Knitted Glass Jackets Pattern

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Knitted Glass Jackets Pattern

Colorful knitted glass jackets to slip onto perspiring chilled glasses to stop dripping or rings on the table. Use them at the card table when serving iced drinks or at meals, with iced tea or water to keep the cloth from spotting.

Lily Sugar 'N Cream Yarn Art. 930
Lily Cotton Yarn Art. 600
1 ball or skein of White and a color.
Double pointed knitting needles size 3.
These glass jackets will fit average sized iced tea or highball glasses. They may be made higher for the tall glasses by adding rounds in White or color, before decreasing for bottom.
Use No. 3 Double pointed needles.


With White, cast on 32 sts, divide on 3 needles and join—be careful not to twist sts. Work jackets in ribbing of K 2, P 2, with first 5 rows in White, next 19 rows in color. Continuing with color (K 2 tog, P 2 tog) around (16 sts on needles). Then (K 1, P 1, around) 4 times. Cut yarn 10" from work, draw end through all sts on needles and draw up tightly to close bottom. Fasten all ends securely.


Figures for changes for jumbo muffs are shown in parenthesis.

With White, cast on 32 (40) sts, divided on 3 needles and join—be careful not to twist sts. ROUNDS 1 through 5—K 4, P 4, around. ROUND 6—Cable twist rnd: Change to color, (sl next two sts to an extra dp needle and place in front of work, K next 2 sts, K 2 sts from extra needle, P 4) around. Continuing with color, repeat Rnds. 1 through 6 until there are 19 (24) rnds. in color. ROUND 26 (31)—K 2 tog twice, P 2 tog twice around. ROUNDS 27 through 30 (32 thru 35)—K 2, P 2, around. Cut thread 6" from work, draw end through all sts on needles and draw up tightly to close bottom. Fasten all ends securely.