Lace Trimmed Cardigan Pattern

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Lace Trimmed Cardigan Pattern

Directions are for 1 year size. Changes for 2 years are in parentheses.

NOMOTTA Non-Shrink Mothproof Baby Wool or Pompadour
3 1-oz balls
1 pair needles sizes 1 and 2
6 buttons
2 yards (⅜ inch) nylon lace

GAUGE: 8 sts = 1 inch; 12 rows = 1 inch

BACK: With size 1 needles, cast on 84 (88) sts. Work in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 1½ ins. Change to size 2 needles and work in Stockinette-st until back measures 6½ (7) ins from start.

Shape Armholes: Bind off 4 sts at beginning of next 2 rows, then bind off 1 st at beginning of every row 3 (4) times; 70 (72) sts remain. Work straight until armholes measure 4½ (4¾) ins straight up. Slip sts on an extra needle and leave.

LEFT FRONT: With size 1 needles, cast on 54 (58) sts. Row 1: Work in ribbing of K 1, P 1 across 42 (46) sts, K 6 (border), P 6 (border facing). Row 2: K 6, P 6, work in rib­bing across remaining 42 (46) sts. Repeat these 2 rows for 1½ ins. Change to size 2 needles and work in Stockinette-st, keeping 6 sts at front edge in Reverse Stockinette-st. Work until front is same as back to armhole.

Shape Armhole: Bind off 4 sts at armhole edge, then bind off 1 st at same edge, every other row 3 (4) times; 47 (50) sts remain. Work straight until armhole measures 2½ (2¾) ins straight up.

Shape Neck: Slip first 12 sts at front edge on a holder for neckband, bind off next 5 (6) sts, work to end of row. Bind off 2 sts at neck edge every other row 4 (5) times; 22 sts re­main. Work straight until armhole measures ¼ inch less than back armhole. Change to size 1 needles and work in Garter-st for 4 rows (2 ridges). Slip sts on a holder for shoulder.

With pins, mark position of 6 buttons in Left Front border as a guide in working buttonholes, placing first pin about ¾ inch from bottom, and 5th buttonhole 1¼ ins below neck edge. Last buttonhole is worked in center of neck ribbing.

RIGHT FRONT: Work to correspond with Left Front, re­versing shaping and working 5 buttonholes in center front border and facing. Buttonholes: Starting at front edge, work 2 sts, bind off next 2 sts, K 4, bind off next 2 sts, work to end of row. On next row, cast on 2 sts over the bound-off sts on row below (2 buttonholes in one row).

Weave the 22 sts for each shoulder together; 26 (28) sts remain for neck.

SLEEVES:With size 2 needles and right side facing you, pick up and knit 64 (68) sts around armhole edge. Work in Stockinette-st for 2½ ins. Decrease 1 st at each side of next row. Repeat this decrease every 8th row 3 times more; 56 (60) sts remain. Work straight until sleeve measures 6 (6½) ins. Decrease 6 sts across last purl row; 50 (54) sts. Change to size 1 needles and work in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 1 inch. Bind off loosely in ribbing. Work 2nd sleeve to correspond.

NECKBAND: Slip the sts for right front border on size 1 needles. Pick up and K about 22 (24) sts along right edge, knit across back sts, then pick up and K 22 (24) sts along left edge and knit across sts on holder for border; 94 (100) sts. Keeping front border, work in ribbing of K 1, P 1 across remaining 70 (76) sts for 6 rows, working buttonholes in 4th row. Hold the border and facing sts on needles and bind off remaining sts loosely in ribbing on next row.

FINISHING: Press lightly and sew seams. Turn back border-facing and sew to wrong side, weave sts together at neck. Sew neatly around each but­tonhole working through both thicknesses. Gather lace and sew around neck and inside front borders (see illustration).