Sizes 10, 12 and 14
Directions are given for Size 10.
Changes for Sizes 12 and 14 are in parentheses.
MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED, 4 Ply, Art. E.232: 22 (23, 24) skeins (1 oz. "Tangle-Proof" Pull-Out Skeins) of No. 858 Navy; 2 skeins each of No. 1 White and No. 909 Scarlet. ... Milwards "Phantom" Aluminum Knitting Pins or Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 4 (3½ mm. size). ... Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Crochet Hook No. 6. ... 4 buttons. ... 1 yard navy grosgrain ribbon, 1 inch wide. ... 2 snap fasteners.
GAUGE: 7½ sts make 1 inch; 13 rows make 2 inches.
BLOCKING MEASUREMENTS: Chest (jacket buttoned)—30 (32, 34) inches; Width across back at underarm—15 (16, 17) inches; Width across back above armhole shaping—12½ (13¼, 14) inches; Width across each front at underarm (excluding facing)—8¼ (8¾, 9¼) inches; Length from shoulder to lower edge—21 (22½, 24) inches; Length of side seam—14 (15, 16) inches; Length of sleeve seam—16 (16½, 17) inches. Width across sleeve at upper- arm—11¾ (12, 12¼) inches.
BACK ... Starting at lower edge with Navy, cast on 123 (131, 139) sts and work as follows: 1st row: * K 1, p 1. Repeat from * across, ending with k 1. 2nd row: * P 1, k 1. Repeat from * across, ending with p 1. The last 2 rows constitute pattern. Work in pattern, decreasing 1 st at both ends of every 3rd row until there remain 99 (107, 115) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures in all 6 (6½, 7) inches. Now inc 1 st at both ends of every 7th row until there are on needle 113 (121, 129) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures in all 14 (15, 16) inches.
To Shape Armholes: Bind off 7 (7, 8) sts at beginning of the next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at both ends of every other row until there remain 93 (99, 105) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures from first row of armhole shaping 7 (7½, 8) inches.
To Shape Shoulders: Bind off 10 (11, 12) sts at beginning of the next 6 rows. Bind off for back of neck the remaining 33 sts.
LARGE POCKET FLAP (Make 2) ... Starting at lower edge with Navy, cast on 35 sts. Work in pattern until piece measures 1½ inches. Place sts on stitch holder to be worked later.
SMALL POCKET FLAP (Make 2) ... Starting at lower edge with Navy, cast on 25 sts and work as for Large Pocket Flap.
LEFT FRONT ... Starting at lower edge with Navy, cast on 85 (89, 93) sts. Work in pattern, decreasing 1 st at one edge (side edge) on every 3rd row until there remain 75 (79, 83) sts, ending at side edge. Next row: Work in pattern over the first 12 (16, 20) sts, bind off the next 35 sts, work in pattern across last 28 sts Following row: Work in pattern across first 28 sts. Work in pattern across the 35 sts from Large Pocket Flap on stitch holder. Work in pattern across last 12 (16, 20) sts. Work in pattern, decreasing 1 st at side edge as directed 2 more times. There are on needle 73 (77, 81) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures in all 6 (6½, 7) inches, ending at side edge. Now inc 1 st at side edge on every 7th row thereafter until there are on needle 80 (84, 88) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures in all, ending at side edge 14 (15, 16) inches.
To Shape Armhole: Bind off 7 (7, 8) sts at beginning of the next row. Dec 1 st at same edge on every other row thereafter until there remain 70 (73, 76) sts. Work without decreasing at armhole edge, increasing 1 st at facing edge on next row and every 5th row thereafter until there are on needle 74 (76, 78) sts. Work in pattern until piece measures 4¼ (3¼, 2½) inches from first row of armhole shaping, ending at armhole edge. Next row: Work in pattern across the first 12 (15, 18) sts, bind off the next 25 sts, work in pattern across last 37 (36, 35) sts. On Size 10 only: Inc 1 st in last st. Following row: Work in pattern across first 38 (36, 35) sts; work in pattern across the 25 sts from Small Pocket Flap on stitch holder; work in pattern across last 12 (15, 18) sts. Work in pattern, increasing 1 st at facing edge as directed—(2, 4) more times. There are on needle 75 (78, 82) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures from first row of armhole shaping, ending at armhole edge 5(5¼, 5½) inches.
