Materials: Brook's Ripple Knit, 17 skeins of main color and 1 skein of a contrasting color.
Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 1 (2½ mm. size) and 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size).
Milward's circular knitting pin No. 3 (3 mm. size).
Milward's steel crochet hook No. 4.
7 buttons.
2 snap fasteners.
30 inches of elastic.
Measurements. Blouse: Bust—34 inches. Length from top of shoulder—19½ inches. Length of sleeve, underarm seam—4½ inches.
Skirt: Waist—28 inches. Hips—36 inches. Width of skirt at hem—50 inches.
Gauge: 6 sts make 1 inch; 9 rows make 1 inch.
Back. Starting at bottom, with No. 1 needles and main color, cast on 82 sts and work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 3½ inches, increasing 8 sts at equal distances apart on last row (90 sts). Change to No. 3 needles and work in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row), increasing 1 st at both ends of every 7th row until there are 108 sts on needle. Work straight until piece measures 11½ inches.
To Shape Armholes: Bind off 5 sts at beginning of each of next 2 rows. Then dec. 1 st at beginning of every row until 80 sts remain. Work straight until piece measures 5½ inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. To shape shoulders, bind off 9 sts at beginning of each row until 26 sts remain. Work straight over these 26 sts for 1½ inches. Bind off.
Left Front. Starting at bottom, with No. 1 needles cast on 48 sts and work in ribbing of k 1, p 1, for 3½ inches, increasing 6 sts at equal distances apart on last row (54 sts). Change to No. 3 needles and work in stockinette st, keeping front edge straight and increasing 1 st at underarm side every 1¼ inch until there are 60 sts on needle. Work straight until piece measures 12 inches.
To Shape Armhole: Starting at underarm side, bind off 6 sts. Then dec. 1 st every other row until 44 sts remain. Work straight until piece measures 5 inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. Then shape shoulders by binding off 8 sts every other row at armhole edge until 20 sts remain. Bind off.
Right Front. Starting at bottom, with No. 1 needles cast on 42 sts and work as for Left Front, reversing shapings, but always having 6 sts less than on Left Front.
Buttonhole Band. Starting at bottom, with No. 3 needles cast on 10 sts and work in pattern as follows: 1st row: K across. 2nd row: P across. 3rd row: P across. 4th row: K across. Repeat these 4 rows, making a buttonhole on the 8th row by binding off the 4 center sts and casting on 4 sts (to replace those bound off on the following row). Continue in pattern making 7 buttonholes in all, 2½ inches apart. When band measures 17 inches, bind off.
Sleeves. Starting at bottom, with No. 3 needles cast on 72 sts and work in stockinette st, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 6th row until there are 84 sts. Work straight until piece measures 4½ inches. To shape top of sleeve, dec. 1 st at end of every row until 40 sts remain. Work straight over these 40 sts for 4½ inches. Bind off.
Cuffs: With No. 3 needles cast on 10 sts and work as for Buttonhole Band for 12 inches, omitting buttonholes. Bind off.
Pockets. Starting at bottom, with No. 3 needles cast on 22 sts and work in stockinette st for 4 inches. Bind off.
Flaps: With No. 3 needles cast on 6 sts and work as for Cuffs for 3½ inches. Bind off. Make 2 each of Pockets and Flaps.
Collar. With No. 3 needles cast on 15 sts and work as for Cuffs for 15½ inches. Bind off.
Fringe. With contrasting color and crochet hook, make a chain slightly longer than 20 inches (for Collar), turn. In the first ch make a slip st, tighten, then draw out the loop and slip over a piece of cardboard 1¼ inches wide. Draw loop even, then, in the same ch make 6 more slip sts and loops. Do not remove loops from cardboard but continue down the chain, making 7 loops in each ch. When entire chain is filled with loops, remove cardboard and cut loops, or leave uncut if desired. Make similar fringe for flaps of pockets and cuffs of sleeves (see illustration).
To Assemble: Sew buttonhole band to Right Front. Sew up underarm seams, easing in the extra fullness over bust. Sew up sleeve seams and sew sleeves in, forming saddle shoulder. Work 1 row of s c around neck, and turn a small hem at top of buttonhole band. Sew fringe to flaps, cuffs and collar. Sew flaps to pockets and sew in place as in illustration. Sew cuffs to edge of sleeves with fringe turning upward. Sew collar from one edge of buttonhole band around neck to opposite edge. Sew on buttons and snaps to hold band in place at top.
Starting at bottom, with circular needle and main color cast on 300 sts and join, being careful not to twist sts. Work 8 inches straight (k each round). Then on next rnd dec. 10 sts at equal distances apart. Work 4 inches straight. Then, on next rnd, dec. 10 sts as before, but being careful decreases do not come directly above those on previous decrease rnd. * Work 2 inches straight; on next rnd dec. 10 sts as before. Repeat from * 4 more times (230 sts). Then dec. 10 sts on 1 rnd and after every inch thereafter, until skirt measures 28 inches (170 sts). Work 1 inch straight. Bind off.
Work 2 rows of s c around bottom of skirt. Make 1 row of s c and a casing on wrong side for elastic at top of skirt. To make casing, work 1 s c at top, ch 6, slip st in st 4 rows down and 5 sts to left, ch 6, sl st 4 rows up and 5 sts to left; continue in this manner around. Run elastic through casing.