This free pattern originally published in the Botany College Hand Knits, Volume II, in 1958.
Instructions are for size 34, changes for sizes 36 and 38 are in parentheses, see body measurement chart on pattern book page.
Black, Color A |
White, Color B |
KNITTING NEEDLES: 1 pair "Boye" Non-Inflammable Needles, Size 3 OR SIZE YOU REQUIRE TO KNIT TO GAUGE GIVEN BELOW. 1 pair "Boye" Non-Inflammable Needles, Size 1 for facings and Collar and Cuff ribbing. GAUGE: Pattern - Size 3 Needles 15 sts = 2 inches; 17 rows = 2 inches MEASUREMENTS FOR BLOCKING: |
At bustline |
38 ½
40 ½
Width of back at underarm |
19 ¼
20 ¼
BACK - With size 1 needles and A, cast on 135 (144-153) sts for facing. P 1 row, k 1 row for 12 rows. K 1 row from wrong side, inserting needle in back of sts for turning ridge. With size 3 needles, beg. with row 1 on chart, k 1 row, p 1 row for 4 rows.
NOTE: Carry color not being used loosely along on wrong side of work keeping work flat.
Row 5 - * K 3 A, 3 B, 3 A; repeat from * to end.
Row 6 - * P 1 B, 1 A, 5 B, 1 A, 1 B; repeat from * to end.
NOTE: Carry B when not in use loosely along edge of work between stripes. Continue pat. following chart until about 16½ ins. above turning ridge, end with pat. row 6. Mark for under-arm.
Armholes - Bind off 9 sts at beg. of each of next 2 rows; 117 (126-135) sts. Work even until about 6 (6 ¼-6½) ins. above marker, end with pat. row 6 (8-10).
Divide for Neck - Work 48 (52-56) sts, place on holder for right side, bind off 21 (22-23) sts for neck, finish row; 48 (52-56) sts. Continue pat., decreasing 1 st at neck edge every 2nd row 9 (10-10) times, with care to keep pat.; 39 (42-46) sts. Work even until 8½ (9-9½) ins. above marker, end at arm¬hole edge. Bind off. Take up sts of right side and finish to correspond to left side.
FRONT - With size 1 needles and A, cast on 135 (144-153) sts. Work same as for back. Sew shoulder seams.
SLEEVES - With size 3 needles and A, pick up and k 126 (135-144) sts evenly spaced around armhole edge-this row counts as row 1 of pat. Continue pat., following chart until 24 rows from beg. including picked up row. Dec. 1 st each side of next row. With care to keep pat., repeat decs. every 4th row 16 times; every 6th row 7 times; 78 (87-96) sts. Work even until about 16½ ins. from beg., end with pat. row 4. Break off B.
Dec. row - With size 1 needles and A, k 1 row decreasing 14 (19-24) sts evenly spaced across row; 64 (68-72) sts.
Cuff Ribbing - Work k 1, p 1 ribbing for 4 ins. Bind off in ribbing.
FRONT HALF OF COLLAR - With size 1 needles and A, from right side, beg. at left shoulder seam, pick up and k 30 (32-34) sts on side edge of neck, pick up and k 22 sts on bound-off sts of neck, pick up and k 30 (32-34) sts to right shoulder seam; 82 (86-90) sts. Work k 1, P 1 ribbing for 4 ins. Bind off in ribbing. Work back half of collar in same way.
FINISHING - Sew seams, matching pat. stripes. Sew side seams on collar. Turn under facing on lower edge and hem on wrong side. Block.

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