SIZES 3 (4).
NOTE—Underline or circle the numbers applying to the size desired. The first number in each group is for size 3, the second for size 4.
MATERIALS—SPINNERIN BABY WOOL For Boy's Suit No. 2092-B—6 (7) balls; 6 buttons. For Girl's Jumper No. 2092-S—5 (6) balls; small amount of yarn in contrasting color for flowers. 1 pair Knitting Needles No. 4; 1 pair Knitting Needles No. 2; 1 steel Crochet Hook No. 1.
GAUGE—6½ sts. = 1 inch. 9 rows = 1 inch. Accurate gauge is essential.
PATTERN—Multiple of 9. Row 1—(Right side) P4, *K1, P8, repeat from * across row ending with P4. Row 2—K4, *P1, K8, repeat from * across row ending with K4. Rows 3, 5, 7—Same as Row 1. Rows 2, 4, 6—Same as Row 2. When working Size 4, start pattern with P6 instead of P4 and end with P6 instead of P4.
BOY'S SUIT No. 2092-B
MEASUREMENTS—Pullover—Chest 22 (23) inches; bottom to underarm 7½ (8) inches; sleeves 10 (11) inches. Pants—Waist to crotch 9 (10) inches.
PULLOVER—BACK—Using No. 2 needles, cast on 72 (76) sts. Work in ribbing of K1, P1 for 1 (1¼) inches. Change to No. 4 needles and work in pattern until back measures 7½ (8) inches from start. At the beg. of each of the next 2 rows, bind off 2 sts. Dec. 1 st. each end of needle every other row twice; (64 (68) sts.). Work even until armhole measures 4 (4½) inches straight up from underarm. At the beg. of each of the next 6 (8) rows, bind off 6 (5) sts. Place remaining 28 sts. on holder to be worked later for back of neck.
FRONT—Work in same manner as back until armhole measures 3 (3½) inches straight up from underarm; (64 (68) sts.). Work first 20 (22) sts. in pattern and place these sts. on holder to be worked later for left shoulder. Bind off center 24 sts. On remaining 20 (22) sts., work back and forth in pattern, dec. 1 st. at neck edge every other row twice. When armhole measures 4 (4½) inches straight up from underarm, at beg. of arm edge, bind off 6 (5) sts., every other row 3 (4) times. Work other shoulder to correspond.
SLEEVES—Using No. 2 needles, cast on 42 (46) sts. Work in ribbing of K1, P1 for 2 inches. Change to No. 4 needles and knit 1 row, inc. across row at even intervals to 45 (49) sts. Work in pattern, inc. 1 st. each end of needle every 6th row until there are 53 (57) sts. on needle. Work even until sleeve measures 10 (11) inches from start. At the beg. of each of the next 2 rows, bind off 3 sts. Dec. 1 st. each end of needle every other row, until 31 sts. remain on needle. At the beg. of each of the next 6 rows, bind off 2 sts. Bind off remaining 19 sts.
PANTS—Using No. 2 needles, cast on 81 (85) sts. Work in ribbing of K1, P1 for 1 inch. Change to No. 4 needles and work in pattern as on Pullover until leg measures 3 inches.
Dec. 1 st. each end of needle. Repeat this dec. every inch 3 times more. Work even on these 73 (77) sts. until work measures 10 inches from start. Change to No. 2 needles, dec. 1 st. and work in ribbing of K1, P1 for 1 inch. Purl 1 row on right side of work for turnover. Then work ribbing of K1, P1 for 1 more inch. Bind off. Work other leg to correspond.
CROTCH PIECE—Using No. 4 needles, cast on 15 (17) sts. Work in stockinette st., (purl 1 row, knit 1 row) for 2½ inches. Bind off.
FINISHING—Sew underarm and sleeve seams of sweater. Seam shoulders for 1 inch at arm edge. Sew sleeves in armholes, matching underarm seams. Using No. 2 needles, pick up 28 sts. of back of neck. Work in ribbing of K1, P1 for ¾ inch. Bind off loosely, knitting the K sts. and purling the P sts. Join yarn at neck, pick up 48 (52) sts. around front of neck. Work in ribbing of K1, P1 for ¾ inch. Bind off loosely. Work 2 rows of S. C. around shoulder openings, making 2 button loops on each front shoulder by ch 2, skip 2. Sew buttons in place opposite button loops. Sew back seam of pants from top to point 2½ inches above leg ribbing. Sew front seam in same manner, leaving a ½ inch opening in top ribbing on front for cord. Fold ribbing on purl row and hem to wrong side of work. Fold crotch piece diagonally and sew in place from top of leg ribbing to end of long seam. Sew leg ribbings tog. Using a double strand of yarn, make a loose ch 28 inches long to run through waist ribbing.
Sandpiper & Mermaid Bathing Suit Patterns
Bye Bye Baby Set Pattern
Bunting Pattern
Afghan Pattern
Baby Mitts No. 2150 Pattern
Baby Mitts No. 2098 Pattern
Soaker No. 2175 Pattern
Romper No. 2088 Pattern
Romper No. 2135 Pattern
Soaker No. 2176 Pattern
Baby Sacque Pattern
Helmet Pattern
Minx Sweater Set Pattern
Runabout Sweater Set Pattern
Bairn Outfit Pattern
Little Girl Blue Dress Pattern
Little Boy Blue Outfit Pattern
Laddie Outfit Pattern
Lassie Outfit Pattern
Little Love Sweater & Beanie Pattern
Snow Fairy Outfit Pattern
Snow Pal Outfit Pattern
Marjorie Daw Outfit Pattern
Little Miss Muffet Sweater Pattern
Colleen V-Neck Pullover Pattern
Rascal Round Neck Pullover Pattern
Once Upon a Time Outfit Pattern
Hopscotch Sweater Pattern
Smarty & Sassy Sweater Patterns
Class President Sweater Set Pattern
Man About Town Sweater Pattern
Ice Nymph Sweater Set Pattern
Bobby Socks Pattern
Knee Socks Pattern
Girl's Mittens Pattern
Surplice Sweater Pattern