Skirt Pattern | Style No. 140

This free pattern originally published in the Botany College Hand Knits, Volume II, in 1958.

Instructions are for sizes 12, 14, 16 and 18, see body measurement chart on pattern book page.

Dickey Pattern | Style No. 148

This free pattern originally published in the Botany College Hand Knits, Volume II, in 1958.

MATERIALS: BOTANY NYLON and WOOL SPORT, 7-1 oz. skeins. or BOTANY CLASSIC SPORT, 6-1 oz. skeins

Men's and Women's Pullover Pattern | Style No. 136

This free pattern originally published in the Botany College Hand Knits, Volume II, in 1958.

Instructions are for size 38, changes for sizes 40 and 42 are in parentheses, see body measurement chart on pattern book page.

Men's and Women's Pullover Pattern | Style No. 129

This free pattern originally published in the Botany College Hand Knits, Volume II, in 1958.

Instructions are for size 34, changes for sizes 36 and 38 are in parentheses, see body measurement chart on pattern book page.

Men's and Women's Pullover Pattern | Style No. 131

This free pattern originally published in the Botany College Hand Knits, Volume II, in 1958.

Instructions are for sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40, see body measurement chart on pattern book page.

Men's and Women's Pullover Pattern | Style No. 121

This free pattern originally published in the Botany College Hand Knits, Volume II, in 1958.

Instructions are for sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44, see body measurement chart on pattern book page.

Scarf Pattern | Style No. 138

This free pattern originally published in the Botany College Hand Knits, Volume II, in 1958.

Approximate Size 9 inches by 65 inches without fringe.

Lace Edging Pattern

Cast on 18 stitches. Knit every alternate row plain.

1ST ROW-Slip 1, knit 2, over narrow twice, over, knit 3, over narrow 3 times, knit 2.

3D ROW-Slip 1, knit 2, over narrow twice, over, knit 3, over narrow 3 times, knit 3.

Lace Edging Pattern

Cast on 8 stitches, knit back plain.

1ST ROW-Slip 1, knit 1, over twice, knit 2 together, over twice, knit 4.

2D ROW-Slip 1, knit 4, purl 1, knit 2, purl 1, knit 2.

3D ROW-Slip 1, knit 10.

4TH ROW-Bind off 3, knit 7.

Socks Pattern

MATERIAL-4 skeins Woolco Knitting Worsted. 4 steel needles No. 15.

Cast on 80 on 4 needles.

Knit 2, purl 2 for 50 rows.

Knit plain until the sock measures 7 inches, making one stitch the seam stitch.

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