YARN: 4 ounces of 3-ply Baby Yarn or 5 ounces of 3-ply Pompadour.
NEEDLES: 1 pair No. 1 single pointed. 1 pair No. 3 single pointed.
CROCHET HOOK: 1 No. 3 Bone.
YARN: 5 ounces of 3-ply Baby Yarn or 3-ply Nylon.
NEEDLES: 1 pair No. 4 Single Pointed.
GAUGE: 2 patterns make 3¼ inches.
Easy to Make Hats, Scarves and Accessories
Book No. 192
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1943
J. & P. COATS KNIT-CRO-SHEEN, 4 balls of any color.
Knitting Pins, 1 Pair No. 6.
MATERIAL-4 skeins Woolco Knitting Worsted. 5 No. 14 steel needles.
Woolco Knitting & Crocheting Manual
F.W. Woolworth Co.
Original Copyright 1916
Knitting and crocheting the patterns in this book is one of the most fascinating forms of recreation. It is very easy to learn the first stitches, and a little practice will make you a proficient worker. You will find that the work goes quickly, and that instead of tiring you it will rest you and soothe the nerves.
Size: Medium
YARN: 2-ounces of Beige Sport Yarn; ½-ounce each of Red and Yellow Sport Yarn
NEEDLES: 1 pr. #2 single pointed
GAUGE: 8 sts to an inch. 11 rows to an inch.
YARN: 6-ounces of Tan 3-ply Fingering; ½-ounce each of Yellow & Red 3-ply Fingering
NEEDLES: 1-pr #3 single pointed
GAUGE: 8 sts to an inch
Size: 10-12
YARN: 3-ounces of Tan 3-ply Fingering; ½-ounce each of Yellow & Red 3-ply Fingering
NEEDLES: 1-pr single pointed
GAUGE: 9½ sts to an inch.
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