Directions are for 6-month size. Changes for 1-year size are in parentheses.
NOMOTTA Mothproof, Non-Shrink Baby Wool or Nylon
3 1-oz balls
1 set 10-inch double-pointed (dp) needles size 2
GAUGE: 8 sts = 1 inch; 12 rows = 1 inch
YOKE PATTERN: On an odd number of stitches.
ROW 1: (right side): K 1, *YO, slip 1 stitch as if to purl, K 1; repeat from * across row.
ROW 2: K 1, *K 2 together (the slip-st and YO of row below), YO, slip 1; repeat from * across, ending with K 2 together, K 1.
ROW 3: K 1, *YO, slip 1, K 2 together; repeat from * across, ending with YO, slip 1, K 1.
Repeat Rows 2 and 3 for pattern.
BACK: Cast on 92 (96) sts. Work firmly back and forth in Garter-st (K every row) for 6 rows (3 ridges). Change to Stockinette-st (K 1 row, P 1 row) and work until Back measures 6 (6½) ins from start, end with a purl row. Break yarn and slip all sts on a holder.
FRONT: Work same as back decreasing 1 stitch in center of last purl row. Slip the 91 (95) sts on a holder.
SLEEVES:Cast on 39 (41) sts. Work in Garter-st for 4 rows (2 ridges). Knit next row increasing 14 sts evenly spaced across row; 53 (55) sts. Purl back. Change to Stockinette-st and work straight until sleeve measures 6 (6½) ins from start, end with a purl row. Break yarn and slip all sts on a holder. Work 2nd sleeve to correspond. With knit side facing you and slipping a marker on needle in center of back and one each side of each sleeve, slip all sts on 3 dp needles (divide sts in 3 groups) as follows: back sts, one sleeve, front then 2nd sleeve; 289 (301) sts in round. Knit all around thus joining all sections together. Knit 2 (4) more rounds, end at center back marker. Divide for Back Opening as follows: Turn, purl back decreasing 88 (86) sts in round as follows: For 6-month size only: **P 2, (P 2 together, P 1) 3 times; (P 2 together) 11 times; (P 2 together, P 1) 3 times, P 2 together, P 2** (18 sts decreased across right back) ; P 1, *P 2 together, P 5, repeat from * 7 times across right sleeve, P 2 together, P 1 (8 sts decreased across sleeve); repeat from ** to ** twice across front (36 sts decreased across front), decrease 8 sts across left sleeve same as for right sleeve; now, decrease 18 sts across left back same as for Right Back; 201 sts remain. For 1-year size only: ** P 1, P 2 together; repeat from across right back (16 sts decreased across right back); P 2, *P 2 together, P 5; repeat from * 7 times across right sleeve P 2 together, P 2 (8 sts decreased across sleeve); repeat from ** across front (32 sts decreased across front); now decrease 16 sts across right back same as for left back; 215 sts remain. For Both Sizes: Knit 2 rounds, end on wrong side. ***Work in Yoke Pattern for 1 (1¼) ins, end with Row 3. Next Row K 1, *K 2 together (YO and slip-st of row below), K 1; repeat from * across row; 201 (215) sts remain. There will always be the same number of sts at end of this row as there are at end of last decrease row. Knit 1 row ***. 2nd Decrease Row (wrong side): Knit, decreasing 10 sts evenly spaced across each back; 8 sts across each sleeve and 20 sts across front (56 sts decreased in row); 145 (159) sts remain. Repeat from *** to *** once more. Repeat 2nd Decrease Row: 89 (103) sts remain. Repeat from *** to *** once more. 4th Decrease Row: Decrease 38 (46) sts evenly spaced across row; 51 (57) sts remain. Work in Garter-st for 3 rows. Bind off on next row.
FINISHING: Press lightly and sew seams. Work 1 row of sc around back opening, working 3 Buttonloops on right side of back as follows : Starting at neck edge, *ch 3, skip 3 sc, work 1 sc in each of next 6 sc; repeat from * 2 times more, end with a slip-st in next st.
Buttons: (make 3 for Shirt, 2 for Shoes). Ch 2, work 3 sc in 2nd ch from hook forming a ring. Work in sc increasing 5 sts in round (8 sc). Work 1 round of slip-st tightly, and fasten off.
With size 2 needles, cast on 33 (37) sts. Shape Sole as follows: Slip a marker on needle on each side of the center st. Work in Garter-st increasing 1 st at each end and at the same time, increase 1 st each side of the center st (4 sts increased in row) every other row until there are 53 (57) sts on needle. Knit 1 row. Change to Yoke Pattern and work for 1 inch, ending on right side. Next row, K 1, *K 2 together, K 1; repeat from * across; 53 (57) sts. Change to Garter-st and Shape Instep as follows: Row 1: K 22 (24) sts, (K 2 together) twice, K 1, (K 2 together) twice, K 22 (24) sts. Continue in Garter-st decreasing 2 sts at each side of the center st (4 sts decreased in row) every other row 3 times more; 37 (41) sts remain. On next row, K 11 (12) sts, bind off next 15 (17) sts, knit to end of row. Working on one side only, K 10 (12) sts, cast on 10 sts at end of needle (for strap); 20 (22) sts. Knit across next 2 rows. Buttonhole: K 1, YO, K 2 together, knit to end of row. Knit 1 row and bind off loosely on next row. Join yarn to inner side of instep. Work to correspond with other side omitting buttonhole. Work other Shoe to correspond reversing buttonhole on strap.
Baby Set in Quaker Stitch Pattern
Baby Sacque and Shoes Pattern
Two Color Baby Jacket and Bonnet Pattern
Raglan Shirt for Baby Pattern
Surplice Sweater Pattern
Lap Over Shirt and Soakers Pattern
Romper for Baby Pattern
Playsuit with Jacket Pattern
Cardigan with Borders Pattern
Cardigan with Tulips Pattern
Twin Sweater Set Pattern
Slip On with Ribbed Yoke Pattern
Lace Trimmed Cardigan Pattern
Coat and Bonnet Pattern
Knitted Tweed Coat and Cap Pattern
Blazer for Girl or Boy Pattern
Striped Blazer Pattern
Helmet with Mittens Pattern
Beret Pattern
Jacket with Hood Pattern
Two Piece Snow Suit with Cap and Mittens Pattern
Knitted Carriage Robe Pattern