Vest Pattern

KNIT-MATERIAL-10 skeins of Woolco Knitting Worsted. No. 3 Woolco needles. 5 buttons.

Sport Scarf Pattern

MATERIAL-2 hanks of Woolco Knitting Worsted. 1 pair No. 5 Woolco needles.

Cast on 60 stitches. Knit even until scarf is 1 ¾ yards long.

Finish with fringe 6 strands, 10 inches long, knotted in every 3d stitch.

Scarf Pattern

MATERIAL-1 box of Woolco Shetland Floss. 1 pair No. 4 Woolco needles.

Using yarn double, cast on 75 stitches.

Knit plain until scarf is 1 ½ yards long.

FRINGE-Cut strands 16 inches long, knot 6 strands in every other stitch.

Woman's Gloves Pattern

MATERIAL-4 skeins Woolco Knitting Worsted. 5 No. 16 steel needles.

PATTERN-Purl 2, slip 1 stitch, knit 2 together, lift the slipped stitch over the knit-2 together; thread over, knit 1, 4 times, thread over, knit 2 together.

Helmet Pattern

MATERIAL-8 skeins of Woolco Knitting Worsted. 5 steel needles No. 12.

Cast on 56. Knit for about 5 inches. This forms half of the cape. Repeat this for the other half. Divide the stitches on 4 needles and join as in making a stocking. Knit 2, purl 2, for 4 inches. This forms the neck.

Misses' Sweater Pattern

MATERIAL-20 skeins Woolco Knitting Worsted. 1 pair of No. 4 Woolco needles, 1 pair of No. 12 steel needles. 9 buttons.

With No. 4 needles cast on 85 stitches. Knit back.

Child's Sweater Pattern

MATERIAL-10 skeins of white and 2 skeins color Woolco Germantown Zephyr. 1 pair No. 4 ½ knitting needles, No. 4 Woolco hook, 4 small buttons, 6 large buttons.

BACK-With white cast on 86 stitches.

1ST ROW-Knit 1, purl 1.

2D ROW-Knit the purl stitch and purl the knitted stitch.

Child's Sweater Pattern

MATERIAL-8 skeins Woolco Germantown Zephyr. 1 pair No. 4, 1 pair No. 7 Woolco needles, No. 4 Woolco hook. 10 pearl buttons.

Legging Drawers Pattern

MATERIAL-6 skeins of white Woolco Germantown Zephyr. No. 4 Woolco needles.

This is knit in 2 pieces, joined by a seam.

Baby Bonnet Pattern

MATERIAL-1 skein white and 1 skein color Woolco Shetland Floss. 1 pair steel knitting needles No. 14. 1 ½ yards of ribbon.

With white cast on 15 stitches. Knit back.

Knit 7 ridges even (2 rows form a ridge). Then increase 1 stitch at beginning of every row until there are 33 stitches.

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