Sizes 12, 14 and 16
Directions are given for Size 1-2.
Changes for Sizes 14 and 16 are in parentheses.
MATERIALS: CHADWICK'S RED HEART SOCK AND SWEATER YARN, 3 Ply, Shrink-and-Resist Finish, Art. E.255: 6 (6, 7) skeins (1 oz. "Tangle-Proof" Pull-Out Skeins) of No. 1 White. ... Milwards "Phantom" Aluminum Knitting Pins or Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 3 (3 mm. size). ... Milward's "Phantom" Aluminum Double-pointed Sock Needles or Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Double-pointed Sock Needles, 1 set No. 3 (3 mm. size). ... Clark's O.N.T. Plastic Crochet Hook No. 1. ... 19 dozen red beads.
GAUGE: 7 sts make 1 inch; 9 rows make 1 inch.
BLOCKING MEASUREMENTS: Bust—32 (34, 36) inches; Width across back or front at underarm—16 (17, 18) inches; Length from shoulder to lower edge—18 (18, 19) inches; Length of side seam—12 (12, 12½) inches.
BACK ... Starting at lower edge, cast on 103 (109, 117) sts. Work in stockinette st (k 1 row, p 1 row) as follows: 1st row: K the first 34 (36, 38) sts, place a marker, k the next 35 (37, 41 ) sts, place a marker, k the last 34 (36, 38) sts. Continue in stockinette st, slipping markers, until piece measures 1 inch, ending with a p row. Next row: (K across to 2 sts before marker, k 2 tog, slip marker, k 2 tog) twice; k to end of row. Continue in this manner, decreasing 1 st at both sides of each marker on every 10th row thereafter until there remain 87 (93, 101) sts. Work without decreasing for 5 more rows. Now inc 1 st at both sides of each marker on next row and every 8th row thereafter until there are on needle 111 (117, 125) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures in all 12 (12, 12½) inches, ending with a purl row. Place a marker at both ends of next row (start of cap sleeves).
CAP SLEEVES ... Inc 1 st at both ends of next row and every 8th row thereafter until there are on needle 125 (131, 139) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures 6 (6, 6½) inches from sleeve markers.
To Shape Top of Sleeves and Shoulders: Bind off 3 sts at the beginning of the next 20 rows. Bind off 4 sts at the beginning of next 8 (8, 10) rows. Place the remaining 33 (39, 39) sts on a stitch holder to be worked later for turtleneck.
FRONT ... Work exactly as for Back until piece measures in all 8 (8, 8½) inches, ending with a p row. Break off. Thread all beads onto a new skein. Mark center st. Attach skein with beads and, keeping continuity of increases every 8th row at markers as for Back, work in bead pattern as follows: 1st row: K across to center st, pull up one bead to needle, k the center st, k across row.
2nd row: P across. 3rd row: K across. 4th row: P across. 5th row: K across to 4 sts before center st, k next st with bead, k 7, k next st with bead, k across. 6th, 7th and 8th rows: Repeat 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows. 9th row: K across to 8 sts before center st, k next st with bead, (k 7, k next st with bead) twice; k across. Continue in this manner, moving bead pattern 4 sts toward side edges on every 4th row and having 7 sts between beads. Work in bead pattern until piece measures in all 12 (12, 12½) inches, ending with a purl row. Place a marker at both ends of next row (start of cap sleeves).
CAP SLEEVES ... Keeping continuity of bead pattern, inc 1 st at both ends of next row and every 8th row thereafter until there are on needle 125 (131, 139) sts. Work without increasing until piece measures 5½ (5½, 5¾) inches from sleeve marker, ending with a p row.
To Shape Neck: Next row: Work in bead pattern across the first 71 (74, 78) sts. Place the last 17 sts just worked on a stitch holder to be worked later for turtleneck, work in bead pattern across last 54 (57, 61) sts. Turn and work in bead pattern over the last set of sts only, binding off 2 sts at neck edge every other row 3 times, then dec 1 st at neck edge every row 2 (5, 5) times,
At the Same Time
when piece measures 6 (6, 6½) inches from sleeve marker, ending at armhole edge, shape top of sleeve and shoulder as follows: Bind off 3 sts at beginning of next row and every other row at same edge 10 times in all. Bind off 4 sts at same edge every other row 4 (4, 5) times.
Attach yarn with beads to opposite side of neck and work other side to correspond, reversing shapings.
TURTLENECK ... Sew shoulder seams. With double- pointed needles, right side of work facing and White, pick up and k 108 (112, 116) sts around entire neck edge, including sts on stitch holders. Divide sts among 3 needles. Work in ribbing of k 2, p 2 for 6 inches. Bind off loosely in ribbing.
Block to measurements, having a thick soft cloth under beads. Sew side seams to markers. With crochet hook and White, work 2 rows of sc closely around sleeve and lower edges.