Directions are for 2-year size. Changes for 3 and 4 years are in parentheses.
NOMOTTA Mothproof Knitting Worsted (matched dye lots)
6 (7-7) 2-oz skeins
1 set 10-inch double-pointed (dp) needles size 5
1 pair needles size 3
6 buttons
GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch; 8 rows = 1 inch
CABLE PATTERN: (Worked on 11 sts.)
ROW 1: (right side) : P 1, K 9, P 1.
ROW 2: K 1, P 9, K 1.
ROWS 3-5-7: Same as Row 1.
ROWS 4-6-8: Same as Row 2.
ROW 9: P 1, slip next 3 sts on dp needle and hold in back of work, knit next 3 sts from left-hand needle, bring dp needle to front and knit the next 3 sts from left-hand needle, then knit the 3 sts from dp needle, P 1.
Repeat from Row 2 for Pattern, twisting cable on every 8th row.
Starting at neck edge using size 5 needles, cast on 34 (38-42) sts. Work back and forth, as follows: Row 1: K 1 (Left Front), slip a marker on needle, K 1 (first seam st), slip another marker on needle, K 4 (5-6) sts (Left Sleeve), slip a marker on needle, K 1 (2nd seam st), slip a marker on needle, K 20 (22-24) sts (Back), slip a marker on needle, K 1 (3rd seam st), slip a marker on needle, K 4 (5-6) sts (Right Sleeve), slip a marker on needle K 1 (4th seam st), slip a marker on needle, K last st (Right Front). Row 2 and all even rows: Purl across slipping markers from one needle to the other.
Shape Neck: Row 3: Cast on 3 sts at beginning of row, knit across increasing 1 stitch each side of each of the 4 seam sts (11 sts increased in row); 45 (49-53) sts. Row 4: Cast on 3 sts at beginning of row, purl across; 48 (52-56) sts. Continue in Stockinette-st (knit 1 row, purl 1 row) casting on 4 (5-6) sts at beginning of next 2 rows; 5 (5-6) sts at beginning of next 2 rows, at the same time increase 1 stitch each side of each of the 4 seam sts on every knit row; 82 (88-96) sts. This completes neck shaping. Keeping 6 sts at each end in Garter-st (knit every row) for Borders, start Cable Pattern on next knit row, 6 sts in from each end, completing Cable Pattern when there are the required number of sts in each front. On 2nd row after last cast-on for neck, start First Buttonhole as follows: K 2, bind off next 2 sts, work to end of row. On next row, cast on 2 sts over the bound-off sts. Repeat this buttonhole every 1¾ (2-2) ins 5 times more. Continue in Pattern, increasing 1 stitch each side of each seam-st on every knit row until there are 22 (24-25) increases in all from start; 234 (256-272) sts. Work 3 rows straight, end with a purl row. Divide work as follows: Work across 36 (39-42) sts (front-sts and seam-st) slip these sts on a holder for Left Front; work across next 48 (53-56) sts and slip on another holder for Left Sleeve; work across next 66 (72-76) sts (Back-sts including 2 seam-sts) and slip on a holder for back, work to end of row; break yarn and slip last 36 (39-42) sts on a holder for Right Front.
RIGHT SLEEVE: Cast on 4 sts at end of row; 52 (57-60) sts. Divide sts on three dp needles and join, slipping a marker in center of the 4 cast-on sts at underarm. Knit around for 2½ (2½-3) ins. On next row, decrease 1 stitch at each side of marker (knit to within 3 sts of marker, K 2 together, K 1, slip marker, K 1, K 2 together). Repeat this decrease every 1½ ins 2 times more; 46 (51-54) sts remain. Work straight until sleeve measures 5½ (6½-7) ins straight down from underarm. Cuff: Change to size 3 needles decreasing 2 (3-4) sts across last row; 44 (48-50) sts. Work firmly in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 2 (2½-3) ins. Bind off in ribbing.
LEFT SLEEVE: Slip sts from holder onto dp needles and work to correspond with Right Sleeve.
BODY: With knit side toward you, slip all sts from holders onto dp needle. Attach yarn at beginning of purl row and purl across picking up the 4 sts cast-on at underarm of each sleeve; 146 (158-168) sts in row. Keeping 6 sts at each end in Garter-st, work straight until body measures 5 (5½-6½) ins straight down from armhole decreasing 25 (29-33) sts evenly spaced across last row (decrease inside borders); 121 (129-135) sts remain. Change to size 3 needles and keeping Garter-st edge work in ribbing for 2½ ins. Bind off in ribbing.
COLLAR: With size 5 needles, and wrong side toward you, pick up and knit 22 (24-26) sts across back of neck. Work in Stockinette-st picking up 6 sts at end of every row 6 times, ending at center of each border; 58 (60-62) sts. Keeping 3 sts at each end in Garter-st, purl across. Knit next row increasing 5 sts evenly spaced; 63 (65-67) sts. Continue in Stockinette-st until collar measures 1½ ins, end on right side. Change to Garter-st and work 4 rows, then bind off.
