A Bookful of New Edgings | Book No. 109 | The Spool Cotton Company

A Bookful of New Edgings | Book No. 109 | The Spool Cotton Company

A Bookful of New Edgings
Book No. 109
The Spool Cotton Company
Original Copyright 1937

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Patterns Included: 
Eight Handkerchief Edgings, eight Towel Edgings, six Doily Edgings, five Knitted Lace Edgings, six Babies & Children Edgings, seven Collars & Cuffs Edgings, five Hairpin Lace Edgings, seven Sheets & Pillow Cases Edgings, six Home Edgings, seven Lingerie Edgings, Tray Cloth Edging, Tea Cloth Edging, sixteen This or That Edgings

Everyone's doing it … spending leisure hours making the exquisite edgings that give household linens and neckwear, handkerchiefs and dainty baby things, the lovely finished look that comes only with flawless handiwork.

We're proud of this collection of new edgings … it's our most complete by far, and we hope that the wide range of patterns will inspire you to do lots of interesting new things with your crochet hook!

Color's the New Word in Edgings!

Enchanting new pastels … smart variegated threads … the deep, rich glow of jewel tones … no wonder women are fired with interest by the endless possibilities the use of color in edgings presents! A whole new field is open … color is king! Use edgings to match or contrast with your linens … but use color in all its glory to carry a decorative scheme down to its last exquisite note!

An Edging Is Only As Fine As Its Thread!

A very fine thread makes cobwebby sheer lace … coarser thread, the bold, smart edgings suitable for thick bath towels or heavy place mats. To help you with your results, we've made the following chart, for it will suggest to you the proper thread that will bring the most beauty to your finished product. And remember, that the handsomest edgings are made with Clark's O.N.T. and J. & P. Coats cottons, the threads that give all around wear and lasting beauty to your handwork.

Crochet Patterns: 
Handkerchief Edging pattern
Handkerchief Edging pattern
Handkerchief Edging pattern
Handkerchief Edging pattern
Handkerchief Edging pattern
Towel Edging pattern
Towel Edging pattern
Towel Edging pattern
Towel Edging pattern
Towel Edging pattern
Towel Edging pattern
Towel Edging pattern
Towel Edging pattern
Doily Edging pattern
Doily Edging pattern
Doily Edging pattern
Doily Edging pattern
Doily Edging pattern
Doily Edging pattern
Baby Edging pattern
Baby Edging pattern
Baby Edging pattern
Baby Edging pattern
Baby Edging pattern
Baby Edging pattern
Collar and Cuff Edging pattern
Collar and Cuff Edging pattern
Collar and Cuff Edging pattern
Collar and Cuff Edging pattern
Collar and Cuff Edging pattern
Collar and Cuff Edging pattern
Collar and Cuff Edging pattern
Pillow Case Edging pattern
Pillow Case Edging pattern
Pillow Case Edging pattern
Pillow Case Edging pattern
Pillow Case Edging pattern
Pillow Case Edging pattern
Pillow Case Edging pattern
For the Home Edging pattern
For the Home Edging pattern
For the Home Edging pattern
For the Home Edging pattern
For the Home Edging pattern
For the Home Edging pattern
Lingerie Edging pattern
Lingerie Edging pattern
Lingerie Edging pattern
Lingerie Edging pattern
Lingerie Edging pattern
Lingerie Edging pattern
Lingerie Edging pattern
Tray Cloth Edging pattern
Tea Cloth Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
This or That Edging pattern
May Pole Dance Edging
Valse Caprice Edging pattern
Hyde Park Edging