Tyrol Vest Pattern #1119

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Tyrol Vest Pattern #1119

Size 34

Materials: Chadwick's Red Heart Knitting Worsted, 6 skeins (1¼ oz. skeins) of main color and 1 skein each of 4 contrasting colors.
Milward's Casein knitting pins, 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size).
7 buttons.

Gauge: 6 sts make 1 inch; 7 rows make 1 inch.

Back. Starting at bottom, cast on 78 sts and work in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row), increasing 1 st at both ends every inch until there are 90 sts on needle. Then work straight until piece measures 7½ inches in all.

To Shape Armholes. Bind off 2 sts at beginning of each of next 4 rows; then dec. 1 st at end of each row until 76 sts remain. Hereafter work straight until piece measures 7½ inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. To shape shoulders, bind off 6 sts at beginning of each row until 28 sts remain. Bind off.

Right Front. Starting at bottom, cast on 30 sts and work in stockinette st, increasing 2 sts every other row on front edge until there are 40 sts on needle. Then, keeping front edge straight, inc. 1 st at underarm edge on next row and every 4th row thereafter until there are 50 sts on needle. Work straight until piece measures 9 inches.

To Shape Armhole: Starting at underarm side, bind off 5 sts, then dec. 1 st every other row at armhole edge until 35 sts remain. Work straight until piece measures 5 inches from 1st row of armhole shaping. To shape neck, bind off 6 sts at front edge on next row and 2 sts every other row at neck edge until 23 sts remain. Work 4 rows straight. Then, to shape shoulder, starting at armhole edge, bind off 6 sts every other row until all sts are bound off.

Left Front. Work exactly as for Right Front, reversing shapings.

Sew up underarm seams, easing in the extra fullness 1½ inches down from armhole shaping. Sew up shoulder seams. With 1st contrasting color work 2 rows of s c all around edges. Break off. Attach main color and work another row of s c. Break off.

Embroidery. Trellis: With 1st contrasting color make a vertical Trellis of cross stitch, ¾ inch up from bottom edge and ⅝ inch in from side edge, each cross stitch to be ⅝ inch high and ½ inch wide. Make another Trellis 4 inches apart from 1st and ½ inch up from bottom edge. With 2nd contrasting color work a long stitch between each cross.

Daisies: With 3rd contrasting color work an 8-petal daisy, having center 2 inches down and 1¼ inches to the left of 1st Trellis. With 4th contrasting color, work a long stitch in each petal. Make another daisy 1¼ inches down and 1½ inches apart from 1st, reversing colors. With 2nd contrasting color work 2 stems and 3 leaves, making a long stitch in each leaf with 1st contrasting color. (See stitch detail.)

Tyrol Vest Pattern #1119