Self-Striped Bag Pattern #2364M

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Self-Striped Bag Pattern #2364M

Materials: Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats Pearl Cotton, size 5, 3 balls of any color.
Milward's Phantom Knitting Pins, 1 pair No. 0 (2 mm. size).
A handle.
¼ yd. lining material.

Gauge: 10 sts make 1 inch; 13 rows make 1 inch.

Starting at side edge, cast on 140 sts. 1st row: K across. 2nd row: P across. 3rd to 10th rows incl.: Repeat 1st and 2nd rows alternately. 11th row: P across. 12th row: K across. 13th to 20th rows incl.: Repeat 11th and 12th rows alternately. These 20 rows constitute the pattern. Repeat pattern until piece measures 10 inches. Bind off.

Fold piece in half, having ribs run vertically (fold is bottom of bag). Mark place where hinges of handle will come, and sew side seams to within markings. Sew open edges of bag to handle, gathering across top. Line bag with lining material.