Work straight for 13 rows. Next row: Bind off 15 sts, k 19. Following row: Bind off 3 sts, k 16. Work straight for 2½ inches. Then dec. 1 st at end of each row until 10 sts remain. Bind off. Attach yarn at base of this piece and work the remaining 78 sts to correspond with other side, up to 13 rows straight (34 sts). Next row: Bind off 15 sts, k 19. Following row: Bind off 3 sts, k 16. Work over these 16 sts straight for 2½ inches. Then dec. 1 st at end of each row until 10 sts remain. Bind off.
Cord and Tassels. See Girl's Coat No. 591-B.
Sew up front and leg seams. Work a row of s c around foot shaping. Cut elastic in half and sew one end on each side of instep on each foot. Lace cord through eyelets at waistline and sew a tassel to each end of cord.
Starting at front edge, cast on 86 sts and work in garter st (k each row) for 1¾ inches. On next row, k 2, * p 1, k 1. Repeat from * across. Repeat the last row for another inch, increasing 1 st at end of last row. On next row, k across, increasing 12 sts at equal distances apart (98 sts). Hereafter work in garter st straight for 2½ inches. * On next row, dec. 9 sts at equal distances apart. Work 3 rows straight. Repeat from * until 17 sts remain, having decreases fall directly over those of previous row. Break off and run the end of yarn through the remaining sts, pull tightly and fasten securely (this is tip of crown). Sew both ends together. Turn edge of cap back as in illustration.
Back. Starting at bottom, cast on 68 sts and work in garter st (k each row) for 7 inches. Then, to shape Back for raglan sleeve to fit into later, dec. 1 st at end of each row until 18 sts remain. Bind off.
Left Front. Starting at bottom, cast on 46 sts and work in garter st for 2¾ inches. Next row: K 22, O, k 2 tog. (buttonhole), k 17, O, k 2 tog. (another buttonhole), k 3 (this is front edge). Work as before for 2¾ inches. Then, on next row, make 2 buttonholes as before, directly above those of previous row. Work straight until piece measures same as underarm of Back. To shape armhole for raglan sleeve to fit into later, starting at underarm, dec. 1 st every other row until 30 sts remain. Work 1 row straight. Continuing with the usual decreases at armhole edge, make a buttonhole as before 3 sts in from front edge. On next row, starting at front edge, bind off 14 sts and k across. Hereafter dec. 1 st at end of each row until 7 sts remain. Next row: K 2, k 2 tog., k 3. Work 1 row straight. Following row: K 2, k 2 tog., k 2. Work 1 row straight. Next row: K 2, k 2 tog., k 1. Work 1 row straight. Following row: (K 2 tog.) twice. Bind off.
Right Front. Work exactly as for Left Front, omitting buttonholes and reversing shapings.
Sleeves. Starting at bottom, cast on 30 sts and work in garter st for 1½ inches. Then work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 1 inch. On next row, k across, increasing 8 sts at equal distances apart (38 sts). Hereafter, work in garter st, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 10th row until there are 48 sts on needle. Work straight for 1½ inches. To shape top of sleeve, dec. 1 st at end of each row until 40 sts remain. Work 2 rows straight. Then dec. 1 st at end of each row until 8 sts remain. On next row, k 2, (k 2 tog.) twice, k 2. Work 1 row straight. Then, on the following row, k 1, (k 2 tog.) twice, k 1. Bind off.
Collar. Starting at one point, cast on 2 sts. 1st row: Inc. in 1st st, k 1. 2nd row: K 1, inc. in next st, k 1. 3rd row: K 1, inc. in next st, k remaining sts. 4th row: K to within last 3 sts, inc. in next st, k 2. Repeat the last 2 rows alternately until there are 18 sts on needle. Hereafter work in garter st until piece measures 10 inches across long side. Then work to correspond with opposite end, making decreases where increases were made previously, until 2 sts remain. Bind off.
Place sleeves between shapings of Back and Fronts and sew in place. Sew up underarm and sleeve seams. Sew collar to neck edge, having front edges extend 1½ inches beyond edges of collar. Make a buttonloop at neck edge of Right Front. Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes.
Starting at cuff, cast on 32 sts loosely. 1st row: K 2, * p 1, k 1. Repeat from * across. Repeat 1st row for 2½ inches. Then, on next row, k 2, O, k 2 tog., * p 1, k 1, O, k 2 tog. Repeat from * across. Hereafter work in garter st (k each row) for 3¼ inches. Then, continuing in garter st, on next row and every other row dec. 4 sts at equal distances apart, having decreases fall directly over those of previous row, until 12 sts remain. Break off, and run end of yarn through remaining sts, pull tightly and fasten securely. Sew up seam and lace ribbon through eyelets at wrist. Make another same as this.
Work exactly as for Girl's Leggings, No. 591-D.
Suspender Suit Pattern
Four Piece Brother & Sister Outfit Pattern
Knitted Creeper Pattern
Two Piece Suit Pattern
Party Dress Pattern
Knitted Sweater Pattern #584
Knitted Sweater Pattern #595
Knitted Sweater Pattern #594
Knitted Sweater Pattern #5014
Knitted Mittens Pattern
Knitted Pants Pattern #597
Knitted Pants Pattern #596
Knitted Cap Pattern
Knitted Bootees Pattern
Embroidered Ball Pattern
Crocheted Creeper Pattern
Crocheted Pullover Pattern #599
Crocheted Pullover Pattern #598
Crocheted Crib Cover Pattern
Crocheted Carriage Cover Pattern
Crocheted Bootees Pattern #593
Crocheted Bootees Pattern #5010
Crocheted Mittens Pattern
Crocheted Cap Pattern