Directions are for 2-year size. Changes for 3 and 4 years are in parentheses.
NOMOTTA Mothproof Varsity (matched dye lots)
5 (5-6) 1-oz. balls Main Color (MC)
4 (4-5) 1-oz. balls Contrasting Color (CC)
9 buttons snap fasteners
GAUGE: 5½ sts = 1 inch; 9 rows = 1 inch
TWEED PATTERN: On an even number of sts.
ROW 1: (right side) : With MC, *K 1, yarn in front, slip 1; repeat from * across.
ROW 2: With MC *P 1, yarn in back, slip 1; repeat from * across.
ROW 3: With CC, same as Row 1.
ROW 4: With CC, same as Row 2.
Repeat these 4 rows for pattern.
BACK: With MC, cast on 78 (84-88) sts. Work in Stockinette-st (knit 1 row, purl 1 row) for 7 rows. Knit across next purl row to form a ridge for hem. Attach CC and work in Pattern until back measures 9½ (10-11) ins above hem.
Shape Raglan Armhole: Bind off 3 (4-4) sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Keeping established Pattern, decrease 1 stitch at each end of every other row 25 (27-28) times. Bind off remaining 22 (22-24) sts for back of neck.
RIGHT FRONT: For hem with MC, cast on 52 (56-58) sts. Work in Stockinette-st for 7 rows. Knit across next purl row to form ridge for hem. Attach CC and work in Pattern same as back to beginning of armhole.
Shape Raglan Armhole and Neck: Bind off 3 (4-4) sts at beginning of side edge, then decrease 1 stitch at same edge every other row 25 (27-28) times; at the same time, when there are 29 (30-31) sts on needle, bind off 18 (19-20) sts at beginning of neck edge once, 2 sts twice.
Bind off remaining 2 sts.
With pins, mark position of 4 buttons on Right Front edge as a guide in working buttonholes, having first pin about 6½ (7-7½) ins above hem and 4th pin at neck edge.
LEFT FRONT: Work to correspond with Right Front, reversing shaping and working 4 Buttonholes as follows: Starting at center front edge, work 3 sts, bind off next 3 sts, work to end of row. On next row, cast on 3 sts over the bound-off sts.
SLEEVES: With MC, cast on 44 (46-50) sts. Work in Stockinette-st for 5 rows. Knit across next purl row to form a ridge. Attach CC and work in Pattern for 1 (1½-1½) ins. Keeping established pattern, increase 1 stitch at each end of next row. Repeat this increase every 6th row 8 (9-9) times more; 62 (66-70) sts. Work straight until sleeve measures 8 (9-9½) ins from end of hem.
Shape Raglan Cap: Bind off 3 (4-4) sts at beginning of next 2 rows, decrease 1 stitch at each end of every other row until 6 sts remain. Bind off.
COLLAR: With MC, cast on 68 (70-72) sts. Work in Pattern for 2½ ins. Break off CC. With MC knit, decreasing 14 sts evenly spaced across row; 54 (56-58) sts remain. Work in Stockinette-st binding off 6 sts at beginning of next 4 rows; 4 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Bind off remaining 22 (24- 26) sts.
POCKET FLAPS: Make 2. With MC, cast on 20 sts and work in Pattern for 2 ins. Bind off. With MC and right side toward you, work 1 row of sc around 3 sides of flap.
FINISHING: Press each piece. Sew sleeves to front and back before sewing sides. Sew sleeve and side seams. With MC and right side toward you work 1 row of sc around outside edge of collar. Having right side of collar facing wrong side of coat, pin collar to neck edge, placing ends of collar about 9 (10-10) sts in from each edge, thus forming lap-over for double-breast effect. Sew collar to neck edge, using an over-cast stitch. Turn back all hems. Work 1 row of sc along each front edge. Sew snaps at inside of lap-over, then sew buttons on Left Front, see photograph. Sew pocket flaps to coat as shown on photograph.
Cast on 90 (90-100) sts. Starting at lower edge, work in Pattern for 2¾ (3-3) ins, end on wrong side. *Work in pattern across 18 (18-20) sts, slip a marker on needle; repeat from * 3 times more, work across remaining 18 (18-20) sts. Next Row: Keeping established Pattern, P 2 together at each end and P 2 together before and after each marker; 10 sts decreased in row. Repeat this decrease every purl row until 10 sts remain in row. Break yarn and draw tightly through all 10 sts. Fasten off on wrong side.
FINISHING: Sew back seam. On right side, with MC, work 1 round of single crochet (sc) around lower edge.
Crocheted Button: With MC, ch 3, join with a slip-st to form a ring. Work 6 sc in ring, then 2 sc in each st in round. Continue to work in sc increasing 6 sts evenly spaced in each round until circle is slightly smaller than button. Work 1 round even. Holding button under work, decrease 6 sc evenly spaced in each round until button is completely covered. Sew button to top of hat.
Baby Set in Quaker Stitch Pattern
Baby Sacque and Shoes Pattern
Two Color Baby Jacket and Bonnet Pattern
Raglan Shirt for Baby Pattern
Surplice Sweater Pattern
Lap Over Shirt and Soakers Pattern
Romper for Baby Pattern
Playsuit with Jacket Pattern
Cardigan with Borders Pattern
Cardigan with Tulips Pattern
Twin Sweater Set Pattern
Slip On with Ribbed Yoke Pattern
Lace Trimmed Cardigan Pattern
Coat and Bonnet Pattern
Knitted Tweed Coat and Cap Pattern
Blazer for Girl or Boy Pattern
Striped Blazer Pattern
Helmet with Mittens Pattern
Beret Pattern
Jacket with Hood Pattern
Two Piece Snow Suit with Cap and Mittens Pattern
Knitted Carriage Robe Pattern