Bedspreads and Tablecloths | Book 11 | American Thread Company

Bedspreads and Tablecloths | Book 11 | American Thread Company

Bedspreads and Tablecloths
Star Book 11
American Thread Company
No Published Copyright

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Patterns Included: 
Weathervane Bedspread, Lacet Stitch Bedspread, Crib Cover, Windmill Bedspread, Irish Crochet Tablecloth, Log Cabin Bedspread, Large Mesh Tablecloth, Moonbeam Tablecloth, Two Toned Tablecloth, Cluny Design Tablecloth, Puritan Bedspread, Snowflake Tablecloth, Knitted Bedspread.


WHEN buying any color for a crocheted article be sure to buy enough to complete the article at one time.

WHEN washing, use a pure soap, have plenty of suds and warm water. Rinse until article is absolutely free of soap. Dry by laying article out flat on a cloth and stretching it into shape.

WHEN ironing, use an iron not too hot on the article face down on a turkish towel, with a slightly damp cloth over it. This brings up the texture of stitches.

IF you crochet very tightly use a size larger hook and if you crochet loosely use a size smaller hook, than directions call for.

Knitting Patterns: