1 Pr. Standard Knitting Needles No. 3
Jack Frost Knitting Worsted—5 4-oz. Skeins
SWEATER: Cast on 70 sts. K 12 rows. Work pattern as follows: Row 1—* K 2 P 2, repeat from * to end of row. Row 2—P all. Repeat rows 1 and 2 until piece measures 8 inches. Bind off 6 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Continue in pattern for 4½ inches, ending on right side. Work over 18 sts, bind off next 22 sts; on last 18 sts work for 1½ inches. Cast on 14 sts at neck edge, keeping the 1st 6 sts in garter st for buttonhole band; remaining sts work in pattern. Make a buttonhole in 4th row as follows: Starting at neck edge, K 2 sts, bind off next 2 sts, work across. Next row—Add 2 sts over bound off sts. Repeat buttonhole every 2 inches. Work 3½ inches from cast on 14 sts. Add 6 sts to armhole side. Work until piece measures 8 inches, including K 12 rows. Bind off. Work left front to correspond, omitting buttonholes.
Sleeves: Cast on 32 sts. K for 8 rows. Next row—Increase 6 sts at even intervals. Work pattern, increasing 1 st at beginning and end of every 8th row until sleeve measures 7½ inches. Bind off 4 sts at beginning of each row until 12 sts remain. Bind off all.
Collar: Starting at right front, pick up 62 sts. Keep 1st and last 6 sts in garter st; remaining sts work pattern, increasing 1 st inside of border every other row for 1½ inches. K 1 inch and bind off.
LEGGINGS: Cast on 140 sts. Work in ribbing K 2 P 2 for 1 inch. Next row—Work beading as follows: * K 2, Y. O., P 2 tog; repeat from * across row. Continue in ribbing for 1 inch. Work stockinette st (K 1 row, P 1 row) until piece measures 9 inches. Divide sts in half. Work over 70 sts, decreasing 1 st at beginning and end of every other row until 44 sts remain. Work pattern for 4 inches. Bind off 5 sts at beginning of next row. Finish row in pattern. Bind off 25 sts at beginning of next row. Continue in pattern for 1½ inches. Then decrease 1 st at beginning and end of next 2 rows. Bind off. Work 2nd leg to correspond. With 2 strands of yarn, make a loose ch 30 inches long, and lace thru as illustrated.
CAP: Cast on 6 sts. Work garter st, increasing 1 st at beginning and end of every 8th row until 16 sts on needle. Break yarn. Work a 2nd piece; do not break yarn. Cast on 10 sts, K over 10 cast on sts and 16 sts of 1st piece; cast on 22 sts, K over 16 sts of 2nd piece, cast on 10 sts (74 sts in all). K for 12 rows. Work pattern for 6 inches. 1st decreasing Row—K 2 tog. across row. 2nd decreasing Row—P 2 tog. across row. Repeat rows 1 and 2 until 6 sts remain. Draw yarn thru last 6 sts with darning needle and sew up seam. Trim with pompom as illustrated.
BONNET: Cast on 74 sts. K 10 rows. Work pattern until piece measures 5 inches. Bind off 24 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Continue in pattern for 6 inches. Next Row—K 2 tog. across row and bind off. Sew sides of this piece to bound off sides. Pick up 42 sts on neck edge, K 1 P 1 for 6 rows. Bind off.
Ruffle: Pick up 74 sts across front on last K row. Next row—Increase 1 st in each st. K 10 rows. Bind off.
Baby's Three-Piece Knitted Legging Set Pattern #6003
Baby's Three-Piece Knitted Legging Set Pattern #6006
Baby's Six-Piece Knitted Set Pattern #6004
Baby's Six-Piece Knitted Set Pattern #6005
Baby's Six-Piece Knitted Set Pattern #6008
Baby's Knitted Bonnet Pattern #6021
Baby's Knitted Bonnet Pattern #6022
Baby's Knitted Sweater Pattern #6023
Baby's Knitted Soaker Pattern #6024
Boy's Knitted Cap Pattern #6026
Baby's Knitted Jacket Pattern #6030
Baby's Knitted Jacket Pattern #6032
Baby's Knitted Cardigan Pattern #6033
Baby's Knitted Slipover Pattern #6034
Baby's Six-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern #6001
Baby's Six-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern #6002
Baby's Six-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern #6007
Baby's Six-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern #6010
Baby's Six-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern #6011
Baby's Six-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern #6013
Baby's Six-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern #6014
Baby's Six-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern #6015
Baby's Six-Piece Crocheted Set Pattern #6016
Baby's Three-Piece Crocheted Legging Set Pattern #6009
Baby's Three-Piece Crocheted Legging Set Pattern #6012
Baby's Crocheted Crib Cover Pattern #6017
Baby's Crocheted Crib Cover Pattern #6018
Baby's Four-Piece Daisy Set Pattern #6019
Baby's Crocheted Sacque Pattern #6020
Baby's Crocheted Sacque Pattern #6028
Crocheted Aviator Cap Pattern #6025
Baby's Crocheted Bonnet Pattern #6027
Baby's Crocheted Hug Me Tight Pattern #6029
Baby's Crocheted Soaker Pattern #6031