Finishing: Press lightly and sew seams.
LEFT LEG: With size 3 needles, cast on 48 (48-52) sts. Work in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 3 ins. Change to size 5 needles, knit, increasing 17 (21-21) sts evenly spaced across row; 65 (69-73) sts. Purl back. Next Row: K 27 (29-31) sts, P 1, K 9 (cable rib), P 1 (last 11 sts form cable pattern for side), K 27 (29-31) sts. Work the 11 sts at side in Cable Pattern same as for Jacket, and remaining sts in Stockinette-st until leg measures 13 (14-15) ins from start or desired length to beginning of crotch.
Shape crotch as follows: Keeping back-seam (beginning of knit rows) straight, decrease 1 stitch at front edge on next row. Repeat this decrease every 8 (10-10) rows 3 times more; 61 (65-69) sts remain. Work straight until crotch measures 6½ (7½-8½) ins straight up from first decrease, end with a purl row. Shape Back as follows: Row 1: K 23 (25-27) sts, turn. Row 2 and all even rows: Purl back. Row 3: K 20 (22- 24) sts, turn. Row 5: K 17 (19-21) sts, turn. Row 7: K 13 (15-17) sts, turn. Row 9: K 8 (10-12) sts, turn. Row 11: K 4 (6- 8) sts, turn. Row 13: K 0 (3-5) sts, turn. Row 14: Purl across all 61 (65-69) sts. Change to size 3 needles and work in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 1¼ ins. Bind off in ribbing on next row.
RIGHT LEG: Work same as for Left Leg to beginning of crotch. Shape Crotch to correspond with Left Leg, reversing shaping and working Short Rows across Back on purl rows instead of knit rows.
Suspenders: With size 3 needles, cast on 7 sts. Work firmly in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 17 (18-19) ins; work a buttonhole in next row, work 2 more rows and bind off.
With size 5 needles, cast on 90 (96-100) sts. Divide sts on 3 needles, join, being careful not to twist sts. Work firmly in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 2½ ins. Knit around decreasing 20 sts evenly spaced; 70 (76-80) sts. Knit around until 6 (6-6½) ins from start. Next Round: K 2 together all around; 36 (38- 40) sts remain. Change to ribbing of K 1, P 1 and work 12 rounds. Break yarn leaving a long end for weaving in the stitches. Draw end through remaining sts twice and fasten off on wrong side.
Pompon: Wind yarn around 2 fingers about 40 times. Slip yarn off fingers and tie tightly around center. Trim into ball and attach.
With size 3 dp needles, cast on 32 (32-36) sts. Divide sts on 3 needles. Join, being careful not to twist sts. Work around in ribbing of K 1, P 1 for 3½ (3½-4) ins. Change to Stockinette-st (knit every round) and work 6 rounds. Next Round: With a small strand of contrasting yarn, K 6 (6-7) sts (thumb gusset), slip these 6 (6-7) sts back onto left-hand needle. With yarn from mitten, knit across these 6 (6-7) sts again then knit to end of round. Work straight for 1½ (2-2½) ins.
Shape Tip: *K 6, K 2 together; repeat from * around (4 sts decreased in round). Knit 1 round. Repeat last 2 rounds 3 times more always having 1 stitch less between decreases after each decrease round; 16 (16-20) sts remain. Next Round: K 2 together all around. Break yarn, draw end tightly through all sts twice. Fasten off on wrong side.
Thumb: Pull out CC thread and slip the 6 (6-7) sts from lower edge on one needle and the 6 (6-7) sts from upper edge on another needle. Attach yarn at side, pick up one stitch, then divide sts on 3 dp needles and pick up one more st on opposite side; 14 (14-16) sts in round. Work straight for 7 (8-9) rounds. K 2 together all around. Break yarn and finish same as for tip of hand.
Work 2nd Mitten in same way.
Baby Set in Quaker Stitch Pattern
Baby Sacque and Shoes Pattern
Two Color Baby Jacket and Bonnet Pattern
Raglan Shirt for Baby Pattern
Surplice Sweater Pattern
Lap Over Shirt and Soakers Pattern
Romper for Baby Pattern
Playsuit with Jacket Pattern
Cardigan with Borders Pattern
Cardigan with Tulips Pattern
Twin Sweater Set Pattern
Slip On with Ribbed Yoke Pattern
Lace Trimmed Cardigan Pattern
Coat and Bonnet Pattern
Knitted Tweed Coat and Cap Pattern
Blazer for Girl or Boy Pattern
Striped Blazer Pattern
Helmet with Mittens Pattern
Beret Pattern
Jacket with Hood Pattern
Two Piece Snow Suit with Cap and Mittens Pattern
Knitted Carriage Robe Pattern