To Shape Neck: Work in pattern across the first 42 (45, 48) sts, bind off the next 20 sts, work across the last 13 (13, 14) sts. Turn and work over the last set of sts only, continuing to increase 1 st at facing edge on every 5th row 3 (3, 2) more times,
At the Same Time
bind off 2 sts at neck edge every other row 5 times, then dec 1 st at neck edge on every row until 4 sts remain. Work without decreasing for 5 (7, 7) rows. Bind off.
Attach yarn to opposite side of neck and bind off 2 sts at neck edge every other row 5 times, then dec 1 st at same edge on every row until there remain 30 (33, 36) sts. Work without decreasing until piece measures from first row of armhole shaping, ending at armhole edge 7 (7½, 8) inches.
To Shape Shoulder: Bind off 10 (11, 12) sts at beginning of next row and every other row thereafter 3 times in all.
Position of Buttonholes: With pins, mark the position of 4 buttonholes evenly spaced on Left Front, having the first pinmark 6 inches up from lower edge and the last pinmark ½ inch down from neck edge. Pins indicate position of buttonholes on Right Front.
RIGHT FRONT ... Work as for Left Front, reversing shapings and making a set of buttonholes opposite each pinmark on Left Front. Make a set of buttonholes as follows: 1st row: With right side facing, work over the first 10 sts, bind off the next 5 sts, work over the next 6 sts, bind off the next 5 sts, work across row. 2nd row: Work in pattern across, casting on 5 sts over each set of bound-off sts.
SLEEVES ... Starting at lower edge with Navy, cast on 59 (61, 63) sts. Work in pattern, increasing 1 st at both ends of every 6th row until there are on needle 87 (89, 91) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures in all 16 (16½, 17) inches.
To Shape Top: Bind off 7 (7, 8) sts at beginning of the next 2 rows. Dec 1 st at both ends of every other row until there remain 47 (45, 43) sts. Bind off 4 sts at beginning of the next 6 rows. Bind off the remaining 23 (21, 19) sts.
CUFF (Make 2) ... Starting at outer edge with Navy, cast on 67 (69, 71) sts. Work in pattern, decreasing 1 st at both ends of every 4th row until there remain 59 (61, 63) sts. Bind off.
COLLAR ... Starting at inner edge with Navy, cast on 93 (97, 99) sts. Work in pattern for 5 inches. Bind off.
BELT ... With Navy, cast on 171 (175, 181) sts. Work in pattern for 1 inch. Bind off.
Following chart for diagonal pattern, work diagonal stripes in duplicate st, making duplicate st in k sts only. Work diagonal stripes all over jacket, being careful to match stripes on pocket flaps with stripes on jacket. Mark center st of collar and cuffs and work diagonal stripes from center, following chart out from center st of back of jacket.
Block to measurements. Sew side, shoulder and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves. With wrong side facing, fold collar in half lengthwise and sew short side seams. Turn collar to right side. With crochet hook and Navy, make a row of sc around outer edges of collar, cuffs and pocket flaps. Fold under 18 sts for facing along front edges and slip stitch in place on wrong side. Work buttonhole st around buttonholes. Sew collar in place, leaving 1 inch free at front edges. Sew cuffs in place. Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes. Line belt with grosgrain ribbon and sew snap fasteners in place. Cut 2 pieces of taffeta 4½ by 6 inches. Fold in half lengthwise and sew short seams. Sew in place for large pockets. Sew bound off edges of small pocket openings to pocket flaps.