SIZES 8 (10-12).
NOTE—Underline or circle the numbers applying to the size desired. The first number in each group is for size 8, the second for size 10, the third for size 12.
MATERIALS—SPINNERIN CANDOUR 3 (3-4) skeins; small amount of contrasting yarn for embroidery; 1 24-inch circular needle No. 4; 1 pair knitting needles No. 4; 1 steel crochet hook No. 2; 5 button molds.
MEASUREMENTS—Chest 26½ (28-30) inches; waist 23 (24-25) inches; skirt length 16½ (18½-20) inches; waist to back of neck 12 (13-14) inches.
GAUGE—7 sts. = 1 inch. 10 rows = 1 inch. Accurate gauge is essential.
PATTERN—Stockinette Stitch (knit when working around—knit 1 row, purl 1 row when working back and forth).
SKIRT—Using No. 4 circular needle, cast on 380 (390-400) sts. and join, being careful not to twist sts. Work in pattern as follows: *K35 (36-37), P1, K1, P1 and repeat from * to end of round. Repeat this round until skirt measures 2 (2-2½) inches. Dec. 1 st. at the beg. and end of each K 35 (36-37) panel, thus dec. 20 sts. in round. Repeat this dec. every 2 inches; 5 (6-7) times more, then every inch 4 (4-5) times more; (180 (190-200) sts.). Work ½ inch even or desired length. Bind off all sts. Do not break yarn. Work 2 rows of S. C. around top of skirt, holding waist in to 23 (24-25) inches. Work 2 rows of S. C. around bottom of skirt.
TOP—BACK—Using No. 4 needles, cast on 90 (94-100) sts. Work in stockinette st., inc. 1 st. each end of needle every 1¼ inches 3 times; (96 (100-106) sts.). Work even until back measures 4½ (4¾-5) inches. At the beg. of each of the next 4 rows, bind off 6 (7-7) sts. Dec. 1 st. each end of needle every other row 7 (6-8) times; (58 (60-62) sts.). Work even until armhole measures 7 (7½-7¾) inches straight up from underarm. At the beg. of each of the next 4 rows, bind off 6 (6-7) sts. Bind off remaining 34 (36-34) sts. for back of neck.
LEFT FRONT—Cast on 48 (50-53) sts. Work in stockinette st., inc. 1 st. at arm edge every 1¼ inches 3 times; (51 (53-56) sts.). Work even until front measures 4½ (4¾-5) inches from start. At arm edge, bind off 6 (7-7) sts. twice, then dec. 1 st. at arm edge 7 (7-8) times. AT SAME TIME, when binding off for armhole, at front edge, bind off 4 (4-4) sts., 4 times, then dec. 1 st. at neck edge every other row 4 times; (12 (12-14) sts.). Work even until armhole measures 7 (7½-7¾) inches straight up from underarm. At beg. of arm edge, bind off 6 (6-7) sts. twice. Work right front to correspond, reversing shaping and making a buttonhole as follows: when work measures ½ (¾-¾) inch from start, starting at center front edge, K3, bind off 3, knit to end of row. On next row, cast on 3 sts. over those bound off on row below. Repeat this buttonhole every 1¼ (1¼-1¼) inches 3 times more, (4 buttonholes in all).
FINISHING—Sew underarm and shoulder seams. Work 3 rows of S. C. back and forth around each armhole. Starting at neck shaping on right front, work 2 rows of S. C. around neck. Fasten off. Starting on bottom at right side seam, work 1 row of S. C. all around entire jumper top. Embroider suspenders in ch. st. on front and back on 3rd st. from edges of shoulder leaving 6 sts. for width of suspender. Embroider flowers as shown in illustration. Cover button molds with S. C. embroidering a flower in center of each button before closing around back of mold. Sew top to skirt.
BELT—Cast on 7 sts. Work in stockinette st. for 25 (26-28) inches. Make a buttonhole by binding off center 3 sts. On next row, cast on 3 sts. in place of those bound off. Work 1½ inches more in stockinette st. and bind off. Work 2 rows of S. C. around entire belt, mitering corners. Sew button in place.
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