Size 34
Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Sports Yarn, 16 balls of main color and 1 ball of a contrasting color (1 ounce balls). Milward's Casein knitting pins, 1 pair No. 1 (2½ mm. size). 3 buttons, 1 inch in diameter. ¼ yd. of lining material and cotton batting.
Gauge: 9 sts make 1 inch; 12 rows make 1 inch. The entire jacket is worked in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row).
Back. Starting at bottom, cast on 145 sts and work for 3 inches. Then decrease 1 st at both ends of next row, and every inch thereafter, until 135 sts remain. Work straight for 2 inches. Then increase 1 st at both ends of next row and every inch thereafter until there are 147 sts on needle. Work straight until work measures 14½ inches in all.
To Shape Armholes: Bind off 5 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows, and 4 sts at beginning of each of the following 2 rows. Then decrease 1 st at both ends of every other row until 117 sts remain. Hereafter work straight until work measures 7 inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Then to shape shoulders, bind off 4 sts at beginning of each row until 45 sts remain. Bind off remaining sts for back of neck.
Left Front. Starting at bottom, cast on 63 sts and work for ½ inch. Increase 1 st at end of next and every k row until 22 sts have been increased (this is cut away at front), at the same time shaping opposite edge (underarm) same as for back (86 sts). When underarm measures same as underarm of back, shape armhole as for back until 71 sts remain. Then to shape neck, decrease 1 st every other row at neck edge for 14 times, then every 4th row for 10 times, keeping armhole edge straight. To shape shoulder, bind off 4 sts at beginning of every k row, until all sts are worked off.
Right Front. Work to correspond with left front, reversing shapings and at the same time making a buttonhole after the 22 sts are increased at front edge, and every 5 inches thereafter until 3 buttonholes are made in all. (To make a buttonhole, bind off 6 sts 1 inch in from center front edge, and on the next row, cast on 6 sts to replace those bound off.)
Sleeves. Starting at wrist, cast on 80 sts and work for 2 inches. Then increase 1 st at both ends of next row and every ½ inch thereafter until there are 106 sts on needle. Increase 1 st at both ends every inch until there are 116 sts on needle. Work straight until sleeve measures 18 inches. To shape top of sleeve, bind off 5 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows, and 2 sts at beginning of each of following 2 rows. Then decrease 1 st at both ends of every 3rd row until 88 sts remain. Then decrease 1 st at end of each row until 64 sts remain. Then bind off 2 sts at beginning of each row until 20 sts remain. Bind off remaining sts.
Upper Pocket. Starting at lower edge, cast on 30 sts and p across. Cast on 2 sts at end of each row until there are 42 sts on needle. Work straight until pocket measures 5 inches in all. Bind off.
Lower Pockets. Starting at lower edge, cast on 36 sts and work as for upper pocket until there are 56 sts on needle. Work straight until pocket measures 6 inches in all. Bind off.
Belt. Cast on 28 sts and work straight until belt measures 11½ inches. Bind off. Make a ½ inch hem along both sides of belt. Place belt in position across back and pin in place.
Sew up shoulder seams and sew underarm seams fitting garment at waistline and making 4 vertical darts, each about 5 inches long across the back. Sew up sleeve seams and sew sleeves in. Make a ½ inch hem all around each pocket. Then with a needle and 2 strands of contrasting color, work a running stitch ½ inch in from edge all around, as in illustration. Sew pockets in place. Make a ½ inch hem all around lower edge, along both fronts and across back of neck. Finish sleeves in same way. Then work a running stitch ½ inch in from edges as for pockets, and also around belt. Sew buttons on left front to correspond with buttonholes.
Shoulder Paddings. With lining material, make 2 triangles measuring 5½ inches on each side. Sew together, placing a layer of cotton batting in between. Tack padding across shoulder at points, having one point 1 inch in from neck edge.

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