Sizes 12, 14 and 16
Directions are given for Size 12.
Changes for Sizes 14 and 16 are in parentheses.
MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART SOCK AND SWEATER YARN, 3 Ply, Shrink-and-Stretch Resist Finish, Art. E.255: 5 (5, 6) skeins (1 oz. "Tangle-Proof" Pull-Out Skeins) of No. 1 White; 1 skein each of No. 848 Skipper Blue and No. 909 Scarlet. ... Milwards "Phantom" Aluminum Knitting Pins or Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 2 (2¾ mm. size). ... Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Crochet Hook No. 3.
GAUGE: 7½ sts make 1 inch; 10 rows make 1 inch.
BLOCKING MEASUREMENTS: Bust—32 (34, 36) inches; Width across back or front at underarm—16 (17, 18) inches; Length from shoulder to lower edge—18, (19, 20) inches; Length of side seam—12 (12½, 13) inches.
BACK ... Starting at lower edge with White, cast on 112 (116, 124) sts. Work in ribbing of k 2, p 2 for 3 inches, decreasing 2 (—, 2) sts on last row. There are on needle 110 (116, 122) sts.
Work in stockinette st (k I row, p 1 row), increasing 1 st at both ends of every 10th row until there are on needle 122 (128, 134) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures in all 12 (12½, 13) inches. Place a marker at both ends of next row (start of armholes). Now inc 1 st at both ends of next row and every 9th row thereafter 4 times in all. Work without increasing until piece measures 3 inches from marker, ending with a p row.
To Shape Back Opening: Next row: K the first 65 (68, 71) sts. Turn and work over this set of sts only, continuing to increase at armhole edge on every 9th row until there are on needle 68 (71, 74) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures 6 (6½, 7) inches from marker, ending at armhole edge.
To Shape Shoulder: Bind off 4 sts at beginning of next row and every other row thereafter 13 (12, 14) times in all. Bind off—(5,—) sts at same edge once. Bind off for back of neck the remaining 16 (18, 18) sts.
Attach yarn where sts were divided and work other side to correspond, reversing shapings.
Note: When changing from one color to another, always twist the unused color around the other to prevent making holes. When carrying unused color across, do not pull up tightly.
FRONT ... Work exactly as for Back until 46 rows have been completed. 47th row: P across (this purled row on the knitted side indicates the ridge row for tassels). On Sizes 12 and 14 only: P 1 row, then work in stockinette st for 3 (1) rows. On all Sizes: Attach Skipper Blue and work in diagonal stripe pattern as follows: Next row: P 1 (1, 2) sts Skipper Blue, with White p across. Following row: With White k to last 2 (2, 3) sts, with Skipper Blue k 2 (2, 3) sts. On Size 14 only: Inc 1 st in last St. Now follow chart for pattern, starting with 54th (52nd, 50th) row of pattern until top of chart is reached. There are on needle 122 (128, 134) sts.
Work in this manner, moving Skipper Blue and White stripes 1 st toward opposite side edge on each row to form diagonal stripe and making a ridge row for tassels as before every 26th row thereafter until piece measures 12 (12½, 13) inches. Place a marker at both ends of next row (start of armhole).
Now, keeping continuity of pattern, shape armhole as for Back until piece measures 5¼ (5¾, 6¼) inches from markers, omitting Back Opening and ending with a purl row. There are on needle 136 (142, 148) sts.
To Shape Neck: Next row: Work in pattern across the first 62 (65, 68) sts. Bind off the next 12 sts, work in pattern across last 62 (65, 68) sts. Turn and work in pattern over the last set of sts only, binding off 2 sts every other row at neck edge 3 times in all. Dec 1 st at neck edge on every other row 4 (6, 6) times,
At the Same Time
when piece measures 6 (6½, 7) inches from marker, ending at armhole edge, shape shoulder same as for Back.
Attach yarn to opposite side of neck and work other side to correspond.
Block to measurements. Sew side seams to marker. With crochet hook and White, work 2 rows of sc around neck and armhole edges. Sew snap fastener at top of neck opening.
TASSELS ... With crochet hook and right side facing, attach Scarlet to first stitch on a ridge row, insert hook in first st and draw loop through, * yarn over hook and draw loop through and up to measure ¾ inch, insert hook in next st and draw loop through. Repeat from * across. Work tassels on each ridge row to correspond.